The War of Resistance

Chapter 432: night raid

As the night fell, the lights of the fire seemed very conspicuous in the dark night.

And Shang Zhen and the others stared at these few fires in the darkness.

"How far do you think we are from there now?" Shang Zhen asked.

"It's not what you said, but what you guessed." Old Mao Wang corrected.

Yes, no one knows how far they are from those fires, four hundred meters? Four hundred and fifty meters? Still five hundred meters.

Plum Blossom Town has become a battlefield, so the entire area around Plum Blossom Town has also become a battlefield, and it is true that the village dares to shine brightly in the dark night, but of course that village is also occupied by the Japanese army, at least the Chinese army and the people are Not daring to shine a light.

At this moment, Chu Tian cursed in a low voice, "What the hell".

"What's wrong?" Ma Tianfang who was next to Chutian asked curiously.

You know, Chutian is a civilized person, at least no one has heard Chutian swear so far, but this time he swears at the country, which is really unexpected.

"On the land of China, not only ordinary people dare not light lamps, but even soldiers with guns like us dare not light lamps. They are so useless to the dung heap!" Chu Tian said.

Chu Tian's words silenced everyone, and after a while, Chen Hanwen answered, "Isn't it because China is weak?"

That's right, this is China, and it's our own territory. Now people are bullying you, but you don't dare to light a lamp, and the robbers fight openly. Isn't that useless? Isn't it because our China is weak?

"What's the use of saying this? We've already killed a lot of devils!" Shang Zhen spoke, so they all shut up.

Shang Zhen didn't want to participate in such a topic, so he stopped.

After all, the present Shang Zhen is not the first one who can be frightened into nightmares by a wolf dog that was beaten to death.

China is weak, but what is weak is not only national power?

According to cultural people like Chutian Leng Xiaozhi and the others, the weak Chinese still have spirit!

But the weakest is the spirit, right? These Chinese people are still sharp one by one, so what if they are not sharp? How could the faction of this warlord fight so fiercely? It would be great if we could use all the spirit of internal fighting to fight the Japanese devils!

Oh, I can't control others, let's just focus on the immediate affairs, Shang Zhen thought about how to make trouble for the Japanese army again.

Now Shang Zhen and the others are already in the east of Meihua Town, that is, the southeast of the Japanese army.

After they got rid of the Japanese army in the dark, they made a big circle and came back again!

According to Shang Zhen's idea, that is to take advantage of the dark to shoot a few grenades with grenades, and then add chaos to the Japanese army.

So now they have touched the periphery of the place that is only one mile away from the Japanese army.

But the problem is that it is night.

Without any reference objects, they can't judge the distance to the fire light just by the few fire lights in front of them.

If you don't know the distance to the fire, you can't aim the grenade, that's why Shang Zhen asked.

"How about we move forward?" Finally, Hu Zhuzi spoke.

Hu Zhuzi is now a veteran.

Usually, other people often enlighten him, saying, look at you, you are all veterans, you are older than Guan Tiedou and the others, you have to learn to use your brain, or we will all follow you.

If you want to say this, it is definitely not bad, and Hu Zhuzi is also self-motivated, and he has really started to learn to use his brain.

But the problem is, compared with others, his mentality is always one level lower. It's like playing chess. Others can see eight moves, but he can only see four moves. It's always a little bit worse.

So this time Hu Zhuzi used his brain and was punished again.

"If we can move forward, let's go up and throw the grenade directly, okay?" Old Mao Wang said angrily.

"Throw it and throw it, why don't you dare to do it?" Hu Zhuzi came up again.

"I'm so **** drunk, I'll help (subdue) you without even supporting the wall!" When meeting such a tiger as Hu Zhuzi, Old Mao Wang was helpless.

Everyone fell into silence again.

Of course they also wanted to reach over and throw grenades at the Japanese army, but if they did that, then they would no longer be harassing, they would become death squads.

And Shang Zhen and the others really didn't plan to be a death squad. There were so many Japanese devils, they couldn't solve it once they were a death squad.

Shang Zhen touched the watch on his wrist subconsciously. He wanted to know what time it was. The watch was naturally taken off the wrist of the Japanese soldier.

But the watch was not luminous, and he didn't dare to turn it on now, so he couldn't see it.

It should be twelve o'clock now, right? Shang Zhen thought.

But at this moment, he heard dense gunshots coming from the direction of Plum Blossom Town!

The gunshot shocked Shang Zhen and the others.

"Oh, it's not good, isn't the little devil also imitating us and starting a sneak attack?" Hu Zhuzi said in surprise.

"I don't know what's going on in the town, we can't just watch the excitement outside, let's go up, and then go—to the left!" Shang Zhen made up his mind.

Shang Zhen originally wanted to say "go forward", but the word turned into "go left".

"Why go left?" Several people nearby asked in unison.

"Since the little devil attacked, we should have a chance to talk about it again." Shang Zhen explained.

"Yes, victory in the chaos!" Old Mao Wang said.

So, they finally moved to the left, that is, to the area between the Japanese army and Meihua Town.

In Shang Zhen's understanding, since the Japanese army started attacking Plum Blossom Town again, the Japanese army would definitely send troops upwards.

And the Japanese army probably wouldn't make any light if they took action, so the guard posts around the Japanese army would naturally be useless. Didn't they just touch it?

However, at this time, Shang Zhen and the others did not know that the battle in Meihua Town was not fake, but it was not the Japanese army besieging Meihua Town, but the 691st regiment in Meihua Town began to break through.

Shang Zhen and the others walked forward in the dark like this.

And just when Shang Zhen felt that his people had come between Plum Blossom Town and the Japanese army in the north, he suddenly realized that his style of play seemed a bit stupid, and the Japanese army must not fire a flare!

But at this moment, Shang Zhen and the others heard that there was real movement in the north, and even the beam of the flashlight flashed and then went out again.

Although the beam of light was only bright for a moment, Shang Zhen and the others still saw the shadowy figure of the Japanese soldier in the beam of light.

"Let's shoot the little devil here!" Qiu Bo said.

" Shang Zhen responded.

Shang Zhen felt that the Japanese army in the north was only more than a hundred meters away from them, and there were still a lot of them. If they used grenade launchers, even if they were to be attacked, it would be enough to cause chaos in the Japanese army.

But just as Erhanzi was kicking the grenade on the ground, Old Mao Wang suddenly said in a low voice, "Boy Shang, wait a minute, I don't feel quite right!"

"As soon as Old Mao Wang said that, Shang Zhen stopped his hands: "What's wrong with Old Uncle Wang? "

"It's not that our people retreated, why do I feel that the gunshots are getting farther and farther away?" Wang Laomao said.

"Huh?" Shang Zhen was stunned for a moment, then listened attentively.

And when Wang Laomao said this, it wasn't just Shang Zhen who listened with pricked ears, everyone listened.

After a while, someone whispered: "Old Uncle Wang is right, the gunshots went south."

"I said Shang boy, you should think about it, don't run away after a day of fighting, we are still standing here stupidly, and throw us here again!" Old Mao Wang reminded.

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