The War of Resistance

Chapter 817: Topics about 1 cellar

"What? The little dustpan is still alive?" Gao Swift, who was sitting at the table in a farmhouse, jumped up excitedly and faced Shang Zhen.

Shang Zhen nodded in reply.

"Oh, then he is so powerful, how did he survive the siege of the little devil?" Gao Yuyan asked eagerly again, without noticing that she was already very close to Shang Zhen.

"If he survived, I have to thank you." Shang Zhen smiled, then slightly avoided the excited Gao Yuyan, reached out to help the table and sat down on the chair.

"Thank me for what?" Gao Swift was surprised.

"Guess." Shang Zhen replied.

"I guess?" Gao Swift was puzzled.

If not to mention that people's personalities are different, if the female student from Chutian was asked to guess, that silly Baitian wouldn't be able to guess at all.

That female student is a submissive master who likes others to decide her own destiny. Otherwise, why would Chu Tian, ​​who was seen as useless by veterans, become an omnipotent hero in her mind?

And Gao Yuyan is not stupid, she heard that the little dustpan was blocked in the town by the Japanese army, and now Shang Zhen said that the little dustpan was rescued and thanked herself, so she hesitated and guessed: "It wasn't he who hid it too Is it in the cellar?"

"Smart!" Shang Zhen gave a thumbs up sincerely, and he didn't know whether he praised Xiao Dupan for being smart or Gao Swift for being smart, or whether they were both smart.

Yes, the little dustpan survived, or at least not yet died. When Shang Zhen and the others rescued the little dustpan from the cellar, the little dustpan had passed out.

And the cellar that Gao Yuyan mentioned was also the cellar where she hid in order to escape.

Later, inspired by Gao Yuyan's hiding in the cellar, Shang Zhen even hid in that cellar with his gang and crawled out in the middle of the night to surprise the Japanese army.

Although Shang Zhen had already passed out when he saw the little dustpan, it is also conceivable that the little dustpan cleverly thought of the cellar under the siege of the Japanese army. It was also hidden in the cellar.

"How's the little dustpan, where's the person?" Gao Yuyan asked again.

"Seriously wounded, he was shot at least four times on his body, and also had a gunshot wound on his thigh, and passed out. Old Uncle Wang took a few people to send him to the rear.

People in our brigade said that the 59th Army of the Central Army came here. They have a hospital, so we sent the little dustpan there, but we don't know if we can save it. "Shang Zhen replied again.

"Oh, I was happy when you said that the little dustpan was rescued, but when you said that, my heart ached again." Gao Yuyan said helplessly.

There is no one in Shang Zhen's group who doesn't like the cleverness of the little dustpan, just like no one didn't like the honesty of the second fool back then.

Shang Zhen sighed, and he lay down on the table.

At that time, he was in a hurry to ask for the little dustpan, and Shang Zhen didn't have time to ask Qian Chuan'er for the details of saving the little dustpan.

But he was sure that the seriously injured little dustpan might have passed out at that time, but it should be the huge explosion that the Japanese army detonated the ammunition depot that woke him up, and finally he fired a warning shot.

And it just so happened that both the ammunition depot of the Japanese army and their gang were not far from the cellar, so the small dustpan was discovered.

Everyone's fate is really unpredictable!

"Didn't you take down Little Bengbu again? Why didn't you go with Old Uncle Wang?" Gao Yuyan asked again.

But after asking, she regretted it, because she could see the fatigue from Shang Zhen's frowning.

"I was injured a little, and the walk was inconvenient, so I didn't follow. By the way, do you have something to eat for me?" Shang Zhen said in a tired voice.

"Where did you get hurt, isn't it serious?" Gao Yuyan's heart was beating again.

"It's okay, it's just a slight injury and knocked, just take care of it." Shang Zhen replied.

"That's good. I'll get you something to eat. You haven't slept all night. If you get sleepy, you can catch up with me." Gao Yuyan said hastily.

Gao Yuyan went out of the house to get food for Shang Zhen, but when she came back with a bowl of rice, she saw that Shang Zhen had already fallen asleep lying on the table.

Shall I wake him up? For a moment Gao Swift hesitated.

He felt distressed for waking Shang Zhen up, but he couldn't bear to have Shang Zhen fall asleep without eating.

Just now, Shang Zhen only talked about the general situation of the small dustpan, and she didn't have time to ask for details.

In the end, Gao Yuyan still didn't wake up Shang Zhen, and looked at Shang Zhen with the tenderness of a woman.

But right now in this village, those soldiers who didn't go with Wang Laomao were lying or lying crowded in a room.

After fighting all night, they were all sleepy, but the little dustpan was still alive. Although life and death were also uncertain, it was a good news after all. At this time, they were also talking about the cellar.

"Maybe after a few years, we will win this battle, and the cellar should be preserved." Chu Tian said.

"What do you keep it for?" Chen Hanwen who was with Chu Tian asked.

"Let future generations see how their ancestors fought against the Japanese invaders here, so this cellar is a witness of history." Chutian is Chutian, and what he said is not something ordinary soldiers can't say, but A semi-talented scholar like Chen Hanwen couldn't tell.

But at this moment, another soldier gave a "chi'er", it was Bai Zhan, and Chu Tian could hear disdain from Bai Zhan's "chi'er".

In terms of seniority, Chu Tian's seniority is definitely not higher than Bai Zhan's, but in terms of military experience, Chu Tian can't beat Bai Zhan by a few miles, but he is still a few streets away.

So Bai Zhan's disdain made Chu Tian feel very uncomfortable.

"Is what I said wrong?" Chu Tian, ​​who felt that what he said just now was not wrong, asked.

"If you want to talk about the truth, it makes sense, but what if, I say what if, what if it is not this broken cellar but a cesspit that saves people? Do you also want to preserve the cesspit for generations to come, so that your children and grandchildren will live in it?" Reminiscing about the anti-Japanese deeds of your ancestors in the stink?" Bai Zhan replied with a smile.

Bai Zhan has been in the rivers and lakes for many years. If there is a specialization in art, his art is stealing or stealing. In terms of knowledge, he is incomparable with Chu Tian. However, he knows a lot of miscellaneous books and has read many miscellaneous books. However, in this respect, they are much better than those ordinary soldiers who don't know a single word.

"You, you—" Chu Tian didn't expect Bai Zhan to make such an assumption, and he became angry at that time.

But Bai Zhan didn't finish his sentence, but he said slowly: "I don't know if your children and grandchildren will be able to suppress the stench of this cesspit when your children and grandchildren burn those sticks of incense."

Isn't there such a joke in later generations?

Someone asked the children in the kindergarten, what do you do every day, children.

The first child said, I just eat, sleep and beat Doudou every day.

The second child also said, I also eat and sleep Doudou every day.

And the third child said, I just eat and sleep every day.

The man asked curiously, why, other people beat Doudou while eating and sleeping, why don't you beat Doudou?

The third kid replied, I am Doudou.

Well, hitting Doudou has become a common hobby of kindergarten children.

Similarly, ridiculing and teasing Chu Tian has become a common hobby of Shang Zhen and his group.

Seeing that Chutian is eating turtles again, some veterans beside him laughed. Everyone is used to playing "Doudou" together, and Bai Zhan started to play "Doudou". The other veterans don't mind giving a "pestle" beside him son".

"You're changing the concept secretly." Bai Zhan argued Chu Tian angrily.

Chu Tian's face is not red now, but white, white from anger.

In fact, since Chu Tian joined Shang Zhen and his team, there was one point that he never understood.

There is a saying that "If you are serious, you will lose".

He is far more serious and serious and wants to express his views logically and rigorously, while the veterans are more laughing and cursing and making jokes.

The more serious he is, the more he will suffer, and the more he suffers, the more serious he will be, and he will enter the knot of the vicious circle, that's all.

Seeing that Chu Tianxia was not coming to Taiwan, someone beside him spoke. It was Gu Bing who joined later.

"Actually, if the broken cellar is really a cesspit, just add soil, and then plant all kinds of flowers on it, and erect a wooden sign or stone tablet. The story is passed on."

What Gu Bing said made the veterans’ eyes shine. Regardless of whether the cellar or the cesspit is filled with flowers, this method seems to be good.

Although the big bosses are not very educated, and seeing the colorful flowers in the field, they won't say "a lot of beauty" or "colorful flowers", and they can only say "really beautiful", but UU reading It doesn't mean they don't have the love of beauty.

It would always be nice to plant some "really beautiful" flowers where they fought.

But as far as Shang Zhen's subordinates are concerned, if they can achieve complete agreement, it is probably only when Shang Zhen gives orders.

But now most people think that Gu Bing's idea is good, but someone has raised objections, that is Hu Zhuzi.

"Cleaning is completely useless. I don't know if the little dustpan can survive now. You just want to give Limu a sign?

If you really want to set up a wooden sign, wait until you have a son and then set it up for you! "

This is an extremely rare concluding speech made by Hu Zhuzi since he joined Shang Zhen and his team.

The other soldiers, no matter what they could or couldn't say, whether they were extroverted or introverted, all shut their mouths in unison.

Yes, there is nothing wrong with what Hu Zhuzi said. Now that the little dustpan is still alive and dead, what kind of wooden sign are you talking about? What a bad luck!

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