The War of Resistance

Chapter 901: A storm caused by a pig (4)

"Is it fragrant?" Old Mao Wang asked the little dustpan who was leaning on the bed.

"Incense!" The little dustpan replied.

He was holding a bowl of porridge with sweet potato and lean meat in his hand.

That is to rotten the sweet potatoes, and then tear the same rotten pork into thin strips and put them together with the sweet potatoes.

As far as this food is concerned, even today's Chinese landlords and rich families can't be like this every day!

"I will work hard to make incense, and I will bring you a bucket!" said Ma Erhuzi next to him.

"Then you can't eat too much at one time, take your time, anyway, it won't be bad if it's cold for a while." Old Mao Wang said again.

Don't look at Old Mao Wang who looks like a beard, but now looking at the delicious little dustpan with his head buried in the food, his expression is really a kind old man.

"Little Shiwan, you have a share too!" Old Mao Wang greeted Shi Xiaowan who had been taking care of the dustpan.

"Have you all eaten?" Shi Xiaowan asked even though he took the bowl that also contained sweet potato and lean meat porridge.

"You said how old you are, you little brat, why are you so worried!" Ma Erhuzi laughed, "Don't worry, we've eaten everything, and we've already gnawed on big bones!"

When Shi Xiaowan heard what Ma Erhuzi said, he stopped talking, and he also started to drink porridge.

"Hey, where are the two little nurses who are in charge of you?" Old Mao Wang asked again.

"I can move, don't worry about myself, there are dozens of wounded." The little dustpan answered vaguely while drinking porridge.

Old Mao Wang said "Oh" and stopped talking.

Looking at the little dustpan now, the reason why they brought a wooden bucket of porridge was not just for the little dustpan, but also for the small stone bowl and the two little nurses.

In fact, it is true that Wang Laomao and the others ate sweet potato porridge, but the porridge was only boiled in broth, and they just put some fat meat in it, but the good meat was really reserved for the small dustpan.

Shi Xiaowan has been taking care of Xiao Dupan, he is the oldest among them, so it doesn't hurt to eat more meat.

As for the two little nurses, they are obviously good to the little dustpan. At least now, the little dustpan can be considered as living in a single room. From this point of view, Wang Laomao and the others are only good at taking care of the little dustpan. More wholeheartedly not.

Old Mao Wang was looking at the little dustpan and drinking porridge, when footsteps were heard outside the house, and Qian Chuan'er pushed the door open.

When Old Mao Wang listened to the door and looked up, he saw Qian Chuaner's anxious expression, and before he could ask, Qian Chuaner said: "It's not good, the company commander brought people to the hospital. Earlier our people saw their people coming back from the woods."

"Damn it, this **** is sincerely trying to make things difficult for us!" Old Mao Wang said angrily, and when he got angry, the colloquial words would naturally come out.

But what he was thinking in his heart was that he was really discovered by the Northwest Army, so he had to think of a way to fool this matter.

But this matter is not easy to be fooled. When they came over, they brought a large bucket of sweet potato and lean meat porridge, which was seen by the people in the hospital.

Old Mao Wang and the others were really careful about stealing pigs this time, and they had made a plan of action in advance.

Some people stepped on the spot in advance to see who had pigs nearby, such as the thief Bai Zhan.

Someone went to steal a pig. When stealing a pig, someone directly smashed the pig with a stick, then directly strangled the pig's mouth with a rope, and then two strong men carried the pig back.

And the reason why the pig was smashed with a wooden stick instead of directly stabbed to death with a bayonet is that it is okay for veterans to stab the enemy's vitals at night, but it can be said to stab the pig's vitals with one knife, sorry , They really don't have that ability.

Besides, pigs are not human after all. According to their experience of watching others kill pigs, even if a knife is stabbed in from the neck of the pig to the vital part, the pig will howl for a while.

What's more, if they killed the pigs in the pigsty, they would inevitably leave bloodstains when they retreated after killing the pigs. Don't let the common people chase them to the station with their beards on their heads. Hats off to their group is not just a matter of losing their hands.

With the execution ability of the veterans, the pig stealing went smoothly at the beginning, but who would have thought that when they **** the pig's four hooves and lifted them up with a pole, the pig that had been shaved by a stick Actually woke up.

The pig can squawk when it wakes up, thanks to the fact that they had wrapped a rope around the pig's long mouth in advance, they hurriedly mended the pig with a stick, and then Hu Zhuzi and Gu Man carried it back.

The pig was actually only one and a half big pigs, and it was less than a hundred catties, but there was no light load for the long journey, and when they carried it to the woods they had hoped for in advance, the two people who carried the pig were already wet.

Happiness is not the sparse winter rain last night, never falling from the sky by itself.

It is so difficult to steal a pig without leaving traces, let alone defeat Japan, which is several times or many times stronger than China.

The so-called happiness and enmity only exist in the world of martial arts, and the so-called killing enemies like hemp only exists in the imagination of later generations.

It was only a few minutes later that the company commander who had searched Wang Laomao's residence and his men showed up in Xiao Dupan's ward.

And this time, there are dozens of soldiers brought by him. Obviously, they have some evidence!

The company commander didn't talk nonsense with Wang Laomao and said directly: "Okay, you Northeast soldiers are really good. In order to eat the pork from the common people, you even used the marching stove!"

have to! As soon as the company commander said that, Old Mao Wang knew that he must have gone to the woods.

As for how they found themselves these people were cooking porridge in the woods. There is no need to ask about this. If thieves in this world cannot be found by the police after committing crimes, then there will be no police.

The company commander saw Old Mao Wang grinning without saying a word, and said angrily: "You don't have to be unconvinced when you catch thieves, filth, traitors, and traitors. Didn't you bring a wooden barrel over here? Where's that barrel?"

After finishing speaking, the company commander glanced coldly at the little dustpan that was still leaning on the hospital bed, and said in his heart, these people are messing with me, but they are quite interesting to his brother.

Soon, the wooden barrel containing sweet potato and lean meat porridge was found by the company commander's soldiers.

However, the porridge in the bucket was almost gone, but the filth was still there, the sweet potatoes were still sweet potatoes, and there were still small but visible shreds of meat hanging on the wall of the bucket inside.

"Come on!" The company commander ordered loudly, this time he will arrest Wang Laomao and the others who don't obey the rules and put them in confinement! As for when it will be released, let's talk.

It's just that the company commander was about to give the order to arrest people, but found that the fifty-year-old Wang Mao was just looking at him with a smile. He thought to himself, isn't this old boy playing tricks on him?

He was thinking in his heart, when suddenly another soldier from their fifty-ninth army ran in and shouted: "I said, where are those Northeast soldiers, do you still have porridge? Our regiment leader wants more!"

For a moment, the company commander was stunned.

He looked at Old Mao Wang who was still standing there without saying a word of excuse, and suddenly understood what was going on.

These shriveled kids from the Northeast actually distributed the bucket of porridge with sweet potato and lean meat to the wounded in the hospital to eat!

The hospital is the hospital of their Fifty-ninth Army, and the wounded in the hospital are all members of their Fifty-ninth Army except for the Northeast soldier who is leaning on the bed in front of!

The wounded, they were all wounded on the battlefield. People from the 59th Army also gave them the prepared porridge. A regimental commander of the Nineteenth Army.

How could he, the supreme officer who has been serving as the hospital's security force, not know about this matter.

But what kind of supreme officer is he? It's just a small company commander. Now the injured regiment leader wants to eat porridge from the Northeast. Although he is not affiliated with the regiment commander who wants to eat porridge, do he still dare to arrest those Northeast soldiers?

For a moment, the company commander hesitated.

But just at this time, a woman's crisp voice came from outside and said: "This is a hospital, why are you making people three floors in and out?"

As soon as the woman's voice came out, the eyes of the little dustpan on the hospital bed lit up, because he knew that another savior was coming.

Sure enough, the female nurse Zhang Zimu separated from the crowd and walked in.

Who is Zhang Zimu? Old Mao Wang and the others don't know, but how could the company commander not know?

Zhang Zimu is the goddaughter of their army commander. As long as Zhang Zimu speaks in everything, let alone the company commander in charge of guarding the hospital, even the director of the hospital has to give some face!

"Stop making a fuss, don't you know that our team is going to start again?" Zhang Zimu said without a trace of stage fright under everyone's gaze.

"Let's go? Where are you going?" Hearing what Zhang Zimu said, two people asked at the same time this time.

One is the company commander, and the other is the small dustpan on the hospital bed.

"I heard that we are going north. The front line in the north is tight, and our army is going to join the war again." Zhang Zimu replied.

As expected of the military commander's goddaughter, the news came so fast!

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