The War of Resistance

Chapter 903: Death Squad who voted with their feet

"Whoever joins the death squad will be my brother Hao Xiazi in the future. I can't guarantee that you will not die, but I can guarantee that you will no longer be cannon fodder." This is what Hao Xiazi said when he began to encourage recruits to join the death squad.

On the other hand, Shang Zhen looked honest and dull, but actually watched Hao Xiazi's "performance" with great interest.

Hao Xiazi set up a death squad to attack the Japanese army in the village by night.

I don't know what this guy thinks, this time let him who wants to be a death squad sign up

This is interesting.

You blind man Hao led the Death Squad personally, can you guarantee that you will come back alive?

If you bet that Hao Xiazi will die in battle this time, who will join you as a death squad?

On the other hand, if Xia Xiazi personally leads the Death Squad and survives this time, then soldiers who don’t sign up for the Death Squad, regardless of whether they are new recruits or veterans, will have no good fruit in the future!

Intentionally or not, Hao Xiazi actually asked the soldiers a multiple-choice question, isn't that just a bet on whether Hao Xiazi will die?

Some of the recruits looked at Hao Xiazi timidly, and some lowered their heads, but they didn't say anything anyway.

As for the veterans under Hao Xiazi, they have already started to tuck grenades in their belts.

Shang Zhen noticed at this moment that Cai Chengwan glanced at him, and then the guy stuffed a grenade into his waist, and Cai Cheng made a move, his companion Caihu also started to take the grenade.

Ever since Shang Zhen revealed his status as a veteran, Cai Chengwan never tried to talk to them and kept a close distance from them. Shang Zhen was amused, but his expression was still the same as usual.

He naturally understands the truth that he would rather be a gentleman than offend a villain, and he also understands that this Cai Chengwan is actually the same kind of person as himself. Two words - calculating!

"Oh, you bunch of idiots and cowards! No one dares to go with me? Hurry up and let you all go to the **** charge!" Hao Xiazi saw that no one of the recruits came forward and said to join the Death Squad, Not happy anymore.

But that's what Hao Xiazi said, but the recruits still didn't move, but some of them turned their attention to Shang Zhen.

But who is to blame for this? If you want to blame, you can only blame the above.

In the past few days, an order came from above, but the recruits were no longer allowed to charge to death directly in the battle.

The reason is that the recent casualties of the 40th Army have been a bit heavy. There is no reserve team, and the source of troops is unsustainable. Regardless of whether it is new recruits or captured strong men, they are all treasures, so naturally they cannot be allowed to go. When cannon fodder.

Hao Xiazi and his battalion captured hundreds of strong men, except for a small part of them died at the beginning, the rest were assigned to the supplementary regiment, and some were assigned back to their battalion.

If that's the case, it's fine, but Hao Xiazi announced this order in front of these recruits.

The recruits were already daring to speak out about Hao Xiazi using them as cannon fodder, but this time the higher-ups will not allow them to be cannon fodder, so since you, Hao Xiazi, said that you voluntarily join the Death Squad, then I will not participate!

"Damn it!" Blind Hao finally couldn't help but start cursing, "Don't **** think I'm going to die, you wait for me to come back!"

After he scolded the recruits, he looked at Shang Zhen for a moment.

Shang Zhen didn't pay attention at first, but as the blind Hao scolded him more and more, Shang Zhen also felt that something was wrong. These recruits looked at him and huh?

But it only took a moment for Shang Zhen to understand what was going on.

"You're all staring at me? I'm a member of the Death Squad. Don't look at the fact that we don't have grenades in our waists now. We'll just carry a box up in a while." Shang Zhen said.

How could Shang Zhen not go when Xia Xiazi Zhang Luo led the Death Squad to carry out a night attack on the Japanese army? Just because the idea was originally his.

As for carrying a box of grenades, Shang Zhen really thought so, no matter how stupid he was, carrying a box of grenades would not tire them out, let alone that box couldn't hold too many grenades.

As soon as Shang Zhen said that he would also join the Death Squad, some of those recruits came out and went to get grenades from the rows of wooden boxes, but they just stood next to Shang Zhen after tucking in the grenades.

If there is one, there will be a second, and if there is a second, there will be a third. Suddenly, more than half of the more than forty recruits picked up grenades and leaned towards Shang Zhen!

Hao Xiazi wanted to lead the Death Squad to fight the devils himself, and there was no reason for his veterans not to follow, so the rest, except for a platoon leader and a few veterans appointed by Hao Xiazi to manage the remaining personnel, the rest were recruits.

Assuming that there are forty-one recruits, then thirty-one of them will stand beside Shang Zhen, which means that we have also joined the Death Squad, so are we still short of the remaining eleven?

So, those eleven people finally joined the Death Squad!

In this way, why do the remaining platoon leader and a few veterans stay there? Come on, they should also join the Death Squad, but their positions naturally belong to Hao Xiazi's part.

"Hey, hey, hey! This is so **** wrong!" At this moment, Blind Hao thought about it. He dared to believe that those recruits did not join the Death Squad, but they joined, but they would rather follow in the business. Behind the shock, he would never stand with him!

In this way, Hao Xiazi's company of more than a hundred people has become distinct. Those who follow Hao Xiazi are all veterans. But they are all recruits.

"I'm talking about the Northeast guy, you're **** good—if you want to divide power with me!" Hao Xiazi said, staring at Shang Zhen meaningfully.

If you say that Hao Xiazi's nickname is really not for nothing, the scar on the corner of his eye looks like an extra rash!

When a recruit stood beside him just now, Shang Zhen was also a little dumbfounded, but then he wanted to understand why the recruit followed him.

In the past few days, Shang Zhenjing has been training recruits.

With Shang Zhen's personality, how can he beat and scold recruits like the veterans of the army nowadays, and let the recruits play crawling in front with a stick, and give a stick to anyone who slows down!

Shang Zhen always took the lead in training soldiers.

The recruits are not stupid, they naturally know who treats them well, and they will inevitably die when they go to the battlefield, but following Shang Zhen at least makes them feel happy.

They have also discussed in private that if Shang Zhen is made the chief, they will follow behind Shang It cannot be said that they will not die, but at least Shang Zhen will not use them as cannon fodder!

So now that it is necessary to join the Death Squad, the recruits standing next to Shang Zhen are the result of voting with their feet!

It was a matter of life and death when they went to the battlefield, and the recruits also knew that they would never get along well with Blind Hao, so how could they care about Blind Hao's feelings anymore.

But in fact it was the same, sure enough, blind Hao was not happy, and Shang Zhen was not happy anymore!

If this is changed to ordinary people's thinking, if they are in Shang Zhen's position, they will definitely explain to Hao Xiazi and say something nice, for example, the company commander, you old man will always be my boss, how can I share power with you? Something like that.

Who is Ke Shangzhen? Seeing the recruits standing in line and Hao Xiazi's embarrassment, Shang Zhen suddenly laughed, and then said to Hao Xiazi: "I said the company commander, and I know why our 40th Army never retreats."

"What do you mean?" Blind Hao, who became ashamed because the recruits didn't listen to Ken Jia, didn't understand.

"Because I heard that Commander Pang and the brothers have always shared weal and woe." Shang Zhen said again.

"That's right, our Commander Pang—hey! That's not right! You Northeast guy, what do you mean I don't have **** with my brothers?" When mentioning their commander, Hao Xiazi naturally respected them very much, but then he said Realized, Shang Zhen was saying that he always used recruits as cannon fodder and offended those recruits!

Blind Hao saw Shang Zhen beating around the bush and saying that he was not just about to be impatient, but at this moment Shang Zhen said quietly: "After the night attack, I don't know how many will come back alive!"

The implication is that there is no need for you Blind Hao to be so impatient, maybe everyone will die for the country, and you are talking about the separation of powers and not the separation of powers, this fart is really boring!

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