Xu Ru'an and his friends arrived at the aquarium first. Although he was a little annoyed by Sixth Brother's abnormal behavior today, he still stayed at the door and waited for Xu Zerui.

"An'an, Sixth Brother knew you wouldn't just abandon me like this."

After parking the car, Xu Zerui walked over quickly and saw Xu Ru'an waiting for him at the door. Xu Zerui was moved and hugged Xu Ru'an

【Alas, although Sixth Brother is a little silly, he is our brother after all, so what can we do but spoil him. 】

They went to watch the dolphin show first. Along the way, Xu Zerui carried An An and was very wary of Xia Chuling. Whenever Xia Chuling wanted to talk to An An, Xu Zerui would either walk away quickly with An An or suddenly change the subject by talking about something else.

In the dolphinarium, everyone was ready to sit down and watch the show that was about to begin.

However, Xu Zerui had a small conflict with Xia Chuling because of the seat allocation.

"Brother Zerui, why do you want to sit between me and An'an? I want to sit with An'an."

Xu Zerui did it on purpose, but he would never admit it in front of An'an.

"I like to sit in this seat, is that not okay? These seats don't have names engraved on them, I can sit wherever I want, what right do you have to control me, kid?"

Xia Chuling was speechless after being confronted by Xu Zerui, and could only look at Xu Ru'an helplessly. Now An'an's sister Yaoyao sat next to An'an.

Xia Chuling thought that maybe he could change seats with Mo Yaoyao, so that he could still sit next to An'an.

But just as he had this idea, Xu Zerui saw through it.

"Xiaogui, you should just sit here and watch the show. If you sit in Yaoyao's seat, I will carry An'an to your seat. Anyway, you can't sit next to An'an today, unless I die!" Xia

Chuling's eager heart collapsed instantly. At this moment, the host on the stage announced that the dolphin show had officially begun. Xia Chuling had no choice but to sit down and watch the show.

Seeing Xu Zerui's victorious attitude, Xu Ru'an, who had been watching from the side, sighed helplessly.

【Sixth brother is really too childish, and today he is the most childish. After I go back, I will tell my father and others that next time, we can't let Sixth brother go out to play with us. 】

In this way, Xu Zerui was once again awarded the title of childish, but Xu Zerui didn't care at all. In short, he would protect An An even if he died today, and couldn't let Xia Chuling, the stinky boy, miss An An! The dolphin show was much more exciting than expected, and Xu Ru'an and the others watched it with relish.

After the dolphin show was over, it was almost noon, and the three children were hungry, so a picnic on the grass was on the agenda.

This time, as soon as the mat was laid, Xia Chuling took the initiative and successfully sat next to Xu Ru'an. The two sat together intimately, and Xia Chuling even fed Xu Ru'an fruit.

This made Xu Zerui's eyes blaze with anger,"Xia Chuling! Does An An have no hands? He can eat fruit by himself, so why do you need to feed him!"

Xia Chuling had already seen that Xu Zerui was deliberately targeting him today, and the obvious reason was because of An An.

So he smiled and said slowly:"Brother Ze Rui, but I just want to feed An An, what should I do?"

Butler Ouyang had just put the lunch box on the table when he saw that his young master had angered the sixth young master of the Xu family again, and he also had a headache.

"Master Xu, I'm sorry that my young master has caused you trouble."Xu

Zerui snorted coldly and took a big bite of the rice ball handed to him by Butler Ouyang.

"An An, here's some fried chicken for you. Didn't you say you like fried chicken? I asked Auntie to make this fried chicken popcorn especially for you. Come and try it and see if it tastes good."

Xia Chuling knew all of An An's hobbies, so he thoughtfully squeezed ketchup on the popcorn chicken and then fed it to An An.

"Mm! Delicious! Brother Chu Ling, An An likes this popcorn chicken!"

"Just like it. My aunt can cook all kinds of delicious food. An An, you can come to my house often and I will ask my aunt to cook for you."

"Okay, thank you Brother Chuling."

Originally, it was a very normal invitation between children, but in Xu Zerui's opinion, this was simply a disguised scam!

It is said that the best way to win a man's heart is to tie his stomach.

Obviously, Xia Chuling knows the ins and outs of this. Knowing that An An likes to eat delicious food the most, he would use delicious food to tempt An An and want An An to go home with him.

Xu Zerui's anger soared, and half of the rice ball in his hand had been squeezed to pieces by him.

Butler Ouyang was terrified and could not help but mourn for his young master in his heart.

Seeing that the rice ball in Xu Zerui's hand was about to fall, Xia Chuling began to make up for it:"Brother Zerui, even if you don't like to eat this rice ball, you don't have to take it out. Our kindergarten teachers often teach us that there are still many children in this world who can't even get enough food, so we must cherish food."

Because of Xia Chuling's words, An An and Yaoyao turned to look at Xu Zerui.

""Sixth brother, Brother Chuling is right, we can't waste food, you can't throw away the rice ball!"

Even Yaoyao nodded and agreed with An An and Xia Chuling's words:"Brother Zerui, if you are so disobedient, Yaoyao and An An will dislike you."

This time Xu Zerui completely exploded,"I don't want to throw away the rice ball! I want to eat all of this rice ball! An An, you and Yaoyao, don't listen to what Xia Chuling, that brat, says, he is clearly messing with me!"

He was so angry that Xu Zerui stuffed the whole rice ball into his mouth. Because he ate too hurriedly, he choked and started coughing violently. Fortunately, Butler Ouyang brought him water in time.

Damn it, Xu Zerui was defeated by Xia Chuling this time.

【What happened to Sixth Brother today? Why does he seem to be getting dumber and dumber? How about we ask Second Brother to check Sixth Brother after we go back? I hope he didn’t hit his head and his brain is not working properly. 】

Well, after choking on the rice ball, Xu Zerui, who was drinking water, choked again.

Seeing this, Xia Chuling raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and his mood improved a lot.

And Xia Chuling’s smile happened to be caught by Butler Ouyang and Xu Zerui.

Butler Ouyang was slightly stunned and didn’t say anything.

But Xu Zerui was different. He was completely broken again.

He was sure that Xia Chuling did it on purpose. Well, he was so scheming at such a young age. Sure enough, their Xu family’s baby An An must not be fooled by a little green tea boy like Xia Chuling.

Xu Zerui swore in his heart: Xia Chuling! Let’s wait and see. I, Xu Zerui, will never let you, a stinky boy, continue to harm our baby An An!

Xu Ru'an was unaware of the turbulent situation between his sixth brother and his brother Chu Ling. His mind was now filled with thoughts about his sixth brother's mental abnormality.

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