The War of Resistance

Chapter 902: persuade

On the 1st day of the South Huaihe River, since the army could not attack the Huaihe line of defense, it started a frenzied attack in the north.

The battle on the front line of ly has become more and more intense.

After arriving at Gaogang, a person looked at the black smoke rising in the distance and said, "I don't think I should listen to you just now."

The person who spoke was blind man Hao

"Then wait there to die?" Shang Zhen, who was with Hao Xiazi, was very disapproving.

Previously, the village they guarded was first bombarded by the Japanese army indiscriminately, and then Hao Xiazi Company fought with the attacking Japanese infantry.

When they repelled the Japanese attack, only half of Hao Xiazi's company remained.

But if that's the case, it's fine, but they are running out of ammunition, and at that time Shang Zhen heard the roar of Japanese armored vehicles coming from ahead.

When they observed again, they found four Japanese tanks in front of them.

In that case, if Hao Xiazi's company still had grenades, Shang Zhen would not have persuaded Hao Xiazi to retreat, but they only had a few grenades left in their entire company.

From Shang Zhen's point of view, use grenades that don't exceed five fingers to blow up four Japanese armored tanks? What an international joke!

That's why Shang Zhen persuaded Hao Xiazi to give up his position. In that case, they would be dead if they stayed in that village!

"How can that be called waiting to die? That's called being on the ground!" Blind Hao said angrily.

"What?" As a fellow veteran, Shang Zhen looked at Blind Hao with a surprised look. It was the first time he had heard this word.

After a while, Shang Zhen, who had recovered from his astonishment, retorted unceremoniously: "Quickly pull it down! I have fought since September 18th, and there are no one who dares to defend the position like that. I haven't seen any We Chinese have really won positional battles! Instead, we lost countless positions.”

"Then become a deserter?" Ma Erpao, who was lying on the other side of Hao Xiazi, said dissatisfiedly.

"Go away!" Shang Zhen said bluntly, "I dare not say that I have killed too many devils. It is enough to kill one of your companies from the beginning to the present. How dare you say that I am a deserter? Who are you?" !"

Shang Zhen has now discovered that you can't be polite when talking to Hao Xiazi and his group. They all have a cannonball temper. If you are polite to them, they will think you don't know how to count and will run on words and deeds you.

"You may be right, but soldiers have to obey orders from above.

We are guarding ly now. If ly is lost, Little Japan will fight Taierzhuang. After beating Taierzhuang, it will fight Xuzhou.

So our position should not be lost! "Hao Xiazi, the company commander, is sometimes very muddled, but it doesn't mean he is irrational and unable to think, otherwise how could he follow Shang Zhen's suggestion and withdraw?"

Shang Zhen saw that Xia Xiazi repented, so he looked left and right, and saw that the veterans under Hao Xiazi were all looking at them who were talking, but no one added anything.

Of course Shang Zhen understood what these soldiers were thinking, and they also wanted to survive, but as a soldier, since Commander Pang ordered to defend Ly, the military order and the honor of the soldiers prevented them from retreating, and if they died, they would die.

This is similar to what the Northeast Army said, "Be proud of death and be ashamed of life."

Why is there a single muscle in his head? Shang Zhen felt a headache.

He couldn't say that it was wrong to defend the position, but Shang Zhen would never do such a thing with his own body against the superior firepower of the Japanese army.

However, Shang Zhen is Shang Zhen, and soon he had a new statement: "Let me put it this way, it is an option for you to retreat."

"You just said a **** flower, and we also abandoned our position." Blind Hao said dissatisfiedly.

"Then let me ask you, if we are still in that village, do you think we are dead or alive?" Shang Zhen asked back.

When Shang Zhen asked this question, the veterans under Hao Xiazi began to exchange glances.

In fact, it doesn't matter whether they hand over or not, and they don't have to deceive themselves. If they are still in that village now, just one of them counts as one, and they are all dead.

"They're all dead, right?" Shang Zhen continued to ask, but no soldier answered, and Hao Xiazi didn't answer either, just because what Shang Zhen asked was nonsense.

They couldn't blow up the Japanese tanks, and they didn't even have many bullets left. There was no other possibility to fight the Japanese army except to die. The only difference was to see if they could kill a Japanese devil before dying. it's

"So can it be said that we have already died once in that village?" Shang Zhen tried to persuade.

Still no one answered Shang Zhen, but the veterans headed by Hao Xiazi had acquiesced to Shang Zhen's statement.

"Since we've already died once, why don't we change the way of death this time?" Shang Zhen's tone was a question, but it might as well be a suggestion.

"Should I be killed by the supervising team instead of being a deserter?" Ma Erpao teased beside him.

"Shut up!" This time without waiting for Shang Zhen to say anything else, Blind Hao spoke, and then he looked at Shang Zhen and said, "What else do you have in mind?"

"It's not far from dark, let's go back to that village again, don't care if we can take that village back, but it's always okay to kill more little devils, right?" Shang Zhen said.

He said so while observing Hao Xiazi's expression, and he didn't know if Hao Xiazi's tendon could be turned around.

Seeing Hao Xiazi's face was uncertain, Shang Zhen thought for a while and persuaded: "We will definitely not be able to handle the little devil's tank with our pile of pieces.

But if we fight at night, at least we can fight the little devil hand-to-hand. If we fight the little devil's tank, it will be 30-70, no, it is 19-90, and we are close to death.

But if you're in hand-to-hand combat with the little devil, even if you can't split 50-50, you have to split 40-60, right? "

Shang Zhen's statement is so simple and easy to understand that it can no longer be easy to understand.

After a while, Hao Blind finally thought about Mo Er's arrival, and scolded with a smile: "Are you **** doing business with me?"

Seeing Hao Xiazi's attitude, Shang Zhen knew that Hao Xiazi must have agreed with his suggestion, so he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

He really wants to Fighting devils is not like doing business. It costs a lot of money to accomplish big things, so you can't do business that loses money!

However, since Xia Xiazi had agreed to his suggestion, Shang Zhen would not say anything more.

It was already afternoon, the sky was overcast, and the thick smoke from the Japanese bombing in the distance almost merged with the sky.

"It would be better if it rained, so that the little devil's tanks and armored vehicles would lie down.

But even if the little devil's tanks and armored vehicles are lying on the ground, we'd better get some grenades somewhere! Blind Hao sighed.

He had already agreed with Shang Zhen's suggestion, and planned to attack the Japanese army at night, but without grenades, it would be limited to rush into a village occupied by the Japanese army!

However, maybe there was a so-called providence in the dark, after more than half an hour, an observation post sent by Hao Xiazi suddenly came back in a hurry and reported that there was a grenade!

It turned out that there was a soldier in the battalion who went back to carry ammunition and came back with about 30 boxes of grenades, but when they came back, the battalion headquarters had already been occupied by the Japanese army!

They could only avoid the Japanese army, but they happened to be caught by Hao Xiazi's observation post!

"Another way to die, **** it!" Seeing that the grenade was in place, blind Hao muttered, and then suddenly asked Shang Zhen beside him, "You won't escape during the night battle, will you?"

Shang Zhen didn't answer, if he wanted to run, he would have run early, but now he was looking at a soldier not far away who was taking a nap with a rifle.

He thought to himself, there should be someone who escaped during the night battle, but it couldn't be me.

The soldier Shang Zhen was looking at had his eyes closed, but if the soldier opened his eyes, everyone would find that the soldier had one big eye and the other small, that is a pair of big and small eyes!

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