The War of Resistance

Chapter 498: Set up

"But—" Shang Zhen said.

"No but!" Wu Keyong said very simply, but his voice was not high, but the tone was unquestionable.

What Shang Zhen was worried about finally happened.

They were arranged by Chang En, the commander of the 108th division, to be guarded by Wu Keyong.

Although he only had contact with Wu Keyong for such a day, Shang Zhen also knew that Wu Keyong would go to the front line with a gun, so what about them guards?

Shang Zhen can live and die without fear, but he can't ignore the tasks that Chang En gave him.

For this reason, Chang En also specifically told him in private that even if the commander kicks you out, you can't leave!

Is it really up to Shang Zhen whether to go or not?

"The commander of the defense army still has us." Seeing that Shang Zhen didn't want to leave, an officer standing side by side with Shang Zhen was said.

Lei Liang was killed, so this person is the new company commander of the guard company.

At this time, Shang Zhen still hesitated.

In a war, the chief officer of one side is definitely a banner of that side's troops. If the chief officer is killed in battle, it will naturally have an irreparable impact on morale.

It's just that Shang Zhen thought so, but others didn't think so. The commander of the guard company said again, "Don't be self-conscious, I know you are veterans, aren't you afraid of death?"

These words cannot be said to be provocative, but there is also a smell of gunpowder.

Shang Zhen glanced at the new company commander of the security guards, what else could he say in this situation?

If Chang En really came to pursue his failure to complete the task, then he could only tell Chang En truthfully and say "I'm sorry".

"Then let's go to the front." Shang Zhen ignored the new company commander but said to Wu Keyong, and then he went to the house where his own people lived.

Shang Zhen has never been an emotional person.

If he is the kind of person who is easily impulsive when things happen, it is impossible to bring these people of his own to live until now.

Now the remaining officers and soldiers of the Sixty-seventh Army, whether there are Shang Zhen outside the county is unknown, but there are only about two thousand people in Songjiang County.

Because of this, the entire Sixty-seventh Army was filled with a tragic atmosphere.

This is all understandable. An army of nearly 30,000 people has fought against the Japanese army so far, and the remaining people are not even a fraction of the original.

Under such a tragic atmosphere, it is understandable that people's language and behavior are somewhat extreme, and even formed an extremely extreme emotion of "I beat the devil, I died in battle, and I am proud."

Of course Shang Zhen wouldn't say that he wasn't afraid of making sacrifices, but he felt that this battle, alas, how should I put it?

Due to the restrictions on the mission, the Sixty-seventh Army was completely restricted to fighting the Japanese army in Songjiang County, unable to move around, so how could the sacrifice be small?

Twenty minutes later, Shang Zhen and the others had already appeared in the northwest corner of the county.

It is about a hundred meters away from that gap.

Although the county town had already been blown up by the Japanese army and houses collapsed, it was extremely difficult for the Japanese army to advance 100 meters through street fighting.

The reason here is that, first, although some Japanese troops rushed into this gap temporarily, the city walls on both sides of the gap are still in the hands of officers and soldiers of the Northeast Army, and the firepower from above can cross-fire the reinforcements of the Japanese army.

Second, the officers and soldiers of the Sixty-seventh Army certainly knew that this gap was the biggest loophole in the defense of Songjiang County, so the way they thought was to fight in the streets, fighting the Japanese army house by house.

There were soldiers in the front fighting the Japanese army, and behind them they sent soldiers to every house.

They often try to fortify more and try to prevent the Japanese attack, so the Japanese attack speed will naturally not be fast.

As for the third reason, it was the rain that had to be brought forward.

Although the rain the day before yesterday made it difficult for the Northeast Army to build fortifications, it also caused trouble for the Japanese army. The Japanese armored vehicles and tanks could not pass through the muddy road, which also made the Japanese army's attack less powerful.

Seeing Shang Zhen and the others coming, an officer who was setting up the defense here took a look at them, then pointed out and said, "Go and defend there."

Shang Zhen glanced at the place pointed by the officer. The houses there had been blown down by the Japanese army, and it was not one house but several houses that were blown down by the Japanese army. Because of this, it was not conducive for the defenders to hide.

It's just that the officer didn't know Shang Zhen. In his eyes, Shang Zhen and the others were ordinary soldiers, no different from others.

But Shang Zhen didn't think so.

What Shang Zhen thinks is not that he is not an ordinary soldier, but that he feels that at least there is a better way to fight here.

"Sir, I have seen the terrain here during the day, and I have an idea, but I don't know if it will work?" Shang Zhen ignored the officer's order and suggested instead.

"Apart from pile up people, what else can you do? Hurry over there!" the officer said disapprovingly.

"We can put bundles of grenades here to attract the little devil!" Shang Zhen ignored the officer's words, but continued to state his suggestion.

"You are a little Japanese devil, you are an animal, put a carrot in front of it, and let them come over if you let them come! Do what you should do!" The officer said angrily.

Zhang Zhen had nothing to say when he saw that the officer didn't want to get in. He could only gesture to his own people, then turned and walked towards the area pointed by the officer.

It's just that before Shang Zhen took his men a few steps away, the officer suddenly opened his mouth and stopped them: "Wait, tell me your idea!"

When Shang Zhen heard the sound and turned around again, he saw that the officer was looking at the damage to the surrounding houses, obviously the officer felt something.

"Look at the houses in our area, only the one in the middle is still intact, and the ones on the sides were destroyed by bombing.

If the house is bombed down more, it is easy to be covered by firepower, and it is unlikely that the little devils will come from those two sides.

So let's relax the defense on both The little devils will definitely get into these houses in the middle of the money, and then we will bomb them with grenades. "Shang Zhen directly talked about his thoughts.

"How? Like blowing up a little devil's tank? One person rushing up with a bunch of hands in his arms?" The officer was obviously attracted by Shang Zhen's thoughts, and asked again.

"You wouldn't tie a string to the grenade, wouldn't it make a noise when you pull the string? Why are you holding someone to blow it up?" At this time, before Shang Zhen could speak again, the little dustpan spoke.

The little dustpan's words were a little blunt, at least not like a soldier speaking to the officer with the attitude he should have.

At this moment, the officer was completely attracted by Shang Zhen's idea.

"Mines?" The officer's eyes lit up.

The method Shang Zhen mentioned, and the little dustpan also said to use a rope to pull the bundle means, isn’t that a landmine?

"Okay, I think this method is worth a try!" The officer finally heard the beauty of this method.

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