The War of Resistance

Chapter 497: street fighting

Just when the Japanese army's first artillery shell flew into the county, the officer guarding the city wall shouted: "The little devil has started to test fire, everyone is withdrawn."

So the officers and soldiers on the city ran down the city wall, and only a moment later, the Japanese artillery shells flew over, this time they were blowing right on the city wall.

All of a sudden, the brick chips flew straight, and the smoke and dust that exploded made people unable to see clearly the situation on the city wall.

A few minutes later, a lookout post shouted: "The little devil is attacking!"

So the soldiers hiding under the city wall ran towards the city wall again, and there were soldiers behind them carrying ammunition boxes.

Thus began the day's battle.

But soon the Japanese army found a loophole in the defense of Songjiang County, or that is not a loophole, it is a defect in the terrain, because there is no city wall in the northwest corner of Songjiang County.

Soon, the shells of the Japanese army smashed directly at it. At that time, the walls collapsed and the houses collapsed, and piles of rubble piled up.

And when the shelling stopped, the Japanese army surrounded here like flies smelling the smell.

Almost at the same time, many Northeast Army officers and soldiers emerged from the depths of the rubble and the broken wall. Light machine guns were set up, rifles reached their shoulders, and the biggest killers were on the sides of the gap. Each erected Maxim heavy machine gun.

This time the main force of the Japanese army has really arrived, the sixth division of the seventeen permanent divisions of the Japanese army.

In the current era, only the miscellaneous troops of the Chinese army that participated in the Battle of Songhu would use crowd tactics, and the well-trained Japanese army would never make such mistakes.

Under the cover of light and heavy machine guns in the rear, dozens of Japanese troops kept picking places to hide, alternately covered, and rushed towards the gap.

To the disappointment of the officers and soldiers of the Northeast Army, the heavy machine guns had a pre-set shooting range. Seeing the Japanese army rushing closer and closer between the piles of bricks and rubble but did not gather together, the two Maxim heavy machine guns finally "holed" rang.

The heavy machine guns fired at chance, and under the blow of the crossfire, although a few Japanese soldiers were beaten into blood mist, the rest of the Japanese soldiers hid one after another.

The Japanese army's tactical movements were quick and skilled, running, lying down, dodging, and shooting non-stop.

"You can't let the little devils rush in, they will take root!" An officer shouted, and the two Maxim heavy machine guns kept firing.

But at this moment, the officers and soldiers of the Northeast Army heard the sound of "嗵" and "嗵" in front of them. grenade.

Bullets were flying randomly between the enemy and us, and who would have noticed where the Japanese grenades hit the grenades? There were only a few bangs, and the two Maxim heavy machine guns of the Northeast Army were blown over.

The Japanese soldiers who had been hiding behind the rubble of the broken wall appeared one after another and charged again at the gap in the county seat.

You must know that they are the elite divisions of the Japanese army, so their combat effectiveness is naturally extraordinary.

At this time, the light machine guns and rifles of the officers and soldiers of the Northeast Army rang again, but this time it was close to street fighting, and the killing effect of both the enemy and us was not obvious.

Ten minutes later, the Japanese attack was repulsed, but more than 20 officers and soldiers of the Northeast Army guarding the gap were killed.

The rest of the county has a high wall as a barrier. Although the Japanese army bombarded some places, the officers and soldiers of the Northeast Army always retreated in time before the bombardment. Although there were casualties, they could not be completely destroyed.

Therefore, the focus of the Japanese offensive is still here

The bullets from both the enemy and our side were intertwined, and the Japanese army continued to attack there. In the end, dozens of Japanese soldiers rushed into the gap, and the real street fighting began.

The beginning of street fighting also means the beginning of stalemate.

Even if the Japanese army had aircraft and cannons, it was impossible for the entire Songyuan County to be razed to the ground. After all, they needed to occupy the ground, so they could only fight for it house by house.

At this time, the grenades of the Northeast Army and the grenades of the Japanese army became extremely important to both sides.

If you find that there are enemies in the opposite room, no matter which side, you will throw grenades or grenades into it, and the result is that neither side can get any good.

A soldier of the Northeast Army saw the Japanese army rushing towards him in a broken house, and he only fired one shot. When he saw three Japanese soldiers raised their guns at him at the same time, he shrank back.

Just shrink back, where is the end? Of course he knew that there would be Japanese grenades flying up later.

The grenade of the Japanese army is a 48-petal grenade, and the flying shrapnel will prevent any shooting blind spots in the room.

At this time, the Northeast Army soldier saw the pot, and the room he was in happened to be the kitchen of this family.

In desperation, he went straight to the stove in the house, put his hand on the edge of the pot and lifted the pot, and then he stepped on the pot and jumped into the stove.

There was black soot blowing up in his face, but how could he care about it! Just as he curled up in the stove and put down the pot, there was a "clang" sound from the room when the grenade fell to the ground.

And the sound of "Dang Clang" was not one sound, but three!

This little Japanese devil is really taking advantage! Blow me here with three grenades

When this thought passed through the soldier's mind, the sound of the explosion sounded.

He heard the clanking sound from the side wall of the pot table, and he didn't need to think that it was the fragments from the explosion of the grenade hitting the pot table. Passed a catastrophe.

It's just that his battle is not over yet.

How big can the stove be? He was like the thief in ancient times who had practiced the bone shrinking skill, he struggled to get his grenade out.

He unscrewed the small cap on the handle, pulled out the wire rope inside, and then listened attentively.

When footsteps sounded in the room, he pulled the string of the grenade and paused for a moment before throwing the grenade out of the stove pit.

After a while, there was an explosion, and he heard the screams of the Japanese soldiers. The Japanese soldiers who entered the house never dreamed that grenades could be thrown from the stove pit!

The soldier got out of the stove and went into battle again with his face covered in ashes.

At this time, just outside the headquarters of the 67th Army, Army Commander Wu Ke stared sternly in the direction of the northwest, like a silent statue.

Beside him, several officers and soldiers were standing there, scanning the front vigilantly, and Shang Zhen was also there.

Shang Zhen wanted to remind Wu Keyong to be careful, but he knew that if he dared to say something, he would definitely be punished.

"Where are those half-people of you?" Wu Keyong spoke, and his question was so sudden that Shang Zhen who was beside him jumped.

Seeing that the army commander asked Shang Zhen pointed at the building diagonally across from the military headquarters, Old Mao Wang and the others were all there.

"Are you all veterans?" Wu Keyong didn't look at Shang Zhen, but continued to ask.

"Yes, when the little devil attacked the Peking University Camp, we came out of the Peking University Camp." Shang Zhen replied.

At this time, Shang Zhen was still watching the front vigilantly. He didn't notice that the corner of Wu Keyong's mouth twitched when he mentioned Beidaying.

September 18, the North Camp, this will be the eternal pain of the entire Northeast Army, it can also be said to be the eternal scar of the Northeast Army, and it will also be the eternal scar of Wu Keyong.

Wu Keyong felt that the scar on his body had never healed, and it was just a scab on the surface.

Shang Zhen was still too young after all, he didn't know how to avoid such topics, so he inadvertently stabbed Wu Keyong's scar again.

"Since you are all veterans, the front is your battlefield, you all go to the front!" Wu Keyong said.

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