The War of Resistance

Chapter 820: Night

Under the dim kerosene lamp, a female nurse with long eyelashes and big eyes has taken off her mask and is sitting at a table.

And the one who shared the room with her was just a small dustpan that was almost wrapped in gauze.

The little dustpan was badly injured, and at this moment, the fire of his life seemed to be like the kerosene lamp on the table, and the soybean-sized light seemed to be extinguished at any time.

However, although the little dustpan was seriously injured, there was no injury on his face.

And after the operation, his face was wiped clean by the nurse, and the dim light added a touch of mystery to him, especially the outline formed by his eyes, ears, mouth and nose It makes people feel that he is the resolute and brave soldier who once killed the enemy on the battlefield.

The female nurse, who was about the same age as Xiao Dupan, rested her chin on her hand and looked at Xiao Dupan blankly, as if there were endless stories behind Xiao Dupan's face.

I don't know how long the female nurse stared at the small dustpan, and suddenly the door opened with a "squeak", and as the door was pushed open, the evening wind brought in the cold air from outside.

The young nurse who was sitting at the table looking at the little dustpan suddenly woke up and couldn't help but let out an "oops", just because the wind blew the small flame of the kerosene lamp almost flickering. Then it became dark, as if the fire of life in the little dustpan was about to be extinguished.

However, as the door was closed, the wind outside the house was blocked, and the blown flame on the kerosene lamp miraculously lit up again, and the light in the house returned to light.

"Oh, sister Zimu, I'm scaring you.

You are tired after the operation in the afternoon, go to rest, I will replace you. "The door opened because another, smaller nurse came in.

"It's okay, I'll stay for a while." The female nurse called "Zi Mu" replied.

"Then you stay for a while, I think you are not staying for a while, when I opened the door just now, I saw you were staring at others in a daze." The little nurse smiled lightly.

"What's so strange about being in a daze? I'm always in a daze when I see anything." Zi Mu also laughed.

It stands to reason that the gaze of a person who looks at everything in a daze must be dull.

For example, when a mental patient in a mental hospital looks at others, the eyes are not straight, but this Zimu is not, her eyes are lively and lively.

"I seem to have heard you say that when you look at flowers, plants, or objects, even if it is a banknote, a pipe or even a broken bowl for food, you will be dumbfounded.

Why, sister Zimu, can you see anything? "The little nurse asked curiously as she sat down at the table.

"How should I say it?" That Zimu raised her chin again and looked at the young soldier on the hospital bed. After thinking for a while, she said again: "For example, a banknote. Come out, and then begin to circulate in the world.

Maybe it entered the hands of the rich, and the rich spent it after eating, whoring, gambling, and smoking.

If the rich man buys pancakes and fruit, the money will go to an ordinary family. There is a filial son in that family, but his wife is sick. Into the pharmacy. "

"Stop! Sister Zimu, if you keep thinking like this, it's over!" The little nurse interrupted Zimu's reverie.

"Of course it's over." That Zimu rolled his eyes and smiled, "Then, the shopkeeper of the pharmacy took this money to a tailor surnamed Li, and the aunt surnamed Li took this piece of money. Qian then said, "Oh, my little daughter ordered a doll from childhood, and now she has grown up, so I just use this money to buy silk and satin as a dowry for her."

"Oh, sister Zimu, why did you arrange it on me?" The little nurse suddenly realized.

It turned out that her surname was Li, and her family also did needlework, and it was precisely because she was engaged to be a baby girl that she didn't want to marry so she ran away from home, and finally became a nurse with Zimu.

Seeing that he succeeded in fabricating, Zimu laughed his eyes into crescents.

"You're still talking about me, so tell me why you had to save this man from the Northeast? You used such a precious medicine, could it be that you fell in love with him? Now you're staring blankly at him again." The little nurse began to fight back

"Don't talk nonsense, girl." Zimu said angrily, "I don't know if he can survive now. I saved one of them because someone told them that there are no good people with the surname Zhang, and the other is Because this man was the first anti-Japanese fighter I saw, I was very curious about his story, and I wanted to revive him and listen to him tell me the anti-Japanese story.”

"Oh—I see, so you went to find your godfather, didn't you?" The little nurse known as Nanna understood.

"Yeah, my godfather of course wanted to save this soldier when he found out about this, and he also said that the Northeast Army is a friendly army, so he can't ignore it.

I'm really eager to know this man's battle story! He was shot four times, and I think he must be a great hero. "Zimu said while looking at the small dustpan with his eyes closed under the kerosene lamp.

It was already dark at night, and although the village where the hospital was located was not called the front line, it was also a front line hospital, so the village was now completely dark.

But then again, there is no need for the so-called blackout in rural China nowadays. Even some first-tier cities don’t have electric lights, let alone here.

So in the night, in the courtyard with the curtains drawn, there is a small dustpan whose life or death is unknown, that is the only dim light.

At this time, in the same village, in the darkness, a person suddenly stood up and sat up from the ground. Immediately, his body leaned against the wall, sweat was streaming from his head, and he himself was He was gasping for breath.

After a while, the man's breath calmed down.

"Twenty years old! I'm really old, even a dream can wake me up." The man muttered in a low voice, it was Old Mao Wang.

I'm afraid that Old Mao Wang will never mention it to anyone in his life. Old Mao Wang, who had been a beard, drank human heart soup and killed Japanese devils, was awakened by the dream, just like the soldier who just joined the army. Like a stick.

This, it's so frivolous!

"Oh, I hope the little dustpan is okay!" Old Mao Wang muttered again, and then stared at the ubiquitous darkness with his eyes, as if trying to figure out something.

The female nurse named Zimu was guarding the small dustpan. Old Mao Wang dreamed that the small dustpan died, so he was doomed to suffer from insomnia.

But at this time, in another village not far from the front line, Shang Zhen had already woken up.

They were all in the same darkness, but Shang Zhen felt warmth. He moved his hand subconsciously, and then his hand touched a woman's smooth hair.

Ok? Shang Zhen subconsciously lowered his hand, and this time he touched the slender waist of a young woman. Below the waist is the bulge of the human body.

What's wrong? Are you dreaming yourself? Shang Zhen, who had just woken up from hunger, checked again with his hands.

This time he confirmed that he was not dreaming, and that he was holding a person in his arms, a young woman who was destined to be as beautiful as a fish and a wild goose even though she couldn't see her face now, that was Gao Yuyan!

Shang Zhen is not Liu Xiahui, or even if he and Gao Yuyan were together for some reason, he did Liu Xiahui, but when a person just wakes up and has a weak mind, no one would be willing to do it or have the ability to do Liu Xiahui.

With the beauty in his arms, Shang Zhen's heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and he felt a certain change in his body and mind.

If, here is if, if Shang Zhen doesn't have that, he is destined to do something tonight.

But since it is an if, it is destined not to happen.

Just when Shang Zhen felt his body change, he suddenly frowned and his body trembled, because he felt pain in a certain part of his body.

It hurts so much!

The pain directly dispelled Shang Zhen's thoughts.

Yes, can it not hurt? Then if it doesn't hurt after being pierced for a while, how can he stay? He had already left with Wang Laomao and the others to find a way for the dying little dustpan!

ъìQυGΕtV.℃ǒΜ "Hello, Xiao Yan?"

"It's me, who are you?"

"Seven years ago, the girl in the Emily Hotel, do you remember?"

As soon as Xiao Yan heard "Emily Hotel", her breath was suffocated, and she asked in a trembling voice, "It's really you? You... where are you?"

Seven years!

He waited for this call for seven full years!

Although so many years have passed, the girl who appeared in his life like a short-lived epiphyllum has never been forgotten by him.

"Don't worry, I'm not here to trouble you, and I'm not demanding anything. I...I just can't worry about Amy." The woman paused, took a deep breath and said, " your daughter."

"What! My daughter?"

Xiao Yan exclaimed, and his heartstrings tensed instantly.

"She is six years old this year, very cute and very similar to you. I hope you can take good care of her for me after I leave."

"She is afraid of the dark and likes to sleep with her doll at night..."

Hearing the woman's words, Xiao Yan's heart skipped a beat, and he hurriedly interrupted her: "Don't worry about it, tell me if you have anything to do, I'll come to you right away, and I'll help you solve it."

"It's useless, you can't beat them..." The woman smiled wryly, "I'll send Amy to..."

Before the woman finished speaking, a man's voice suddenly came from the other end of the phone.

"Do you think you can hide?"

Then there was a scream, and a loud bang.

That was the sound of the phone falling to the ground!

Xiao Yan's heart skipped a beat, as if his heart had been hit hard, and he hurriedly shouted: "Hey, hey..."

No one answered!

Only the noise echoed and the signal was cut off.

"Damn it!"

Xiao Yan was so anxious that he almost crushed the phone.丅Zai Love Reading Xiaoxiao app

After a few seconds, the woman's cry came again from the phone.

"Let me go, let me go!"

"Xiao Yan, you must find Amy and take good care of her!"

"You promise me that you will take good care of her!"

"You promise me!!"

Hearing the heart-piercing voice, Xiao Yan's heart was bleeding, and he anxiously shouted into the microphone: "Let her go, let her go!"

But he shouted for a long time, but there was no response from the other end of the phone. But the woman's voice is getting farther and farther away, smaller and smaller, and more and more desperate!

Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!

Xiao Yan was very anxious.

He exchanged his youth and blood for this peaceful and prosperous world, but his woman and his own daughter were bullied!


Xiao Yan was furious like never before, a fire was burning in his chest, as if it was going to burn the whole world to ashes.

He wished he had grown wings and could fly over now.

Just when he was about to collapse, a man's disdainful voice came from the microphone of the mobile phone: "This **** still wants to find someone, haha..."

Xiao Yan hurriedly said sharply: "I don't care who you are, if you dare to touch a single hair on her, I will punish you!"

"Tsk tsk, what a big tone! I'm so scared!"

"You are that wild man. If you are really capable, come here quickly. Otherwise, in a few hours, I'm afraid you will never see her again."

"As for that little bastard, the end will be even worse, or his hands and feet will be broken, and he will be driven to the street to beg, or his heart and eyes will be gouged out, or he will become the target of some perverted old men to vent, tsk tsk, think It's so pitiful!"

The man's words were full of banter, disdain, and strong provocation.

"You court death!" wwω.ΧqQχs8.℃òm

Xiao Yan roared with red eyes.

"Wait until you find me, hehe..."

As soon as the voice fell, Xiao Yan only heard a crisp click, and the call was cut off.

"Damn it!"

Xiao Yan yelled loudly, and the viscous killing intent all over his body surged out like a tide.

In an instant, the situation changed, and the world was shocked!

Think of him, Xiao Yan, who has been in the army for ten years and wiped out more than a million At the age of only 27, he aspired to the supreme position with an invincible attitude, and was named Zhenguo!

Holding the monstrous power in his hand, with inexhaustible meritorious deeds!

There is no one before, and there will be no one in the future!

But now, if you can't even protect your own women and daughters, what can you do to protect these hundreds of millions of people?

The 3,000 Predator soldiers who were being trained outside the camp were shocked by the terrifying murderous aura, and all knelt on the ground on one knee, trembling.

The King of the Five Great Wars of Great Xia arrived after hearing the news.



Qiqi, the king of the Five Great Wars, stepped forward with a look of concern on his face.

"My lord, what happened?"

Mobei King Long Zhantian asked tremblingly, he had followed Xiao Yan for many years, and he had only seen such a terrifying killing intent once.

That was three years ago, because of the mutiny, tens of thousands of Mobei troops were trapped, and thousands of men died fighting hard.

One by one, Xiao Yan rushed into the enemy's base camp and beheaded the traitors among thousands of people.

In that battle, blood flowed into rivers and bones into mountains!

In that battle, 800,000 enemies were killed and terrified, they retreated far away!

That battle made everyone realize what it means to be angry with a supreme being, laying down millions of corpses!

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