The recording of the second episode was completed smoothly. Of course, this was the result of including Hao Mengling and Xixi, the mother and daughter.

Because Hao Mengling and Xixi couldn't stand the task they were drawn, they took the initiative to ask for less shots.

So the two of them appeared in the second episode for less than ten minutes in total.

In order to prevent the program from being questioned and denounced by Hao Mengling's fans after it was broadcast, the director specially asked Hao Mengling to record a VCR to explain that she was absent from the recording of the second episode due to physical discomfort.

"Director, you did a great job."

After learning about this, Meng Fan praised the director's approach.

"Alas, there is no way, this woman is too difficult to deal with, we have to be on guard, otherwise it will be our production team that will suffer."

After finishing the recording of the second episode, Xu Mochen and Xu Ru'an finally returned home.

They were both exhausted this time, mainly because they usually don't do heavy work, so after working on the farm for two days, they were almost falling apart.

【My back and waist are sore, it's not easy, I'd better not accept this kind of variety show next time.

Xu Zerui looked at Xu Ru'an who was lying on the bed motionless with a smile,"An'an, you must be exhausted, I told you long ago that being a big star is not good at all, let's see if you still want it next time."

Xu Ru'an was so tired that she didn't want to pay attention to the gloating Sixth Brother. At this time, Xia Chuling called her via video.

"An An, are you back after recording the show?"

"Well, I'm back, Brother Chu Ling."

Hearing that the brat Xia Chu Ling came to see An An again, Xu Zerui was furious.

"That’s great, An An. Uncle Xia and I have moved to the house next to An An’s. Do you want to come over and play with me now?"

"Huh? What?"

Xu Ru'an was startled and sat up from the bed.

"Brother Chu Ling, are you telling the truth?"

"Well, we moved here two days ago. I thought I would give you a surprise after you come back from the show, An An."

"Wow! That's great! Brother Chu Ling, wait for me at home, I'll come find you now!"

Xu Ru'an quickly jumped out of bed, ready to change clothes and go find Xia Chu Ling.

"An An, what's going on? Aren't you very tired? Why do you suddenly want to go out again?"

Xu Zerui held An An's hand,"An An, did something happen to Xia Chuling?"

"Well, it’s a big deal!"


Xu Zerui was very conflicted when he heard that Xia Chuling was in trouble, and it was a big deal. After all, Xia Chuling had saved An An several times, although that was because he had improper thoughts about An An, but it was not a crime punishable by death.

And he was not so petty that he would not save someone from death.

"An An, don't worry, Xia Chuling will be fine, Sixth Brother will go with you to save him."

It is obvious that Xu Zerui has misunderstood something.

"Huh? Sixth brother, why did you go to save brother Chu Ling?"

"Didn't you say that Xia Chuling was in trouble? Don't worry, Sixth Brother is not so petty. When it comes to matters like life and death, Sixth Brother is still clear-headed."

Xu Ru'an had no idea what his Sixth Brother was talking about at this moment.

"Sixth brother, I think the advice from parents and fifth brother is right. You should really go to second brother to make an appointment and have a good look at the problem with your brain."

"An An, what's wrong with you? Sixth Brother has already put aside his grudges and gone with you to help Xia Chuling, and you still say this about your Sixth Brother."

Xu Zerui was aggrieved. These people all thought they had a problem with their brains. It was enough.

【Oh, I was wrong. I shouldn't have said it so clearly in front of Sixth Brother. It really hurt his self-esteem.】

【Be more tactful next time. Otherwise, you should first tell your second brother and ask him to arrange for your sixth brother to go for a comprehensive checkup.

Xu Zerui was so upset that he almost doubted whether he was really sick in the head.

"An An, if Xia Chuling is okay, why are you in such a hurry to go?"

"It’s true that I was in a hurry to find Brother Chu Ling, but it wasn’t because Brother Chu Ling was in trouble, but because he just told me on the phone that he and Uncle Xia moved next door to our house."

"What! That brat Xia Chuling lives next door to us now?"

Xu Zerui remembered that there were indeed quite a few people coming in and out next door these days.

But he didn't care at all. Before, people from the Lin family lived next door, but the Lin family was cleared out by their Xu family, and then the next door became empty again. Xu Zerui thought that no one would live next door for a long time, but now Xia Chuling and his family actually moved in?

Xu Zerui had a very bad feeling. Could it be that this brat wanted to take advantage of the situation?

"Sixth brother, I'm going to go find Brother Chu Ling"

""No! An'an, come back here!"

But An'an had already run out, and Xu Zerui didn't have time to stop him.

When An'an went downstairs, he met Mo Yaoyao, and he quickly told Mo Yaoyao that Xia Chuling had moved to live next door.

So, Mo Yaoyao accompanied Xu Ru'an to the next door.

And Xu Zerui followed behind, he was really worried about letting An'an go to find Xia Chuling alone.

And Mo Yaoyao, she was led astray by her mother. Judging from her and her mother's attitudes, the two of them must support An'an and Xia Chuling getting along, so it's not reliable at all.

When Xu Ru'an and the other three stood at the door, Butler Ouyang had already seen it through the surveillance at the door.

And his young master also told him that Xu Ru'an and the others would come.

So Butler Ouyang quickly opened the door for the three of them and invited them in. As soon as Xu Ru'an walked in, the little cat Naian walked towards him with cat steps, and rubbed Xu Ru'an's trouser legs with his little head.

Xu Ru'an smiled and squatted down, and his chubby hands gently stroked Naian's head.

"Cream, do you miss me?"

"An An, I miss you as much as Naiyou does!"

Xia Chuling also walked to Xu Ru'an's side and smiled brightly at her.

"Humph, what's there to think about!"

Xu Zerui stared at Xia Chuling angrily, with a bad tone.

""What do you want to do by moving here

, you little brat?" Xia Chuling was also very surprised when he first learned about the move.

Two days ago, Xia Yifan called him over and told him about the move.

"Uncle Xia, are we really going to move next door to An An?"

"Yes, what's wrong, you don't want to?"

Xia Chuling shook his head quickly. Of course he was willing, and he was very happy!

At that time, Xu Ru'an and Xu Mochen were still recording a program outside, so in order not to disturb them, Xia Chuling did not tell An An the news immediately.

"Brother Zerui, it was Uncle Xia who decided to move here. He said he had already bought this place and we will live here from now on."

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