The War of Resistance

Chapter 1582: failed rescue

What goes up works down, that's really how it works.

The brigade commander is lustful, and so are the officers below him.

The battalion commander is a lecher, and naturally there are lechers among the soldiers.

In order to please the chief officer, the officers below will naturally send beautiful women to the chief officer, and the officers below will naturally send soldiers to **** the women if they fall in love with them.

The lustful soldiers among the soldiers did not have such ability because they had no power, but because of the bad military discipline, they could enter people's houses at night.

Tonight, four soldiers from Liu Decai's camp took advantage of the darkness to break into a commoner's house.

They had picked everything during the day, and it was only when they happened to see a young daughter-in-law in that house when they passed by.

So Soldier A touched Soldier B who was walking with him with his elbow, and they knew each other's meaning by looking at each other.

Originally, the tacit understanding between soldiers should be on the battlefield, but as the same species, their tacit understanding is about having **** with women.

Obviously, this is not the first time they have done this.

So the two of them secretly called on two other like-minded people to investigate the house.

Why is it called Zishu? That's because rats always come out at midnight.

And just after midnight, these four rats came out.

The flower-picking thieves were also thieves. When they passed by during the day, they had secretly marked the door, and they found it at night.

There are people who are responsible for guarding the door, and there are people who are responsible for prying the door bolt, and then they light the gas-dead wind lamp and "break" the door.

There were only three people in that family, three generations: old, middle and young, an old woman, a child who had just turned one year old, and the little daughter-in-law.

As for the men, it's not that they don't exist, but they are all working outside and not at home.

The three soldiers, A, B and C, **** and controlled the whole family, gagged their mouths, and then impatiently dragged the little wife to a separate room on the west side.

Under the light of the infuriating wind lantern, three naked beasts and the little wife were struggling to the death.

But at this moment, gunfire rang outside!

Ding, the "quasi-beast" who was responsible for looking out, suddenly saw someone lying outside the window of that house.

Although the window paper was not very bright, the "quasi-animal" hiding in the shadows, who resembled a whistle, still saw that the other party was also wearing military uniforms, but the standard was different from theirs. There was also a flat steel helmet hanging behind the box. That is the uniform of the Northeast Army.

Just now he was annoyed that he had to look out, but now he was so lucky, so he fired the first shot, and the Northeastern soldier who came to the window fell in response.

Only the gunfire revealed his position. The gunfire from the box cannon diagonally opposite rang out. The security guard soldier responsible for the release was also shot and fell to the ground.

The sound of gunfire broke the silence of the night, and the security guards woke up from their sleep, and a new battle began.

The sound of gunshots also woke up Leng Xiaozhi. She stood at the window and looked out through the holes in the window paper.

But what could she see besides the dark night? The house blocked all fighting scenes, and she couldn't even see the red line of bullet flight in the dark night. UU Reading

Intuitively, she knew that the gunshot must have been from one of her own people coming to save her, but who could it be? But she couldn't figure it out.

Will it be the guerrillas, or will Shang Zhen get the news and come to save him? Everything is possible but nothing is possible.

But then the newly ignited hope in her heart was extinguished.

The door of the house opened with a bang, and under the illumination of the angry wind lamp, security guards rushed in. Without saying a word, they tied her up and her mouth was gagged with rags.

In the end she was **** in the house and could no longer move.

At this time, in the gap between the gunshots, someone outside the house was heard saying: "Battle Commander Liu, didn't I tell you? This woman can't move. Didn't you see someone coming to rob her?"

Next. Leng Xiaozhi heard a faint "hum", and he couldn't hear the conversation after that.

Just because the footsteps outside the house were heard in succession, the voice from before was ordering the soldiers: "Turn out all the lights, set up the machine guns, and fire immediately if you hear any movement approaching here without a command!" "

It was over, Leng Xiaozhi knew that there was no chance of escape in her heart.

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