The War of Resistance

Chapter 470: motley crew (2)

Someone in the house at the entrance of the village was watching the distance vigilantly. It was a sentinel arranged by Shang Zhen.

And a bunch of scattered green smoke has risen in the village. When you get closer, you will see a cauldron standing in the yard of a family. Naturally, there is firewood burning under the cauldron.

It's just that a few soldiers were extraordinarily busy, but they kept fanning the green smoke produced by the burning with their wet clothes.

As a result, the blue smoke became messy and no longer a bunch, and it would no longer produce the effect of "straight smoke in the desert".

This was Mr. Wang's idea.

After marching in the rain for a long time and going through some battles, everyone was hungry.

They found rice in the cellar of a big family in the village, and no one wanted to eat raw rice.

Then here comes the problem, lighting a fire and cooking will easily expose the target.

Wang Lao Mao said that when he was growing a beard, and when he was besieged by the officers and soldiers, he wanted to have a hot meal.

I can make a kind of outdoor camp stove. The method is to dig a big hole in the ground, put the pot on the hole, and light the fire in the hole.

Dig a few small ditches by the side of the pit and cover them with branches, so that the smoke generated during combustion will be diluted during the discharge process.

When the mountain wind blows again, the smoke will disperse, and there will be no bunches of green smoke rising in the distance.

But now Shang Zhen and the others couldn't just dig that big hole.

So Wang Laomao thought of such a trick, the people under him used firewood to cook the fire, and sent a few people beside him to disperse the green smoke with clothes.

At this time, Shang Zhen and the others were not in a hurry to go to Songjiang County. There were two reasons. One was He Xiang who told them that they were only four miles away from Songjiang County. direction.

Another reason was naturally that Shang Zhen had heard that Songjiang County was guarded by a security brigade, and he didn't want to enter the positional battle too early, he wanted to see what the wind said.

In the anticipation of everyone, the big pot of rice was finally cooked. The pot was made of 12 seals, and it was still enough for the thirty or so of them.

After they were full, Shang Zhen and the others asked He Xiangcai, Fan Chanchan and Qiao Xiong why the three of them were here?

It turned out that these three people were also considered a defeated army. During the pursuit of the Japanese army, by chance, the three of them formed a team with several other Chinese soldiers, and they were chased here by the Japanese army.

In the end, all their companions were killed, and the three of them were trapped in this small building. At the critical moment, Shang Zhen and the others arrived.

At this time, Shang Zhen asked He Xiangcai and the others to talk about their own troops. They knew too little about other miscellaneous troops.

The so-called Hunan Army refers to those who are from Hunan.

The Hunan Army has combat effectiveness, and that also has a historical tradition. In the Qing Dynasty, Zeng Guofan’s troops were the Hunan Army when he fought against the Taiping Army, and they were known for their bravery and toughness.

And in this battle of Songhu, the Hunan Army was the first motley army to enter the battlefield.

The number of Hunan troops participating in the battle has exceeded 80,000, and it is the largest number of troops participating in the battle among various miscellaneous troops. It also performed extremely well in the battle, but it also suffered heavy losses.

However, there are soldiers from Hunan in all factions in the south, so there is a saying that there is no army without Hunan.

And in the war of resistance not long afterwards, there was an extremely resounding saying that was admired by later generations: "China will perish unless the people of Hunan die first!"

After talking about the Hunan Army, Fan Chanchan, who was a member of the Gui Army, talked about the Gui Army again.

Before someone in Nanjing unified China in name, China was full of warlords fighting endlessly.

The Gui Army is the only local faction among the local warlords that can stand up to someone's Central Army.

The Guangxi Army's record in the warlord melee period was impressive. It was the only army among the major local forces in China that could stand up to the Central Army.

When the Gui army entered the war, the Japanese army had already broken through the south bank of the Canzaobang, and at that time the Gui army launched a large-scale counterattack against the Japanese army.

They were divided into left and right wings and launched a fierce attack from Tan Jiatou and Chen Jiaxing.

It's just that it was their first time to fight the Japanese army, and the method of fighting was limited by the experience of the civil war in the past. It could not be said to be a sea of ​​​​people tactic, but it was also a battalion unit that launched the charge.

During the civil war, when the Gui army encountered ordinary warlords, this style of play was still very effective. As long as it entered hand-to-hand combat, the Gui army could basically win.

But this time they were facing the well-equipped Japanese army with heavy firepower. Although they charged bravely, they only increased casualties and failed. They occupied the positions of Chenjiahang and Taoyuanbang after spending a lot of time using their bodies to block bullets.

At this time, when the Japanese army attacked, they released smoke bombs as a cover. The Gui army mistook it for poisonous gas, and panicked at that time, and the Japanese army broke through their position. It is a pity that the only large-scale counterattack on the Songhu battlefield.

"That man died—" After telling the general story, Fan Chanchao let out a sigh, "I haven't fallen asleep for two nights, and when I close my eyes, all I see are the arms and legs of my brother who was blown away by the Japanese devils Son."

Regarding Fan Chanchan's narration, Shang Zhen could only express silence.

What can he say? He instinctively felt that Gui Jun's style of play was wrong.

It is said that killing an enemy with one thousand and losing eight hundred is unacceptable, but with the Gui army's style of play, killing an enemy with one thousand will not lose five thousand!

Shang Zhen didn't know that his guesses were both right and wrong.

The right place is that when the Gui army fought the Japanese army, the battle loss ratio between the two sides was really 5:1. It's just that this 5:1 battle loss ratio is not the highest in this Songhu battle. In this Songhu battle, the battle loss ratio between the enemy and us even reached 10:1!

But this 10:1 is only an average, so that means that when some troops faced the Japanese army, their losses had reached more than ten to one!

Western powers have already entered the era of industrialization + Japan has also entered an era of quasi-industrialization.

Since the end of the Qing Dynasty, China has not kept up with the pace of the world, and is still indulging in its own dream of a great the great powers opened the country with strong ships and guns, although we have our blood Recommend Xuanyuan's courage, but the price paid is too great!

If you lag behind, you will be beaten. This is the only rule in this jungle world where the jungle is prey to the jungle!

"People have already talked about it, why don't you talk about your army?" At this time, Ma Tianfang asked Qiao Xiong who was playing with a grenadier.

"I have nothing to say, we mainly guard roads and bridges." Qiao Xiong, who is short and dark and thin, replied in a low voice.

Then everyone saw him stretching his arms forward, raised his thumbs up, and gestured to the distance.

"Are you measuring the distance?" Chu Tian asked curiously.

Qiao Xiong nodded without saying a word, then he poked the projectile on the ground and supported it with his hands, constantly correcting the inclination of the projectile there.

"Can you measure distance? Have you ever hit this thing?" Little Dustpan asked curiously.

"Hit once." Qiao Xiong replied.

"Is it accurate?" Several people asked at the same time, including Shang Zhen.

Shang Zhen and the others only know how to use grenades and know that Qiao Xiong's method of putting his thumb up in front of his face is a simple way of measuring distance.

Most of Shang Zhen and the others also understood this method during special training, but they were not proficient in using it. They really didn't have much talent in using grenades.

"It's okay, I hit three out of six rounds that time." Qiao Xiong replied.

Qiao Xiong's words made Shang Zhen's eyes light up!

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