The War of Resistance

Chapter 471: Burst! Carry "wrap" to the Huangpu River!

"Which part do you belong to?" In the misty rain in the afternoon, a soldier on the tower shouted.

"Northeast Army." Someone below replied.

"Ah, from the 57th Army!" Before the people below the city reported the number of the unit, the people above directly said it for them.

So the soldiers guarding the gate of the city waved their hands, and a team of more than thirty people filed in.

Soon the team walked to the streets of the county town.

At this time, a veteran in his forties followed a young soldier in that team and muttered: "It seems that the members of the 57th Army are inside!

Why am I a little bald?

You won't send us to defend the position, will you?

The letter that Commander Lu gave you was not watered by the rain, right? "The former is Wang Laomao, and the latter is Shang Zhen.

"Oh my god!" Shang Zhen said suddenly.

"What's wrong? Did you really get wet?" Old Mao Wang was taken aback by Shang Zhen.

Lu Cao used to be the adjutant of that young marshal, so he naturally knew a lot of senior officers.

Wang Laomao also read the content of the recommendation letter he wrote to Shang Zhen and the others, to the effect that Shang Zhen and his group had undergone special training, and it would be a waste if they defended their positions.

If the letter gets wet, then if the 57th Army doesn’t pay attention to them and sends them to defend the position, it doesn’t matter if it’s the artillery shells of the Japanese army or the aerial bombs dropped by the plane, as long as there are one or two, they will Stop gooing, so that letter is important!

"Hurry up and take that thing out for me to see?" Old Mao Wang urged Shang Zhen.

Not only Old Mao Wang was concerned about this kind of thing, but everyone else was also concerned about it, but it was Shang Zhen who said two words: "Not wet."

Wang Laomao looked at Shang Zhen, and there was already a smile in Si Shangzhen's eyes. At this moment, he suddenly realized that Shang Zhen was joking with himself.

No one will believe that a villain who is always doing bad things occasionally does a good thing.

In the same way, if a person who rarely lied suddenly made up a lie, everyone would believe it, and Shang Zhen was undoubtedly the latter.

"You little bastard, why didn't you wet your mother? You even teased me!" Old Mao Wang scolded with a smile.

The veterans next to him couldn't hold back their joy. They remembered the earliest time when Shang Zhen played tricks on Hou Wangshan.

The veterans all know that Shang Zhen usually has a weak voice, but he is definitely a weak carrot—a hot-hearted master!

As for people like Guo Baoyou and He Xiangcai. Then he looked at Old Mao Wang curiously.

It was because they knew that Shang Zhen was the commander of this team, but it was unimaginable for them that a veteran soldier dared to scold his officer like this, but they didn't know that the old hat belonged to Shang Zhen. platoon leader.

"Old Uncle Wang, who told you to always ask, how many times have you asked?" Shang Zhen explained with a smile.

But before Old Hat Wang said anything, they heard the sound of footsteps in the street next to them, and then a team with guns and live ammunition ran out.

Shang Zhen and the others looked at this team, seeing the figure, military uniform and weapons, Shang Zhen and the others knew that it belonged to the Northeast Army.

Since it belongs to the Northeast Army, it must belong to the 57th Army.

Seeing that they were running in a hurry, obviously there was an urgent military matter, so Shang Zhen waved his hand to signal his people to retreat to the side of the street.

It's just that no matter how small Shang Zhen and his group are, there are still more than thirty people.

Of course they saw this Northeast Army, and the people of this Northeast Army also saw them.

They can recognize at a glance that the other party belongs to the Northeast Army, so how can the other party not recognize that they are also from the Northeast Army!

"Where are you going to retreat? Hurry up and follow us, the little devil is coming!" The leading officer in that team shouted when they saw Shang Zhen who was retreating to the side.

How could Shang Zhen think that they would encounter such a situation when they first entered Songjiang County?

The officer he saw looked impatient, knowing that he really didn't have time to explain.

It's just that it doesn't matter if he hesitates like this. Hu Zhuzi in their team ran forward with a machine gun on his shoulder, still shouting: "Let's go! Go beat the devils!"

As soon as Hu Zhuzi ran like this, Tietou followed suit.

The machine gunner of each machine gun will be accompanied by a deputy shooter.

Originally, Hu Zhuzi's deputy shooter was another soldier, but Hu Zhuzi felt that Tietou was a good match for him, so he asked Tietou to come over.

Hu Zhuzi ran forward for a few steps before realizing that something was wrong, and now he was not as tiger as before, so he turned his head to look at Shang Zhen.

But at this time, Shang Zhen waved his hand and led his people to follow after all.

The enemy's situation is like fire, after all, it is not the time to stand still, let's save this battle first.

According to the materialist philosophical theory, there is necessity behind chance, and chance appears within necessity.

But Shang Zhen and the others were like that.

They want to fight devils, but they don't want to fight positional warfare. How can everything go well?

Just like the current team of the Northeast Army, there is an urgent mission at first glance, and they are just in time, so do you think they will join or not?

So Shang Zhen and the others were "wrapped" by this team of about two hundred people and kept running forward.

It was only when Shang Zhen and the others ran out of Songyuan County with that team that he realized that they were wrong. Shang Zhen thought that the Japanese army had already attacked Songyuan County.

"Where are we going?" Shang Zhen asked a soldier beside him.

"Huangpu River!" the soldier replied.

Huangpu River? Although Shang Zhen still ran along, but only then did he realize how ridiculous it is for people like himself to keep up with others this time!

Shang Zhen had seen the map that Qian Laishun gave him.

He remembered that Songjiang County was on the north side of the Huangpu River, and there was still a distance between Songjiang and the Huangpu River on the map, whether it was long or short, there were always tens of miles.

It seems that this is an urgent march!

In the team, he carefully looked at the Northeast Army, and found that the weapons carried by the Northeast Army were all light weapons.

Thinking about what he had seen and heard along the way, he finally guessed why the Northeast Army was rushing to the Huangpu River.

The Japanese army has already landed at Jinshanwei, and now behind Shang Zhen and the others are hundreds of thousands of Chinese troops who retreated from the Songhu battlefield.

There is no doubt that the Japanese army attacked from this direction, that is to encircle the Chinese army on the Songhu battlefield, so now this Northeast army is desperately rushing to the north bank of the Huangpu River, it must be to prevent the Japanese army from crossing the river!

It's just that there are fewer people in the team this time, right? It seems that this is a tough But when the Japanese army crossed the river, it was a good opportunity to attack the enemy in the midstream!

Since the Japanese army came from the river, they could retreat if they couldn't resist.

Please forgive Shang Zhen, Shang Zhen really has no idea of ​​living and dying with the battlefield.

According to the current situation that Shang Zhen has grasped, the Chinese army lost too many people in the Songhu War.

It can't be said that there is no point in defending the position and sacrificing for the country, but since people like myself can kill more Japanese devils, why should we care about fighting for the position?

And the so-called Supreme Command made so many mistakes in commanding operations, why should ordinary soldiers like them pay the bill?

Those who can survive the war, except for their excellent military skills and good luck, are all intentional, otherwise Shang Zhen would not be able to survive now!

Shang Zhen ran with the team with such thoughts, and finally when the rain stopped at dusk and a bright color appeared on the sky, he finally approached the north bank of the Huangpu River with the team.

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