The War of Resistance

Chapter 460: Shock War (2)

The little dustpan is using his brains, and Shang Zhen is naturally also using his brains.

After bypassing several houses, Shang Zhen turned back and lowered his head to ask the people next to him: "Do you think we are safe in the village now, or outside the village?"

"Of course it's safe in the village. There are houses that can block guns." Guan Tiedou replied.

"No, it should be safe outside the village." Hou Wangshan expressed a different opinion.

"Why?" Shang Zhen asked.

"The little devil will think that if we stick to this village, of course we will attack the village. No matter how strong the houses in this village are, they can block rifles, but can they block heavy machine guns? As for blocking artillery, that is even more nonsense. .

If we are outside the village now, and the little devils can't see us if there is fog, they don't know that we are outside the village and naturally they won't shoot at the outside of the village, so aren't we safe outside? "Hou Wangshan's analysis is straightforward.

"It feels like what the dead monkey said makes sense." Ma Erhuzi also participated.

Shang Zhen nodded, his opinion was the same as Hou Wangshan's.

"That's how it is." He said, "Brother Huzi will stay with me, and the others will go outside the village with Old Uncle Wang, sticking to the edge of the village and walking to the east end of the village to wait for us."

"Then what about you two?" Old Mao Wang who heard the sound came over asked.

"The two of us will see if we can find Huzhuzi and Tietou. We can't put too many people here, because it's easy to get accidentally injured." Shang Zhen replied.

"You can't just take the risk as soon as something happens, or you and I can stay with Brother Huzi." Little Dustpan objected.

When the little dustpan said this, the others naturally agreed.

That's right, you can't just play a lonely hero and leave everyone else aside as soon as you fight the boss Shang Zhen.

"What you said is quite reasonable." Shang Zhen was moved in his heart, but he continued, "This time I will go up with Brother Huzi, and next time you have something to do, you will take turns to go up, isn't it fair? Alright, Ok, deal!"

Having said this, the matter was settled, Shang Zhen and Ma Erhuzi went to the village, while Wang Laomao led the rest of the people to walk out of the village.

Hou Hanshan's analysis is reasonable, and Shang Zhen also thinks so. When the Japanese army finds out that they are blocked by the Chinese army here, it is very likely that the Japanese army servants in the village will come back.

Old Mao Wang took most of the people out of the village to avoid encountering the enemy, but Shang Zhen took Ma Erhuzi and needed to find Hu Zhuzi and Tie Tou.

"How many guns do you have now?" Shang Zhen asked Ma Erhuzi while walking cautiously with a flower mechanism.

"Three, one medium and two small." Ma Erhuzi replied.

"Are the bullets fully loaded?" Shang Zhen asked again worriedly.

"It's all full!" Ma Erhu replied.

"Okay." Shang Zhen responded, and then the two continued to move forward.

The medium-sized weapon that Ma Erhuzi mentioned refers to the flower mechanism, and the small-sized weapon is a box cannon and a stick.

Originally, most of Shang Zhen and the others were equipped with short guns, and either had machine guns or rifles in their hands.

But before they came back to the Songhu battlefield, didn't they beat up those military commanders!

Then the guns in the hands of those military commanders were naturally seized by them, and the guns used by the military commanders were naturally different from those of the army. Most of the guns that Shang Zhen and the others seized from the military leaders were mostly guns!

The so-called Luzi refers to pistols smaller than box guns, such as the well-known Browning pistols, Canadian Luzi and so on.

As a self-defense weapon, such a pistol is enough to shoot thirty to fifty meters, but if it is used to fight against the regular army, it has the disadvantages of too short range and insufficient lethality.

However, the advantage of this kind of gun lies in close combat. When fighting hand-to-hand with the Japanese army, if you have a pistol in your hand, it will naturally have an advantage.

After this war became a world war, the U.S. military was not good at hand-to-hand combat. The configuration they used was a submachine gun and a pistol.

The reason why Shang Zhen asked Ma Erhuzi how many guns he had brought was to take precautions, for he was afraid of directly colliding with the Japanese army!

Facts have once again proved how prescient Shang Zhen is.

When he and Ma Erhuzi walked fifty or sixty meters in the village, they really encountered the Japanese army unexpectedly!

The fog still hasn't dissipated, and the visibility is still about 20 meters. No matter which side, as long as they see the other side's figure, gunshots will naturally ring out.

But this time is not the case!

When Shang Zhen and Ma Erhuzi turned a corner of the house, they saw the Japanese soldiers who were less than 10 meters away from them, walking forward with their rifles bent. Although it was foggy, Shang Zhen could not see Clear the eyes, mouth, mouth and nose of the Japanese army!

"He he he" "He he he", the flower mechanism in the hands of Shang Zhen and Ma Erhuzi suddenly rang.

But the enemy and us are too close together, and the number of Japanese soldiers is extremely large. As for how many, Shang Zhen can't see or say, but when he and Ma Erhuzi emptied the bullets in the magazine At that time, the Japanese army on the opposite side had already charged forward with rifles!

The Japanese army is the Japanese army. The Japanese army has a strong combat effectiveness and a strong tactical awareness, but the Japanese army's tactical awareness is extremely dull. They just fight as they are trained by the higher authorities.

The distance from which the Japanese army launched a charge is generally about thirty to fifty meters.

Now Shang Zhen is only more than ten meters away from them, and it is impossible to shoot at Shang Zhen and them based on the firing frequency of Japanese rifles.

So while Shang Zhen and the others fired their guns, some Japanese soldiers fell down in the mist, but other Japanese soldiers still rushed up with their bayonet-mounted rifles.

And at this moment, Shang Zhen was so lucky that both he and Ma Erhuzi were wearing the flower machine guns, and the two of them just let go of the flower machine guns in their hands, and then pulled out the box guns respectively.

"Retreat and fight!" Shang Zhen said the box cannon, and his box cannon rang, and at the same time he backed up, and Ma Erhuzi did the same!

You can't retreat, the enemy and us are too close, if you take a step back, the Japanese bayonet will arrive!

The Japanese soldiers rushed forward frantically, and Shang Zhen kept moving their right index fingers. The Japanese soldiers rushed forward so fiercely that Shang Zhen had no choice but to shoot in bursts again.

It was only a moment before Shang Zhen emptied the bullets in the cannon magazine in Shang Zhen's hand.

The box cannon and the pistol in Ma Erhuzi's hands rang alternately. The two pistols of Ma Erhuzi were semi-automatic pistols, and they couldn't keep up with Shang Zhen's twenty-ring pistol in terms of firing frequency.

The Japanese attack on the opposite side was so fierce that Ma Erhuzi also shot out all the bullets in the box cannon.

He pulled out the stick and tapped the trigger twice in succession at the Japanese soldiers who rushed forward.

But the lethality of this kind of stick is really not good, Ma Erhuzi felt that he should have hit the Japanese soldier.

But the Japanese soldier continued to rush forward as if he hadn't been shot, and the glaring bayonet accompanied by the cold mist had almost pierced his face!

At this time, the box cannon in Shang Zhen's hand finally rang again.

then. Just when the bayonet facing Ma Erhuzi was about to hit his face, the gun finally fell to the ground with a bang, and the Japanese soldier also fell down.

"Let's go!" Shang Zhen didn't know whether the Japanese soldiers he met on the opposite side were the servants of the Japanese, and he didn't know how many people there were.

But he knew that he had to get rid of it immediately, because after he knocked down the Japanese soldier, there were still Japanese footsteps behind him!

Shang Zhen and Ma Erhuzi finally hid in the fog. At this time, Japanese bullets chased them over, but they were safe for the time being.

"I don't know how many Japanese devils the two of us killed. It was really enjoyable, but it was too much bullets!" Dang Ma Erhuzi said regretfully after hiding behind a wall.

His box cannon was loaded with ten rounds, his gun was also loaded with ten rounds, plus the bullets in the magazine of the flower machine, Ma Erhuzi had already fired 40 rounds at the moment of encountering the Japanese army. He fired more bullets, but Shang Zhen fired more bullets than him.

Isn't this too expensive?

But before Shang Zhen started to answer, the village suddenly heard the sound of machine guns and grenade explosions again.

"It's Huzhuzi and Tietou." Shang Zhen said while changing the magazine for his flower mechanism

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