The War of Resistance

Chapter 434: Revenge failed

On October 17, the 26th year of the Republic of China, a group of soldiers of the Chinese army were at the entrance of a village, listening to what a villager said.

"Plum Blossom Town is over. I heard people who escaped from the town say that I don't know how many people died. Anyway, the whole street, no, not the whole street, but all the streets are full of dead people, and the whole street is red. of!

Those families were wiped out by the Japanese devils.

And the stomachs of pregnant women were picked by the Japanese devils, and the children were all—hey. "

As the villager narrated, the faces of the soldiers became gloomy.

Some soldiers showed an angry expression on their faces, holding the steel guns tightly in their hands, as if they wanted to settle accounts with the Japanese devils.

And it was the person who led the team who stopped the impulse of the soldiers, bid farewell to the villagers who told the story, and led them away.

And these soldiers were the group headed by Shang Zhen, they received Hou Wangshan and the others, but Gao Huaide did not return with them.

Shang Zhen and the others naturally had to look for large troops on their way back, and only then did they hear from the common people that after the 691st regiment withdrew, Meihua Town was killed by the Japanese army and blood flowed into rivers.

"No, I have to kill the little devil, or I won't be able to get rid of the evil fire in my heart!" After Shang Zhen and the others left the villager, Old Mao Wang said suddenly.

"Yes, I'm going too!" Hu Zhuzi followed suit.

Seeing Shang Zhen walking in front without saying a word, the others expressed their opinions one after another, and the crowd became angry for a while.

Shang Zhen continued to walk in front, ignoring the soldiers as if he didn't hear them.

"Boss, you have to say something!" Seeing that everyone was furious, Shang Zhen didn't make a sound, so it was Qian Chuan'er who said.

"Yeah, I'm going to kill the little devil, so what am I doing now, don't I just go forward?" Shang Zhen said without turning his head.

As soon as they heard what Shang Zhen said, the soldiers felt that there was something wrong with Shang Zhen's words, and there were only two people who didn't realize the changes in Shang Zhen, but they were still striding forward, one was Hu Zhuzi, and the other was Guo Baoyou .

As soon as they saw the two people walking forward, the others felt that something was even more wrong.

Hu Zhuzi doesn't use his brain or just one muscle in everything.

Guo Baoyou had nowhere to go and had just joined Shang Zhen and his group. He was still a recruit, the so-called "newborn calves are not afraid of tigers".

If most of the remaining people let these two lead the way, they will have to go to the ditch sooner or later!

At this time, Qiu Bo first calmed down and asked, "Company commander, what are you planning?"

When Qiu Bo asked, the others finally looked at Shang Zhen, and Shang Zhen also stopped.

"I also want to take revenge, but what's the use of my plan? Think about it, how can we kill devils?" Shang Zhen said.

When Shang Zhen said this, Old Mao Wang and the others were lost in thought, while Hu Zhuzi and Guo Baoyou were still walking forward with big strides.

"Go to the little devil's barracks." Erhanzi said.

"Going to be a death squad, each with a bunch of grenades?" Qian Chuaner asked.

"Also." Erhanzi replied, but hearing that voice, he lacked confidence.

"Fighting the little devil's ambush is on the only way for the little devil." Ma Erhuzi suggested.

"It's not impossible to do this trick, but now there are no small groups of little devils, they are all robbing the territory, and they are all using large troops." Chen Hanwen objected.

"Besides, there is no such terrain now, how can we hide? How can we run after the fight?" Chu Tian helped Chen Hanwen.

Ma Erhuzi didn't make a sound.

He is also a veteran, but he also understands that what Chen Hanwen and Chu Tian said is correct.

At this time, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and they suddenly realized that there really seemed to be no good way to beat the little devil.

"Everyone continued to say, let's see if there is another good way, how can we beat the devils and we will have the least casualties.

Don't tell me that we strapped grenades to blow up the little devils. If we people wanted to blow up, we would have blown up long ago. Why wait until now? "Shang Zhen spoke again when he saw that everyone was silent.

All of a sudden, the soldiers understood what Shang Zhen meant.

It's not that Shang Zhen doesn't want to beat the little devils to avenge the common people, but how can there be such a good opportunity in such a hurry?

Just when they were emotionally excited and eager to take revenge, Shang Zhen had already thought of all ways to take revenge!

"The fighter is caught, not waited for, just wanting to have a fart?

It depends on the situation, the terrain, and the weather of the little devil to have the idea of ​​attacking the devil! "After discussing this, Old Mao Wang finally spoke.

If Wang Laomao said so, it would be plausible (reliable).

But his statement was still refuted by Shang Zhen: "Yes, the fighter plane was caught but not waited for, so I will go ahead and you call me Gaha?"

"—" Old Mao Wang snapped his mouth and snapped his eyes a few more times, but he didn't say anything, and he was speechless!

What Shang Zhen said is right.

Just when everyone stopped talking, someone spoke in front of them.

"Hey, why don't you follow?" Hu Zhuzi said the words.

It was Hu Zhuzi and Guo Baoyou who had returned.

They all said to fight devils, and those two people left the fastest.

They were discussing how to fight devils, and the two of them strode forward, but when they turned around, no one followed.

Even if the two of them wanted to fight devils again, they knew how many devils they could fight with just the two of them, so they turned around and came back.

"I'm **** with you!" Old Mao Wang scolded, "I'm going to follow you, I don't even know why I died!"

Hu Zhuzi was scolded by Old Mao Wang for no reason, and he was about to refute, but he finally closed his mouth when he saw Shang Zhen watching him.

Only at this time did he realize that he seemed to be wrong, how could he not listen to Shang Zhen, the company commander, if he was beating devils? The company commander didn't say anything, why did he just run ahead?

So far Shang Zhen and the others have calmed down.

And when they calmed down, they realized that this impulse was really the devil.

When it comes to beating devils, it doesn't mean that devils will die just by talking about it for a while, but it requires all kinds of conditions to be met.

These people have enough guns and ammunition, but they are almost out of food, so they can't beat devils hungry, can they?

So, in the end, Shang Zhen discussed with everyone where to get food, and how he got clothes from the common people and disguised himself as a common man to secretly observe the movements of the Japanese army.

However, such a delay would take a long time. Shang Zhen and the others lived outside for several days, but they still didn't find a good opportunity to fight the devils.

Of course he was very angry when he learned that Meihua Town was thrown into Shangzhen by the Japanese army, but he also knew that it was not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years.

It is one thing to have an idea in your mind, but another to realize it.

It is now in the stage of the Japanese army's siege and land grabbing. Up to now, the large troops have acted in unison. It is difficult for small troops like them to capture small groups of enemies, so how can they take revenge?

He had no choice but to take them to Jin County after a week.

The devils didn't catch them, but they found out during the investigation that Lu Cao had taken the 691 regiment to the neighboring Jin County.

Shang Zhen and the others walked on the road again, their hearts filled with unwillingness, but so what?

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