The War of Resistance

Chapter 499: Delay

The Japanese army then attacked the gap in the county seat, but this time it was somewhat beyond their expectations, and the resistance they encountered was not fierce.

From the perspective of the Japanese commander, perhaps they had destroyed the will to resist the Chinese army in front of them, so a small group of Japanese troops rushed into the gap.

It was just that when the Japanese team leader in command rushed into the gap, he found that the house in the middle was relatively well preserved, and the walls on both sides were collapsed.

From a combat point of view, of course it is safer to enter the middle of the house.

What's more, they can't do it if they don't want to enter, because at this time the gunshots of the Chinese army rang out intensively, and there are still Chinese troops on the walls on both sides of the gap!

Hiding behind the rubble of the broken wall is not safe in the house after all.

So, the Japanese army launched an attack on the houses in the middle, but the resistance in that house was not fierce, so the Japanese army was driven by the bullets on both sides and automatically hid in the house.

It's just that when these Japanese soldiers entered the house to hide their bodies, there were huge explosions one after another.

Then, when I saw the house again, it exploded like building blocks built by children, and the bricks and tiles flew around in an explosion, followed by black smoke and dust.

The explosion was so strong that the Japanese soldiers who entered the house could not be said to have been destroyed, but they had suffered heavy casualties.

"Good job!" The officer in charge shouted, and with a wave of his hand, he led the people towards the ruins.

"Pay attention to shooting, don't miss anyone!" Shang Zhen, who had climbed onto a roof at this time, also shouted.

They ambushed around those houses. Now that the officers and soldiers had rushed up, they only needed to use their guns to "make change" for cover.

The officers and soldiers who rushed forward were of course replenishing their guns.

After the pile of rubble interrupted the wall, some Japanese soldiers leaned out, but immediately they were shot and killed by Shang Zhen from the commanding heights.

"Pick up more grenades!" Old Mao Wang shouted.

Now that street fighting has begun, whichever side has more explosives will naturally have the upper hand.

The reason is very simple, there are people in the room, rifle bullets can't shoot through the wall, but there is no enemy that can't be dealt with by a grenade, it just needs to be thrown lightly.

It was an unexpected victory, though only a small part of the battle.

Although there were also casualties on the Northeast Army's side, they directly wiped out more than a hundred Japanese soldiers. That's a small team!

If it weren't for this kind of explosion, then one can imagine how much the Northeast Army would have to pay to kill these Japanese troops.

The officers and soldiers of the Northeast Army who were searching for grenade grenades in the ruins were smiling, but at this moment they suddenly heard the sound of "pop" and "pop" type 38 rifles firing from behind!

Facing life and death, the enemy's gunshots made them extremely sensitive. The officers and soldiers in the broken wall either rushed down subconsciously, or hid behind the broken wall, but all pointed their guns back.

And it was Shang Zhen who had already shouted: "Don't worry, we fired the gun!"

The officer in charge was the first to rush out, and Shang Zhen was not far away from them, so he naturally heard Shang Zhen's shout.

So he cautiously poked his head out from behind a broken wall. At this moment, he saw several soldiers under Shang Zhen firing three-handed 38-style rifles into the sky!

"Are you guys haha?" The officer looked at the sky in confusion, the sky was filled with black smoke, but there was absolutely no Japanese plane, and what Shang Zhen and the others did really confused him.

"The gunfire can't stop. If the gunfire stops, it's time for the little devil to fire!" Shang Zhen replied loudly.

"Oh." Under Shang Zhen's reminder, the officer suddenly realized, but then he cursed angrily, "Why did you go so early? When we rushed up, wouldn't you f---ing say something in advance?" ?”

"We're not gods, we just remembered!" Wang Laomao responded bluntly.

Old Mao Wang also got angry, and killed so many Japanese soldiers all at once. Although it is said that all the combatants have contributed, but after all, it was Shang Zhen who came up with this idea. How dare you scold us if you don't praise us? !

The officer was not unhappy because Wang Laomao contradicted him. In fact, most of the time, people from the Northeast were talking about this aunt.

"Pick up the little devil's crooked hands again, and let's beat the crooked ones too, so that the little devils don't think that their people are all dead!" Inspired by Shang Zhen's thinking, the officer also ordered.

Once he heard that Old Mao Wang was right, his temper came and went quickly.

So in the following time, the gunfire of the Japanese army still sounded near the gap, as if the enemy and us were still fighting.

As a result, the Japanese army outside the county did not launch any more shelling.

"Okay, kid, you're doing a great job!" A soldier praised the little dustpan loudly.

A battle made those officers and soldiers of the Northeast Army who participated in the battle directly become brothers with Shang Zhen and the others.

In the face of the invasion of different provinces, officers and soldiers can share the same hatred, not to mention that they are all part of the Northeast Army.

"Who are you talking about, it's not big or small!" The little dustpan was not happy.

"Oh, it seems that you are so old, you haven't grown all your hair yet, have you?" the soldier laughed.

"I see that you are really not big or small. How many battles have you fought against the devils in the 67th Army? You are only now fighting the Japanese army, right? I have been fighting the Japanese devils since September 18th until now!" Xiao Xiao Dupan does not shy away from his own and in fact it is roughly the same.

Since September 18th, Shang Zhen and the others have been fighting all the way from outside the pass back to the pass, while the 67th Army was fighting a civil war inside the pass at that time.

In terms of military age, this soldier who is a few years older than Xiao Dupan is naturally taller, but in terms of qualifications and experience in fighting the Japanese army, Xiao Dupan still wins.

And the reason why this is roughly the case is that the little dustpan did not catch up with September 18. He was still a kid in the mountain forest team on September 18. He joined Shang Zhen and the others on the way to Guannei. This gang.

"Really or not? You little kid, your beard hasn't grown yet, who will believe you?" The soldier expressed his disbelief.

"Beards are a fart. Goats always have big beards, but you let him beat devils?" The little dustpan's small mouth never gave up.

The surrounding officers and soldiers laughed when they heard the little dustpan's words.

But there were two people who didn't laugh, that was the officer in charge, and the other one was Shang Zhen.

But this time Shang Zhen proposed a plan to delay the attack.

"I'm not saying that it's wrong to kill the little devil. We want to complete the last day of our defense, so we will try our best to delay the time until it gets dark. After our mission of fighting is completed, we can retreat."

At this time, the officer had completely convinced Shang Zhen, so he began to listen to Shang Zhen's ear-to-face instruction.

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