The War of Resistance

Chapter 459: Fog Wars (1)

Why did Shang Zhen take people back when he heard rustling footsteps?

Still because of that sentence, ten rooms are empty.

The common people have gone to escape the chaos of the war, so there are rustling footsteps in the early morning, it sounds like there are a lot of people, either the Japanese army or the Chinese army, who knows who the other party is?

Shang Zhen was lying on the side of the street at the entrance of the village, with a flower machine in his hand and the **** of the gun on his shoulder, while the others hid behind the houses on both sides.

The color of the fog is as invisible as water, covering people's eyes every day.

The flower organ in Shang Zhen's hand was as immovable as a mountain, so he just waited quietly. It was impossible for Shang Zhen not to be nervous during this process, but he couldn't say how nervous he was.

Because Shang Zhen knows that the other party must be more nervous than himself, because the other party is moving, but his group is still.

It was only for a moment, and the footsteps were getting closer and closer. The prince kisses, the farmer's fat wife has counterattacked and there is no pop-up window

Shang Zhen estimated that those people were only 20 meters away from him. At this moment, he made a judgment that the opponent must be the Japanese army.

The reason is that he heard the slight sound of soles hitting the stone slabs at the entrance of the village. The Japanese soldiers wore big-toed shoes with hard rubber heels on the back, while the Chinese army was well-equipped. For example, some units of the Central Army, although they also wore rubber shoes Yes, but those are soft soles.

Shang Zhen just looked at the white mist in front of him, and when he saw a khaki figure appearing after the mist surged due to people's walking, he pulled the trigger without hesitation.

"He he he he he", Shang Zhen pulled the trigger without hesitation

When the Japanese army on the opposite side didn't react at all, Shang Zhen had already emptied the magazine.

He hit so violently, as if he wanted to smash the invisible weapon in front of him into a sieve! I, Chang'e's best friend! Catalog

And almost at the same time, there was a "swish" sound in the fog, and it was the soldiers hiding behind the house throwing grenades and grenades.

The air waves and heat of the explosion temporarily avoided the white mist, and when the Japanese's cry was completely different from that of China, Shang Zhen and the others saw that a khaki figure had fallen in front of them.

"Dive into the alley, retreat!" Shang Zhen shouted loudly just as the explosion ended, and then he quickly hid behind the house.

Shang Zhen still can't figure out who is at the end.

Now that they are going to retreat, the rear team will become the front team, and the people in front will become the leaders.

When the sound of footsteps sounded, the movie was when the Japanese army started shooting at this end, but the Japanese army was sent into battle, they launched a surprise attack, and it was still too late to shoot now. No pop-up window for the new king of Cultivation Continent

Shang Zhen's decision was correct.

They had to hide behind the house and go back from the alley behind the house instead of running back directly from the street.

The street was completely transparent, that is, a straight road without any shelter at all. If they ran on that street, they would inevitably be injured by Japanese bullets.

Shang Zhen followed closely behind the person in front, but after running for a while, he suddenly stopped shouting: "Stop!"

What do you mean when you follow the rules? During Shang Zhen's "stop", everyone in front stopped in unison.

"What's wrong?" Old Mao Wang asked puzzled.

"We have a lot of Japanese soldiers in ambush, right?" Shang Zhen said with some doubts.

"Yeah, I think it's a brigade of devils." Old Mao Wang replied. After fast time travel, Lord Jin is cruel again. No pop-up window

Shang Zhenjing Wang Mao, who already felt that something was wrong, said anxiously when he was reminded: "Everyone, be careful, since it is the devil's brigade, what about their vanguard soldiers?"

Yes, since there is a Japanese brigade, what about the vanguard of the Japanese brigade?

In such bad weather, when the Japanese army came to attack, it was unlikely that there would be no sharp soldiers in front, the so-called scouts.

Of course, maybe the Japanese army had finished scouting the terrain the day before, and now they took advantage of the fog to attack.

But in the end whether the Japanese army served such a thing is rather credible, not credible.

Since there are unknown risks ahead, Shang Zhen must take countermeasures.

But before he could speak, the accident happened again, at this moment Erhanzi asked in a low voice: "Which one of you saw Tiger Zhuzi?"

"Huh?" Upon hearing what Erhanzi said, the others naturally began to count the number of people, and then they found that they were indeed missing two people now, one was Hu Zhuzizi and the other was Tie Tou. So Long Ji Works Catalog

This was undoubtedly a situation that Shang Zhen and the others did not want to see.

In the current foggy situation, with extremely low visibility, and it is extremely difficult to distinguish between the enemy and the enemy, if these two people cannot be recalled in time, no matter whether the two people are dead or alive, they may never see each other again in this life, Shang Zhen I cherish each of my brothers very much.

"When we were shooting from the devils earlier, I heard gunshots on the other side of the road. They must have run to the other side of the street because they thought there were too many people on this side." This is Qiu Bo's analysis. .

Qiu Bo's analysis still makes sense.

At that time, Shang Zhen and the others found that the Japanese army was coming from the opposite side, so they all hid behind the corner of the house and beside the wall.

There are more than thirty of them, how wide can a street be in a village? Their strength is simply out of control.

Seeing the weather like this, the others were worried that they would be separated from their own people, so they all hid together, but Hong Zhuzi and Tie Dan ran to the opposite side because of this reason. Fourth master, Madam abused scum again today

To say that this will certainly form crossfire for the Japanese army, but once the battle breaks out, people will be easily separated.

"These two punks are really messing around!" Old Mao Wang cursed in a low voice.

"Go and get out of the village. Besides, Qiu Bo and I are in front, everyone be careful, don't block the sound with your feet." Shang Zhen spoke.

Now there are two people missing, but with the Japanese army in the future, it is absolutely impossible for Shang Zhen to look for them.

If this battle turns into chaos, it is conceivable that their losses will be great! Shang Zhen definitely wouldn't do the thing of saving one, two, and four.

So, Shang Zhen and Qiu Bo started walking among the houses in the village with everyone in front and behind.

But at this time, they were surprised that he was, and the Japanese army behind them was silent.

As for the beating by Shang Zhen and the others just now, although it didn't last more than two minutes. However, based on the estimation of the dense footsteps of the Japanese army and the powerful firepower output of these people, it is definitely not a problem for them to knock down dozens of Japanese troops.

No matter how strong the Japanese army's combat effectiveness is, so what? Before the Japanese army reacted and fought back, it was a massacre.

And before the Japanese army reacted, Shang Zhen and the others had already run away!

Shang Zhen and the others moved slowly in the village, mainly because they were careful.

They were suddenly approached by the Japanese army, and the Japanese army did not dare to touch them any more. Now, for them, the biggest threat was the Japanese army that might exist.

"Old Uncle Wang." Little Dustpan, who was walking with Wang Laomao this time, suddenly whispered, "Did you notice? The little devil was ambushed by us, but he didn't fire a cannon.

I think this shows that there must be small devils in the village. They are afraid of accidentally hurting their own people. "

"Well, it makes sense." Wang Laomao responded in a low voice. Now that he has entered a fighting state, Wang Laomao will naturally not worry about whether the little dustpan calls him Uncle Wang or half-baby daddy.

"Do you need to remind the company commander?" Little Dupan asked again.

"No, he's more naughty than you." Old Mao Wang replied.

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