The War of Resistance

Chapter 458: Fighting to cross, strayed into the depths of the battlefield!

Shang Zhen didn't sleep well that night.

He actually dreamed.

In the dream, a girl gave him a kiss, that kiss made him so infatuated but felt so cold, the kind of coldness that penetrated the heart when kissed on the face.

So much so that when Shang Zhen woke up and looked at the hazy sky outside the house, his mind was filled with the kiss imprinted on his cheek.

It shouldn't be like this, Shang Zhen thought.

He knew that he had that dream, and the person in the dream must be Leng Xiaozhi.

It stands to reason that he and Leng Xiaozhi now have that kind of lover relationship, and the intimacy between the two is naturally more than just kissing.

A girl's body is naturally warm, but why did I have to dream of that kiss of love?

At that time, he was carrying Leng Xiaozhi, who had a sprained ankle, to northern Shaanxi in winter. Leng Xiaozhi lay on his body and pressed a kiss on his cheek. According to Leng Xiaozhi's own words, it was a kiss for him Take a poke.

To be honest, at that time Shang Zhen only regarded Leng Xiaozhi as a girl like a younger sister, so the cold winter can completely freeze his enthusiasm as a male animal.

So Leng Xiaozhi's kiss made him feel cool, but it didn't make him feel passionate.

And when he and Leng Xiaozhi had a passionate feeling, it was already the summer when they met again this year.

Maybe it's because it's Zhongqiu now, and the room itself is not warm, so I think of that kiss, Shang Zhen thought,

As a matter of fact, in the days after the kiss to make love, Shang Zhen was very busy during the day, so he didn't have time to think about Leng Xiaozhi.

But when he was sleeping at night, when he was ignorant in his sleep, he would often dream of that kiss. .

Yesterday, Shang Zhen and his team did not sleep on the street, but lived in a family's house.

Due to the notoriety of the Japanese army's tyrannical killings, the people here are already fleeing the chaos of war, ten rooms and nine empty rooms.

Yesterday, Shang Zhen and the others found an empty house to live in. This was the first time they lived in a house since they had been wandering for half a month.

Seeing that it was still dark outside the house, Shang Zhen was still lying there quietly, thinking about the situation when he parted with Leng Xiaozhi this time.

When he and Leng Xiaozhi were together again recently, it was the eve before they beat up the Juntong gang.

Leng Xiaozhi gently curled up in his arms like a kitten.

She was so well-behaved and gentle, allowing her to touch her, but when they were separated, Leng Xiaozhi repeated the vow "I won't marry you if you don't marry me" in his ear.

And it was at that time that Shang Zhen wanted to understand why a man and a woman must have a child.

The relationship between a man and a woman is very good, and they are reluctant to separate, but they want to separate again, so what to do, then let's have a baby, that is the inevitable result of two people being so close to each other.

Of course, Shang Zhen just thought so, but he would never say that to Leng Xiaozhi.

According to his understanding of Leng Xiaozhi, if he brought up this matter, Leng Xiaozhi would probably agree. Leng Xiaozhi's character looks cold on the outside, but in fact he is very hot inside, otherwise he would not have taken the initiative to kiss himself back then.

Because of this, he couldn't say that to Leng Xiaozhi, he didn't want Leng Xiaozhi to go around beating devils with his big belly to steal arms for the Eighth Route Army.

"Zhengdu, Zhengdu, startled a pool of gulls, but it turned out that they strayed into the depths of the lotus root." Just as Shang Zhen was thinking wildly, someone spoke.

And this time it was Chen Hanwen who spoke, among Shang Zhen and his group who could usually say such a thing, except for Chu Tian, ​​it was Chen Hanwen.

"It turned out to be a dream!" Chen Hanwen sighed, but then he said in surprise, "Huh? Why isn't it daylight yet?"

"Shock a bunch of gulls and herons? I gave him a shuttle, and stewed those Qiaoer (birds) as pigeons!" This time, it was Qian Chuaner who picked up Chen Hanwen's words. It turned out that everyone had already woken up. up.

"I have stewed chicken and stewed goose (né), but I have never stewed Qiaoer. No matter how big Qiaoer is, there will be more meat, so it will be delicious toss and roast!" Don't be silly, don't look at the second fool who usually doesn't say a word, but he is a foodie.

Shang Zhen knew that a new day had begun, so he got up and walked outside the house.

And the soldiers in the room continued to talk nonsense, and Chen Hanwen's poetry was messed up.

When Shang Zhen pushed the door and came out, he realized that it was foggy. It was already dawn, but the fog was so thick that the visibility was extremely low, and he couldn't see clearly after ten steps away.

"It's such a thick fog, we have to be careful today, and don't accidentally walk into the battlefield." said Chu Tian who followed Shang Zhen out.

"How can it be so overhanging? Last night, listening to the sound of cannons, it was at least seven or eight miles away from our place!" This was Qiu Bo's voice.

"Okay, let's get some food first, and see if the fog clears up after eating." Shang Zhen looked at the white mist and said.

This was Shang Zhen's first time seeing such a big fog, everyone said that the fog was invisible, but Shang Zhen felt that the fog was composed of countless fine particles, but he couldn't see it.

An hour later, Shang Zhen and the others walked through the white mist.

Although another hour passed, the visibility was only increased by a few meters.

Shang Zhen didn't want to wait any longer, he had already discussed with Wang Laomao, and felt that the possibility of them entering the battlefield by mistake was not high.

This is because the gunfire they heard yesterday was to the north of them, but they were coming from the south.

Naturally, they had their reasons for coming from the south. They only knew that the Battle of Songhu was a big battle.

According to their understanding of the Chinese army, the Japanese army must have attacked from north to south, and they would encounter the Chinese army if they ran from the south, so what danger would they have?

But just to be on the safe side, Shang Zhen still gave his partner a password ban, that is, no one is allowed to speak unless it is absolutely necessary.

To say that Shang Zhen was already very careful.

But he didn't know that in the first half month of the same foggy weather, a Japanese army landed in Jinshanwei by taking advantage of this weather.

The battlefield, terrain, and weather are sometimes more complicated than imagined, but Shang Zhen and the others take it for granted.

Shang Zhen and the others walked forward quietly like this, their bodies drove the mist, but the empty space was filled with new mist immediately.

Except for the sound of their footsteps walking on the street, the surrounding area is quiet, there is no sound of cannons in the distance, and no human voice nearby.

After walking for a while, Shang Zhen found that the group of them was about to leave the village where they stayed overnight.

Of course, this village may not necessarily be a village, after all, this is the battlefield of Songhu, and Shang Zhen and the others have never been to Shanghai, and they can't figure out whether this is a suburb or a town.

And just when Shang Zhen found that the houses on both sides were starting to become scarce, and there were no houses when looking to the left and right, UU reading www. He stopped subconsciously.

"What's the matter?" Old Mao Wang who was following behind him asked.

"Nothing." Shang Zhen replied.

The reason why Shang Zhen stopped, of course, had his own reasons, and he just felt that the fog blocked his sight now.

If you encounter the enemy in this situation, if they don't leave the village, there is still something to rely on, but if you meet the Japanese army in the open field, what kind of situation will it be like when the two sides shoot at each other?

In fact, this was just Shang Zhen's imagination, and it was due to his habit of being cautious all along.

Shang Zhen laughed secretly that he was afraid that he would be disturbing others, so he raised his legs and continued to walk forward, but he stopped suddenly after walking a few steps and said in a low voice, "Don't make any noise!"

And at this moment, all of them heard rustling footsteps in the mist.

"Go back to the village, if you don't know whether it's an enemy or a friend, you must be careful." Shang Zhen said in a low voice.

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