The War of Resistance

Chapter 818: walls have ears

A cellar fulfilled Shang Zhen and many of them, and everyone borrowed their strength.

First, Gao Yuyan, Gao Yuyan was helping the wounded at the temporary brigade headquarters at that time, and she discovered that there was a cellar there.

Precisely because of the indiscriminate shelling and bombing of Xiaobengbu Town by the Japanese army, the entrance to the cellar was blocked by broken bricks and rocks.

Due to the fierce fighting between the enemy and us, the Japanese army did not have time to clear the small Bengbu town, so they did not find that there was a cellar between the bricks and rubble.

After Gao Yuyan got out of trouble, Shang Zhen found out the location of the cellar through inquiry, and with his vivid thoughts, he thought of using the cellar hider to plant a "nail" for the Japanese army and fought a small victory.

And it seems that the same is true for the little dustpan, he must have thought of the cellar when he was desperate.

One cellar was used three times by Shang Zhen and the others, and it can be said that it was used to its full potential.

But for the little dustpan who was already unconscious on the stretcher at this time, the cellar could not be of much help at last.

A temporary stretcher was placed next to the courtyard wall of a family in the village, and a small dustpan with its eyes closed was placed on a single stretcher.

The condition of the little dustpan is very bad. Although the soldiers have tried their best to bandage his wound, his bloodstained body, his breathing like gossamer, and his pale face all seem to indicate that he is alive leave him anytime.

A few soldiers surrounded by the little dustpan were full of despair, and the one squatting on the ground smoking a cigarette was Old Mao Wang.

The noon sun shone down. Although the winter sun was not as bright and hot as the summer, the creases on Mr. Wang's face became more and more obvious.

It is said that a woman has a thousand faces, but why not a man?

At this time, Old Mao Wang is no longer the domineering and ruffian Wang Laomao, but an old man who is showing signs of aging.

In order to save Xiao Dupan's life, they inquired all the way to meet the troops of the 59th Army of the 51st Army of the Northeast Army who came to defend them, and they really found the frontline hospital of the 59th Army.

In order to save Little Dustpan Wang, Lao Mao did everything he should do and everything he could do.

This includes begging grandpa to sue grandma, begging others to save the little dustpan, and even Old Mao Wang almost kneels down.

The military doctor of the 59th Army did not turn them away, but a military doctor in a white coat came and checked the injury of the small dustpan, and said, "Prepare for the funeral." Then they left up.

Old Mao Wang didn't give up, and followed the other man's **** and asked again: "Doctor, please think about it again."

The military doctor answered him again: "There is really no cure, there is no medicine yet."

At that time, Ma Erhuzi, who was present at the scene and followed in, was angry and anxious. Although he was stopped in time by Wang Mao, the people who took care of the little dustpan were still carrying the small dustpan and were bombarded by the 59th Army out.

After being blasted out, people thought they blocked the door and were an eyesore, so they had to put the small dustpan a little far away from the door and close to the wall.

"Er Huzi, you shouldn't be in a hurry with that doctor (at that time), and beg him carefully, maybe he will show you again." Qiu Bo spoke in this oppressive atmosphere.

"What the **** do you think? Didn't they say that people are hopeless and there is no medicine? I didn't expect this gang of slashers to be so meaningless. I think we fought side by side with them back then!" There was still anger on his face. The colorless Ma Erhuzi said angrily.

The so-called "playing big swords" refers to those who use big swords. It is not a good thing to say that big swords are used. They all refer to the martial arts in the world, and they are not the same as those who sell strong pills and golden guns without pouring medicine. But it's also close.

Ma Erhuzi said this because he was angry.

What kind of army is playing big swords? Among the anti-Japanese troops, the Northwest Army is the most famous for using broadswords.

Wang Laomao and the others wanted to let others treat the wounded of their Northeast Army, so they naturally wanted to inquire about the background of the support army.

The 59th Army is one of the teams of the Northwest Army, even though it belongs to the Central Army in name.

During the Anti-Japanese War on the Great Wall, veterans like Shang Zhen and the others fought side by side with the Northwest Army. As the saying goes, "At the entrance of Xifeng, the wind roared, and the Japanese pirates' heads were chopped off and walked all over the ground."

But having said that, the Northwest Army is not the same as the one in front of us, just like the Northeast Army has several armies after the reorganization.

But isn't that how people are? Those relatives who are out of reach of eight sticks when asking others to do things have to be discussed, not to mention that it is about the life and death of the little dustpan, and they naturally need to get close to the people of the Northwest Army .

But it was precisely because they told the guard at the gate that they had fought side by side with the Northwest Army that the guard let them in, otherwise they would not even be able to see the doctor.

"Ma Erhuzi, please speak well, don't be arrogant with me, I'm not used to you!" Qiu Bo became angry when he saw Ma Erhuzi's appearance.

Seeing that Qiu Bo was impatient, Ma Erhu fell silent.

In terms of seniority, Qiu Bo is no worse than his two horses, but when Shang Zhen's team fights separately, Qiu Bo has always been a small leader.

"Your statement is wrong, you don't have a brain." Qiu Bo continued, but his tone had already slowed down.

"Why not?" Ma Erhu refused.

"The doctor said two things. The first one is that there is no cure, and the second one is that there is no medicine. If you listen to what he said, if he has medicine, he might be able to save the little dustpan. "Qiu Bo analyzed.

After Qiu Bo's analysis, the eyes of the people next to him, Qian Chuaner, Gu Man, including Ma Erhuzi and Wang Laomao who had been smoking, all lit up. Qiu Bo's analysis made sense.

Thinking about it, the Fifty-Ninth Army is not a direct-line army. It is normal to be short of doctors and medicines, but that is just a lack of medicines and medicines, which does not mean that there is no one! Then if the commander of their fifty-ninth army was shot, would the military doctor still say that there was no medicine?

But thinking of this, everyone's newly ignited hope felt shattered again.

"Even if there is medicine, the commander of the fifty-ninth army is useful, but it's not our little dustpan!" Qian Chuan'er sighed.

"Qian Chuan'er, you also asked about your internal skills, what is the name of their army commander." Old Mao Wang threw away the cigarette **** in his hand and asked.

"Which one of the soldiers will say what the commander's name is, they will say their commander's surname is Zhang." Qian Chuan'er replied.

Listening to Wang Laomao and Qian Chuaner's questions and answers, the three looked at Wang Laomao eagerly.

How much they need to have something to do with that army commander now.

But Old Mao Wang didn't say anything after he finished asking, and instead smoked out of the cigarette case again.

"Old Uncle Wang, what do you mean by asking this?" Ma Erhuzi asked anxiously.

"What can I mean?" Old Mao Wang asked back.

"I thought you asked what the commander's surname is, so it has nothing to do with him." Ma Erhuzi said as a matter of course.

"What relationship can I have with others?" Old Mao Wang said angrily, "If you can save Little Dustpan, I can call his grandson Grandpa.

What the hell, it doesn't matter at all, even if it's out of the fifth server! "

"Then we don't have anyone with the surname Zhang. If there is one with the surname Zhang, it's fine to bluff the doctor that he is a distant relative of their army commander." Ma Erhuzi fantasized.

"Pull it down, Zhang? Hmph, there are no good people named Zhang!" Qian Chuan'er, who had been silent by the side, said suddenly.

"Don't talk nonsense about you, both the commander-in-chief and the younger commander-in-chief are all surnamed Zhang." Old Mao Wang reminded in a low voice.

"I'm not talking about them, what I'm talking about is, does Zhang Bangchang know? Does Zhang Haipeng know? Does Zhang Changzong know?"

"I know Zhang Bangchang, the treacherous minister who opposed Yue Fei, are those two from Gaha?" Qiu Bo said.

Qiu Bo has heard "The Legend of Yue Fei" so he knows that Zhang Bangchang is a villain.

"Those two, Zhang Haipeng is the commander-in-chief's brother-in-law. I heard that he is now the biggest police chief in Manchuria." Qian Chuan'er replied, and no one knew where he heard about it.

"Damn, he's a big traitor!" Ma Erhuzi continued, "Where's the inner (that) one?"

"That Chutian is said to be a little boy raised by an empress in ancient times." Qian Chuan'er explained again.

"So it's someone who eats soft rice Ma Erhuzi understands.

"So, this guy with the surname Zhang, alas, who knows what kind of person that Commander Zhang is." Qian Chuan'er sighed, and he still didn't forget to glance at the guard standing at the gate of the courtyard after speaking.

Of course, he wouldn't let the guard hear bad things about the commander of the 59th Army, so he was very careful about what he said.

At this time, the soldier standing at the gate of the courtyard naturally saw Wang Laomao and the others talking all the time, but he really couldn't hear what Wang Laomao and the others were talking at that distance.

And Qian Chuan'er is not stupid, he also knows that the guard can't hear them clearly, so he will speak.

It’s just that Qian Chuan’er has overlooked an idiom that has existed in China since ancient times called “a wall has ears”.

People thought they were getting in the way at the entrance of the courtyard, so they drove them to the wall. Although the courtyard is very large, the wall is not thick. People who passed by listened to it.

It was a young female nurse. When Qian Chuaner said, "There are no good people who look good", her face has changed.

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