The War of Resistance

Chapter 472: destroy the enemy across the river

Wang Laomao glanced at Shang Zhen, and he really wanted to say, if there was a fight this time, it would be a bit inexplicable.

I don't know what the enemy's situation is like. After entering the county town, I followed others and ran to the Huangpu River. Old Mao Wang has never fought such a battle!

But at this time Shang Zhen was already looking at the river, but then not only Old Mao Wang, but also other soldiers saw Shang Zhen and ran to a house on the side of the road.

"This kid wants to haha?" The officer who led the team here before had noticed Shang Zhen.

The reason is that Shang Zhen and the others ran to the front this time!

You must know that this kind of long-distance march, Shang Zhen and others will be better than others after all.

Shang Zhen and the others just ran along along the way, but seeing the river approaching, Shang Zhen suddenly quickened his pace.

As soon as he quickened his pace, his people naturally followed, so they became conspicuous.

But the eye-catching thing is still behind, just because Shang Zhen didn't enter the thatched hut, everyone saw him jump up, stretched out his hand to grab the rafters of the eaves of the thatched hut, jumped up three times and then climbed away go up.

What do you do when you go to the room alone? And Shang Zhen's skills are too good, it's not like a random soldier can grab the rafters and go to the house.

Everyone was surprised when they saw Shang Zhen put his hand into his bag, took out the binoculars and looked towards the opposite side.

It was only at this time that everyone knew that Shang Zhen had started to observe the terrain.

"Which part do you belong to?" At this moment, the leading officer realized that he had never seen Shang Zhen's group before, and it wasn't just a random soldier who could take out the binoculars .

As soon as the officer asked a question, Old Mao Wang and the others in front of them naturally turned their heads, but before Old Mao Wang and the others could answer, Shang Zhen had already shouted from the roof: "I saw the little devil's vanguard, just landed , forty or fifty people!"

"Where is it?" The leading officer behind ran forward and shouted at the same time, "You must not let the little devil cross the river, our army will arrive soon! Brothers, follow me!"

The officer ran forward again with the soldiers who were already panting and covered in mud.

But at this time Shang Zhen shouted again: "Old Uncle Wang took half of his sons to the left and ambushed in the woods. The rest of our people followed me to the right, and the little devil's vanguard also divided up!"

Then Shang Zhen jumped down from the room.

At this time, the officer who led the team and his own people just ran to Shang Zhen.

The enemy is on fire!

At this time, Shang Zhen didn't have the time to introduce himself to this officer, and he didn't care what the officer's rank was, so he said, "You all rush forward along the way!"

Then with a wave of his hand he took the remaining half of his group and ran to the right.

The officer leading the team was not a stubborn one, but he also knew how to adapt to changing circumstances, and he didn't care about being commanded by Shang Zhen.

In fact, they were just the vanguard of the 57th Army that had just arrived in Songyuan County.

Compared with Shang Zhen, they were only front and back, and then they realized that the Japanese army might attack the Huangpu River, so he led people to run to the Huangpu River, and finally "abducted" Shang Zhen and the others into it.

Now say a thousand words and ten thousand, and we must not let this group of Japanese soldiers occupy the north bank of the Huangpu River.

If this group of Japanese scouts lived their entire lives on the north bank of the Huangpu River, and the Japanese brigade behind collected wooden boats and their small kayaks to cross the river, then their 57th Army would lose the advantage of their location. But you have to stick to Songjiang for three days!

Only a moment later, gunshots rang out, and the Northeast Army running forward on the road met the Japanese scouts!

This situation is like the situation where the enemy and the enemy met with cold weapons in ancient times. Neither side was willing to retreat.

After all, there are many soldiers in the Northeast, and after they pressed forward and only shot at the scouts on the road for a moment, more than ten people were shot on both sides.

So the Japanese servants dispersed from the road to both sides, while the officers and soldiers of the Northeast Army continued to charge forward against the sparse Japanese bullets.

The leading officer of the Northeast Army arrived here and saw two large wooden boats appearing on the river again. This situation is the same as before. If the wooden boats of the Japanese army behind cannot be stopped, then their Northeast Army will lose their beachhead. position.

So now they need to kill the Japanese troops who have crossed the river and those who are crossing the river no matter how many people died in battle.

"Da da da", the Japanese army's machine guns sounded, and the soldiers who rushed to the front were shot and fell to the ground one after another.

And at this moment, gunshots rang out in the woods on the left front of the Northeast Army on the road, but the gunshots were hasty. Arrived at the specified location.

Shang Zhen first jumped up to the commanding heights of the house to observe the riverside, and he chose the location of the forest very well.

The Japanese army also ran into the woods, but the woods blocked the sight of both the enemy and us.

Shang Zhen predicts the enemy first, and his men will always take the first step.

Shang Zhen and his men had strong firepower. With a short burst of rapid fire, the dozen or so Japanese soldiers running towards the woods were knocked down first, and then the Japanese soldiers on the road were also attacked by them.

The Japanese machine gun was still firing "da da da".

And at this time, there was a "bang" sound in front of them on the right.

That sound startled the Japanese machine gunners a lot. They were all too familiar with this "bang" sound, because that was the sound of their Japanese grenadiers firing.

With a "boom", the grenade exploded more than 20 meters away from the Japanese machine In terms of this distance, it is not far or close.

Of course the Japanese army knew how to use the grenade. They thought that the first grenade was a test shot, so the second grenade would definitely hit their heads. The Japanese machine gunner and his deputy shooter were so frightened that they dragged The machine gun ran back.

But just as they got up, there was the sound of rifle guns, and the two Japanese soldiers were directly knocked down to the ground.

That's because Shang Zhen and the others also made a detour.

"Boy, you little cannon is good at playing!" Ma Erhuzi praised, just because Qiao Xiong fired the grenadier just now.

Although Qiao Xiong didn't kill the enemy with one shot, but the first shot was so reliable, people like Shang Zhen couldn't do it.

At this point, most of the Japanese scouts crossing the river were killed, and the remaining few Japanese soldiers finally lost the courage to resist, they turned around and ran back.

Where can I go if I just run back? Behind is the Huangpu River.

There is no doubt that the Battle of Songhu was initiated by someone first.

At that time, there were only a few thousand Japanese troops in Shanghai, and they were all navy. Someone really wanted to use the superior force to drive the Japanese troops out of the sea, and at the same time make a show for the people of the country.

It's just that who would have thought that the Chinese army first launched a strategic offensive, then entered into a defensive position, and finally the Chinese army began to retreat.

Although it was not possible to drive the Japanese army into the sea to feed the turtles, but now it can drive a small number of Japanese troops to the Huangpu River to feed the bastards.

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