The War of Resistance

Chapter 819: Unexpected joy and uncertainty

"Let us out!" Ma Erhuzi shouted, and then there was a knock on the door.

"Noisier, noisier, hang you all from the tree, you dare to speak ill of our commander behind your back!" Then there was a "boom".

The one who spoke was a soldier of the 59th Army guarding the door, but this "boom" was much more powerful than Ma Erhuzi's "boom" and "boom" when he smashed the door, because Ma Erhuzi was It was hit with a fist, but someone else hit it with a gun butt.

But Ma Erhuzi will never shut up just because the opponent used the **** of the gun.

"What did you do to our brother?" Ma Erhuzi shouted again.

"What's the matter? Pull it out and kill it!" The soldier guarding the gate replied angrily.

It's just that after the soldier said this, there was no movement in the house, and the soldier guarding the door was too lazy to talk to the people in the house, so he was happy to try to be quiet.

But at this time in that room, Old Mao Wang had just let go of Erhuzi Ma's arm, and that was when Old Mao Wang stopped Ma Erhuzi when he was about to smash the door again.

"Okay, let's stop, the little dustpan should be fine.

Think about it, the small dustpan is like that, if you throw it there, you will definitely die, why should it be pulled out and killed?

But is it possible to kill the little dustpan? They have no enmity with us, not to mention that everyone is fighting the Japanese devils. "Old Mao Wang analyzed.

"Then they arrested us, but they just left the little dustpan there?" Qiu Bo asked worriedly.

"I always feel that it is not possible. Our Northeast Army and Northwest Army have no enmity. I think our two families teamed up to arrest that old man in Xi'an back then.

So they are different from the Central Army. The Central Army is a direct descendant. Our Northeast Army and Northwest Army are all miscellaneous troops. If they don’t help us, they won’t make things difficult for us. "Wang Laomao said not very sure.

"Then they wouldn't lock us up for the treatment of the little dustpan, would they?" At this time, Gu Man also asked suspiciously.

Although Gu Man is also a veteran, after all, he joined Shang Zhen's team for a short time, but because he is a veteran, he knows that the friendship between veterans was forged in side-by-side combat, so he will not speak rashly to cause trouble. Shang Zhen and the old people are not happy.

"Then who knows? If they want to treat Little Dustpan's wounds, there's no point in kicking us out from the start, alas." Old Mao Wang sighed.

He couldn't figure it out either.

Old Mao Wang only understood why they were disarmed and arrested just now through what the soldier guarding them said.

Didn't the soldier outside the door just say that they dared to scold the army commander behind his back.

And why did they scold the commander of the 59th Army behind their backs? The army commander's surname is Zhang, but Qian Chuan'er insists that "there is no good person named Zhang". Isn't this just scolding the army commander?

However, it stands to reason that they were already very careful when they spoke, and they should not be heard by the guards at the entrance of the hospital, so it can only be that the partition wall has ears.

In the end, he was still careless, and the trouble came out of his mouth!

It's just that if these good guys got into trouble, they would probably be beaten up by the people of the 59th Army, but what should they do with the little dustpan that seems to have only one breath left?

Thinking of this, Old Mao Wang felt distressed and had a headache.

The distress is naturally because of the little dustpan.

One can imagine how hard it is for the little dustpan to survive the siege of the Japanese army, not to mention that he is very old, but he watched the little dustpan grow from a child year after year. grow into a good soldier.

The headache was naturally because he really couldn't think of a way to save the little dustpan.

Alas, it would be great if that little kid Shang Zhen could come along, maybe he can do something, but this little kid was injured again and couldn't walk.

Wang Laomao, who really couldn't figure out how to save the little dustpan, could only vent his anger on Shang Zhen in his heart.

It's just that Wang Laomao didn't know that at this moment, in the house of the hospital man not far from where they were imprisoned, a small dustpan that had been stripped to pieces was lying there on a simple wooden table. .

He was still in a coma, but even if he was awake, it was useless, because not only was he tied up, but he was also given anesthesia.

A doctor wearing a mouth mask and a white coat raised his hand holding a lancet to him.

Next to Doctor Nana, a female nurse was busy. She was also wearing a mask, but her black eyes were exposed.

You can't see a person's appearance just by looking at their eyes, but this female nurse's eyelashes are longer than ordinary women's.

Time passed little by little.

A soldier guarding the door glanced into the room through the window and saw that the soldiers of the Northeast Army who had scolded Commander Zhang in private had fallen asleep.

As for the sleeping posture, the older one fell asleep sitting on the broken chair, and the remaining four slept against the corner or lay directly on the cold ground.

"I don't care about my brother's life and death, and he still sleeps so **** fast, what a big heart!" The soldier said dissatisfiedly.

"It was said that they took Xiao Bengbu back last night, maybe they joined the war too." At this time, his companion interjected.

"Fuck, you're going to scold our army commander after joining the war?" the soldier said dissatisfied.

"Hey, everyone is a soldier. Just like us, they are all people who can't go home." Naturally, his companion couldn't speak for Wang Laomao and the others, but his words also revealed that they were very fond of Wang Laomao and the others. sympathy.

When the companion said so, the soldier felt something, but finally just "hummed" and didn't say anything.

Old Mao Wang and the others were indeed too tired and sleepy.

They fought the devils all night yesterday, and then they ran for dozens of miles to find a doctor with a small dustpan.

Time passed, the sun went down, and dusk came.

Old Mao Wang and the others are still sleeping.

But at this time, there was a "ding" sound in the room that was temporarily used as an operating room. It was a blood-stained 6.5mm pointed bullet that fell into a porcelain plate.

After more than ten minutes, the door of the operating room was pushed open, and the doctor who performed the surgery came out with a little stiff footsteps, and the little nurse followed him.

The two took off their masks at the same The doctor had a refined appearance in his forties, while the female nurse had delicate features, but she also showed fatigue.

"Doctor Hua, do you think he can survive?" the female nurse finally asked.

As a nurse, she participated in the whole process of operating on the little dustpan.

Of course she could tell that Little Dustpan was very young, but in terms of physical strength, he was better than ordinary soldiers nowadays.

It is conceivable how heroic this young soldier must have been in fighting the Japanese army, just because he had gunshot wounds on the front and back of his body.

If this young Northeast soldier really died in battle if he was not rescued, she knew that she would be sad.

"I don't know either. If he can survive until tomorrow morning and wake up, I think he will be fine." The doctor called Doctor Hua also answered uncertainly.

Healers can't save lives by treating illnesses, and sometimes they can only depend on the fate of the wounded.

Therefore, the life and death of Little Dustpan, the young soldier in the eyes of the doctors and soldiers, is still uncertain.

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