The War of Resistance

Chapter 435: News from the Songhu Battlefield

"This is the result of their fight against devils?" When Shang Zhen and the others appeared in front of the 691st regiment, they heard the officers and soldiers of the 691st regiment questioning in whispers.

More than 30 tired soldiers, Qian Chuaner, Qin Chuan, and Ma Tianfang didn't even change their military uniforms, they were wearing ordinary people's clothes.

This is because the three of them have been spying in disguise these few days.

Although the military uniforms of the Northeast Army are already torn, they are still military uniforms, so what would the three of them look like wearing ordinary people's clothes?

In this case, it is like a character written by a certain literary master. No matter how poor they are, they are gentlemen who have to wear long gowns, and only those who do physical work wear undershirts!

And why not the soldiers?

If it is said that Shang Zhen and the others have made the clothes of themselves and others tattered, it is fine, but their loot, at least in the eyes of the 691 regiment, is only one, and that is the grenadier in the hands of the second fool. And his deputy shooter was carrying a grenade box in his hand.

Thirty people went out and wandered around for several days, but in the end they only got a grenadier and came back. It is normal for the officers and soldiers of the 691 regiment to question them. If there is no doubt, it is abnormal!

"This instructor team seems to be just average." Another soldier muttered in a low voice.

The so-called whispering is of course deliberately lowering the voice.

Deliberately lowering his voice could be regarded as a kind of respect for Shang Zhen and his team of instructors.

However, what's the matter with people's whispering but they have to let them hear it?

"Don't explain to them, let's not offend them." At this time, Old Mao Wang told himself to be humane.

Old Mao Wang admires Shang Zhen more and more now.

The reason, of course, was that Shang Zhen could hold his breath, and he, the oldest veteran, couldn't match him in this regard.

The people in Plum Blossom Town were harmed by the Japanese army. Although they really wanted to take revenge, they couldn’t do it in a short time. Shang Zhen could afford it, but he was impulsive!

Precisely because Wang Laomao was alert to his violent temper, he told his people not to argue with the 691 regiment.

However, Wang Laomao forgot one thing, that is, people from the Northeast are straight-tempered, he is straight-tempered, and people from the 691 regiment are also straight-tempered.

As for the army, those who can fight are the leaders.

At this time, soldiers from the 691st Regiment explained for Shang Zhen and his group, but their explanation almost made Old Mao Wang's nose crooked.

The soldier said: "A good instructor is not necessarily a good soldier!"

The soldier before said "hey" and said, "Yes, what you said is really reasonable!"

Ok? What is this called? What do you call a good instructor not necessarily a good soldier? Isn't this **** irony and burying us?

Old Mao Wang and the others all looked bad.


"Shut up!"

Just as Hu Zhuzi was about to open his mouth, he was scolded by Shang Zhen.

If people in the Northeast are straight-tempered, then Hu Zhuzi's straight-tempered ones are a bit of a tiger!

He wanted to say, why didn't we fight devils? We beat a squadron of Japanese devils. Didn’t say too much, why did our more than 30 people have to beat more than 100 Japanese devils even if they were killed or injured?

We have made dozens of good guns and bad guns, but they are all for your regiment leader's daughter-in-law!

Isn't this achievement something to be proud of? Of course it was worth it, that is, who dares to say that the Chinese army killed and wounded a hundred Japanese devils but had zero casualties, no, only one?

What is this battle loss ratio? This is a battle loss ratio of 1:100!

But the problem is that Shang Zhen refuses to say it, and if he refuses to say it, it is a military order, so he can't say it.

Oops, you said that this tiger pillar was aggrieved!

"It's a tiger again, the guns we captured were given to the regimental commander's wife, which means they were given to the Eighth Route Army. Can you say that?" At this time, Qian Chuan'er said in a very low voice in Hu Zhuzi's ear.

"Oh." Hu Zhuzi fell silent.

This cannot be said, even if it is killed!

Although it is said that Gao Huaide is the daughter-in-law of the head of the regiment, Lu Cao, but it is impossible to say that Gao Huaide sent guns and ammunition to the Communist Eighth Route Army privately!

There are so many people talking about it, if this matter gets out, it will definitely not work!

Hu Zhuzi understood this truth under Qian Chuan'er's reminder, and the others naturally understood it too.

So amidst the whispering and cynicism of the officers and soldiers of the 691 regiment, Shang Zhen and the others stood at the gate of the regiment headquarters with strong psychological quality.

"Company Commander Shang, the regiment commander let you in!" The guards at the door had already seen Shang Zhen and the others coming, but they had already asked for instructions in advance.

Of course, the house of a rich family could be used as a temporary regiment headquarters, so Shang Zhen walked through the courtyard and walked into the house without everyone else.

Shang Zhen entered the room and saw that Lu Cao and his three battalion commanders were there, and one of the battalion commanders still had a bandage on his head, obviously injured in the battle.

Shang Zhen naturally understands this. When there is no war, the regimental commander seems to be a very powerful official, but if there is a war, sometimes the regimental commander has to kiss the front line, let alone the battalion commander. .

Therefore, it is normal for the battalion commander to be injured and the company commander to die in such a cruel battle.

Shang Zhen saluted Lu Cao. Lu Cao waved his hand and pointed to the stool beside him to signal him to sit down, and then said to the other person, "Go on."

It was only then that Shang Zhen noticed that there was a fifth person in the room, that person was also in the uniform of the Northeast Army, he seemed to be an officer in his twenties, and there was no trace of gunpowder or war on his body.

Shang Zhen knew it was Lu Cao's business, obviously he didn't have the time to talk to himself, so he sat down honestly and listened to others.

And then the young officer began again: "This is what I heard.

Commander Gu of the 626th Regiment of the 105th Division was killed, and more than half of the regiment suffered casualties.

The Japanese army of the 109th Division blocked the Shanghai-Hangzhou highway and fought northward for two days and two nights. Three of the four regiment leaders were killed, and most of the people below were also killed.

This does not give our Northeast Army additional soldiers, and I think the 49th Army will not be able to do it in the future.

So, second brother, I'm coming to you. "

As soon as Shang Zhen heard what the officer said, he already thought of it. It turned out that the officer who called Lu Cao the second brother came from the Songhu battlefield!

Shang Zhen originally belonged to the 337th Brigade of the 51st Army. He took his own people to the 691st Regiment of the 53rd Army and temporarily became the instructor to help the regiment leader Lv Cao to train the troops.

But the Northeast Army has several armies. The Japanese army launched the July 7th Incident and began a full-scale war of aggression against China.

Shang Zhen followed the 691 regiment to fight in Hebei, which was actually a continuation of the Battle of Pingjin.

The Battle of Pingjin refers to the defeat of the 29th Army of the Northwest Army, that is, the 29th Army that chopped off the devil's head with a big knife and the Japanese army.

But on the Songhu battlefield on August 13 this year, China and Japan had already started fighting, while the 49th Army of the Northeast Army went to the Songhu battlefield.

Shang Zhen naturally understood in his heart that now the entire Northeast Army has left their homes, and they are burdened with the infamy of not resisting Now that the war of resistance has already begun in full swing, how can it be possible that they will not do their best?

The disadvantages of the Northeast Army are not limited to the above two points, one, leaving home. Second, bear the infamy.

The most unlucky thing about the Northeast Army is that the formation of a comprehensive war of resistance is the result of their "remonstrance" by Shaoshuai Zhang.

And the remonstrance was resolved peacefully, which means that the old man is still a high-ranking old man, but the Northeast Army has become the old man's direct subordinate!

So, what kind of situation will the Northeast Army be in?

Think about it, think about it again, think about it with the mood of the Chinese workplace, and you will know.

It's like, a small employee was exposed by the leader at the democratic life meeting, and the narrow-minded leader naturally didn't want to say anything publicly in order to save his face as a virtuous corporal.

But after the democratic life is over, the little staff will be damned if they don't wear small shoes!

It is a certainty that the troops of the Northeast Army will be unlucky, but the most unlucky one is undoubtedly the commander of the 49th Army.

On this point, Shang Zhen also heard from Hao Zhenglong during the Double Twelve Incident that the commander-in-chief of the Double Twelve Incident was the commander of the 49th Army of the Northeast Army!

Alas, the same sentence, China is weak, but is it only the national strength that is weak? Are the Chinese stupid? You see, how can there be any stupid people who are fighting each other?

But this battle was fought, and Shang Zhen, who looked calm on the surface, now has a feeling that can't be described in words.

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