The War of Resistance

Chapter 433: Plum Blossom Town Massacre

"You still said that you are beating devils." Guo Baoyou said dissatisfiedly to Qin Chuan when there was a gleam of light in the sky.

"You don't know what to do." Qin Chuan glared at Guo Baoyou. The so-called goods in the pot naturally refer to Guo Baoyou's new nickname "pot wrapped in meat".

"I knew that if I didn't shoot the little devil, the little devil wouldn't die!" Guo Baoyou remained stubborn.

"Then you have to look at the strength of the enemy and ourselves. I heard the news yesterday that the Japanese devils must have increased their troops, and the big troops have left. We just don't have enough people for the devils to stuff their teeth." At this time, Chen Hanwen said Persuaded by the side.

"Boy, you are just a child. Don't think that you will feel like you just know how to hold the trigger. Anyone who drowns will know how to water." Qin Chuan continued the training.

Guo Baoyou fell silent.

All three looked towards the west.

In the middle of the night yesterday, Shang Zhen finally confirmed that the large army should have withdrawn.

After he discussed with Wang Laomao, they also put away the grenadiers that had been set up at that time, and they did not harass the Japanese army, but went west.

The reason why they want to go west is because they need to wait for Hou Kanshan and their return.

Hou Kanshan brought some people to help Gao Huaide deliver weapons and ammunition to the Eighth Route Army.

They don't need to send those weapons and ammunition to the Taihang Mountains. There is a contact point for the Eighth Route Army on the outskirts of the Taihang Mountains.

According to the itinerary, they should return in the next few days, and neither Hou Kanshan nor Gao Huaide knew that the large army had withdrawn from Meihua Town.

Then Shang Zhen and the others naturally needed to stop Hou Wangshan and the others.

They also couldn't figure out which way Hou Wangshan Gao Huaide and the others would come back from, so Shang Zhen divided the remaining twenty or so people into several groups and guarded them separately on the road several miles away from Plum Blossom Town. .

At this moment, Shang Zhen and Qian Chuan'er were looking at another intersection.

"Boss, are you not sleepy?" Qian Chuaner asked when he saw Shang Zhen looking east from time to time.

"If you're sleepy, go to sleep. I'm not sleepy now." Shang Zhen replied.

"Then I have to sleep for a while." Qian Chuan'er lay down, but he didn't notice that Shang Zhen looked at Dongfang with worried eyes.

Now what Shang Zhen thinks is that Plum Blossom Town is a big town, and he wonders how many people the Japanese devils will kill in Plum Blossom Town this time.

It is impossible for the Japanese army to occupy a new place without killing people, the difference is only in how many people, so how many people will the Japanese army kill this time?

Shang Zhen's concerns are not unreasonable.

At this time, just outside the wall of Meihua Town, a Japanese army had already climbed up to the top of the wall.

The 691st regiment rushed out of the encirclement in the dark yesterday, and the Japanese army was facing an undefended town at this time, so what would they do?

It was just dawn, and when an old man came out of his yard carrying a toilet, he saw Japanese soldiers in yellow uniforms.

The old man yelled "Ah!" and wanted to run back, but at this moment the gunshot rang out, and the old man was knocked down with one shot, and the toilet in his hand fell to the ground.

And with the start of the first shot, a massacre began!

Meihua Town is a large town with a population of several thousand, but at this time there are already more than 5,000 Japanese troops who have received reinforcements. The yellow Japanese troops climbed up from the wall like locusts.

Although some Japanese soldiers went to demolish the city gate blocked by the 691 regiment, more Japanese soldiers started to massacre, smashing doors, burning houses, and killing people!

Several Japanese soldiers broke into a house where an old mother in her fifties was making breakfast, but she was immediately stabbed to the ground by a bayonet.

Seeing the ferocity of the Japanese army, the old man of that family picked up a three-toothed rake used in rural areas to rake firewood and went to a Japanese soldier.

He planed really accurately!

He directly dug the one-prong-long tooth tip into the Japanese soldier's chest, but before he could pull out the three-foot rake, a Japanese soldier's bayonet pierced him!

The son of that family roared loudly, and rushed to the Japanese army in his big pants, but he was still greeted with a bayonet, and then his wife was also pierced by the bayonet, and his two children were also stabbed to death by the Japanese army by the side of the parents.

This family is not the only one where the tragedy happened.

Another family of four was caught by the Japanese army and **** with rope.

And the hostess of this house was already pregnant, her belly was already standing up, and a Japanese officer fiercely swiped the command knife in his hand, and he wanted to have a caesarean section!

The male owner of that family desperately broke the rope and rushed towards the Japanese army, but this was the sound of machine guns, and all four members of the family fell into a pool of blood.

It's just that this is only a family-based massacre.

As the killing progressed, although the sun rose, the Plum Blossom Town under the sun was full of coldness and killing, as if it had become a **** on earth.

During this entire day, more than 1,200 residents of Meihua Town were killed by the Japanese army. Blood flowed into the street, and there was a sticky feeling when they stepped on it.

In the afternoon, more than 100 villagers were driven to a compound by the Japanese army, and then machine guns rang out, and the villagers fell down one after another.

At this time, the Japanese army drove some young and middle-aged men, and threw those killed into the cesspit in the vegetable cellar in the yard, and then those who carried the corpses were also shot and killed by the Japanese army beside the cesspit in the vegetable cellar.

At night, at the scene of the massacre, another sign was erected, which read "The Death of the Chinese Army".

In order to cover up their crimes, the Japanese army shamelessly took the killing of civilians as their own results.

If you thought that the evil deeds of the Japanese army ended here, you would be wrong. More than 100 women were forcibly dragged by the Japanese army to a powder room compound. 11 women who were pregnant and about to give birth were directly caesareaned by the Japanese army, and the fetuses were hung on a tree to practice shooting.

This massacre lasted for four days and three nights. The number of civilians killed in Meihua Town reached 1,547, and 46 families were wiped out. More than 100 women were insulted and abused. Houses were burnt down, property was looted, there were ruins everywhere, and the atrocities committed by the Japanese army were beyond description!

In the Ming Dynasty, when Japanese pirates, the ancestors of the Japanese army, entered the southeast, they used to pour boiling water on the babies in the southeast coast and listen to the baby's cries for fun.

Who would have thought that after hundreds of years, this tragic scene would appear on the land of China again.

Later, there was a well-known song called "Singing Erxiao Shed the Cowherd", which said that a child named Wang Erxiao led the Japanese army who went into the mountains to attack the Japanese army into the ambush circle of the Eighth Route Army, and in the end Wang Erxiao was captured by the Japanese. He picked it up with a bayonet and fell to his death on the stone.

In this case, it is by no means an exception during the 14 years that the Japanese invaders were in China.

The Chinese nation is a peace-loving nation. Although we should not advocate war, we must never forget the history that happened. After a few years, we descendants of the Chinese will never have the right to say forgiveness for our ancestors.

Because our ancestors include those anti-Japanese martyrs, as well as those ancestors who loved peace but died under the aggressor's knife.

History will always remember those days, from October 12th to 15th in the 26th year of the Republic of China (1937).

In later generations, a stone tablet was erected in Meihua Town, which read "Meihua Town Tragedy Site".

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