The War of Resistance

Chapter 1583: awful!

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When Shang Zhen knew that Leng Xiaozhi had been captured and that their entire battalion had met in Weishan Town, it was already three days later.

"Speak boldly and don't talk useless nonsense." This is what Shang Zhen said when he saw his subordinates talking nonsense.

The antonym of "gan" is "rare", which is Northeastern dialect. In fact, Shang Zhen asked the people below to pick the important ones.

So through the narration of relevant personnel, Shang Zhen gradually understood the context of the whole matter.

Leng Xiaozhi borrowed troops to **** important personnel of the Eighth Route Army and met a large group of Japanese troops on the way.

Yang Chuanyin, Zhong Mingjian's squadron and Japanese scouts all suffered sacrifices.

In the subsequent process of blocking the Japanese pursuit, all 41 people from Qiu Bo Company and Gaochang's platoon died, and more than 20 guerrillas died.

However, Mo Jianchen, who was leading the guerrillas at the time, managed to escape. It turned out that after the attack failed, Mo Jianchen hid in a hole in a graveyard and had a lucky escape.

Next, Leng Xiaozhi and the others led people in Weishan Town.

By this time, the people in Shang Zhen's camp knew nothing about Leng Xiaozhi's situation at that time, so they could only speculate by asking the people in Weishan Town.

Fortunately, the Lunan guerrillas also had a mass base in Weishan Town. A local middle-aged man was a guerrilla guard, and he began to introduce what he knew.

At that time, another national army attacked here, and I heard it was from the security division.

Some people saw some members of the Eighth Route Army and the Northeast Army leaving Weishan Town.

Shang Zhen then guessed that the person escorted by Leng Xiaozhi and the others was finally safe. As for the Northeast Army soldiers wearing military uniforms, they must be Guo Baoyou's class.

Then a battle broke out in Weishan Town. The defender didn't know the specifics of the battle, but he was clear about what happened next.

The security guard killed the poor old man among them. Leng Xiaozhi couldn't bear the innocent people being harmed so he stepped forward and was captured by that army.

The reason why Leng Xiaozhi was able to hide was because Leng Xiaozhi was hidden by this fortress when he faced a desperate situation.

Then came the battle that took place at night. When it dawned, the defender saw that many people in the national army had died, and people wearing Northeastern Army uniforms were also beaten to death.

"Where are those of us who were killed?" Qiu Bo asked when the fortress told this point.

"No one can put those things in the town, right? So the people in the town took them out and put them outside the town." The fortress owner replied quickly.

"Is it buried?" Qiu Bo asked again.

"Not yet." The fortress replied again, "I wanted to bury him, but -"

"Shut up!" Shang Zhen suddenly interrupted the defender.

At this time, the expressions of the entire Northeast Army in the room, including Shang Zhen, changed.

Of course, the people who could make inquiries in the room at this time were the backbone of Shang Zhen's men.

Three company commanders, as well as Hou Kanshan, Qian Chuan'er, Qin Chuan and others.

"Take us to that place." Shang Zhen said, but then he glanced at everyone in the room, "No one is allowed to tell anyone about this matter, at least not now!"

Shang Zhen and the others hurried out the door, and when they saw Shang Zhen and the others, Hu Zhuzi and Ma Erhuzi followed them up.

"Who asked you to follow? Go back!" Shang Zhen, who noticed them, said directly.

Shang Zhen's words immediately stunned Hu Zhuzi and Ma Erhuzi!

In their impression, Shang Zhen had never spoken to them with such an attitude!

In Northeastern dialect, it means that the nose is not the nose and the face is not the face!

But they had to listen to Shang Zhen's words, so the two of them could only stand there in silence.

More than twenty minutes later, the fortress guard who was leading Shang Zhen and others to climb up a small high hill said breathlessly: "You can see it after passing the high hill."

Hearing what the fortress household said, Shang Zhen and the others quickened their pace and ran to the high hill almost at the same time.

And when they reached the highest point of the hill and looked ahead, they saw a low-lying land ahead.

There were some dead bodies lying in the low-lying land, but there happened to be three wild dogs looking for food in it.

As soon as Shang Zhen and the others appeared, there was indeed a wild dog that raised its head and looked up the hill, but the two wild dogs did not raise their heads at all.

So, do you need to ask what those two wild dogs are doing?

Although the wild dog with its head raised was only about a hundred meters away from Shang Zhen.

But Shang Zhen seemed to really see that the wild dog's eyes were red, and he felt a "buzzing" sound in his head.

At this point, how could Shang Zhen endure it? He reached out and pulled out his box cannon.

When it was pulled out, the gun head had already rubbed open on the thigh.

When he raised his hand, a gunshot rang out, but the shot did not hit the vital part of the wild dog, so the wild dog rolled around in the depression and screamed "Ouch, Ouch, Ouch". UU reading www.

After Shang Zhen's second gunshot, the dog became motionless.

Animals have their own animal instincts. The remaining two dogs also realized that something was wrong at this time, and they wanted to run away.

However, Shang Zhen's gunshots were fired one after another, but this time he did not miss again. After two gunshots, the two dogs were put down directly on the spot.

"Ma Tianfang, stay here and don't let others get close!" Shang Zhen gave another order and ran towards the depression in front. Naturally, everyone except Ma Tianfang followed closely.

When Shang Zhen and the others rushed directly to the depression, when they saw the corpses, they all stood there in silence without saying a word.

There were no more and no less than ten corpses there, all dressed in Northeastern Army uniforms. Those were the corpses of Guo Baoyou and his squad.

My former companions have now gone to another world.

But if that's the case, that's it. We are all veterans, so don't we see too many dead people?

But now, several of their ten companions have lost limbs.

Of course, some of them were injured by the enemy or exploded by grenades during the battle, but there were even more cases where the intestines were torn open by those wild dogs!

One of them had been eaten by wild dogs and only half of his face was left, and that person was none other than Guo Baoyou!

The moment they saw Guo Baoyou, all of Shang Zhen's eyes turned red.

The wild dog's eyes are red because it has eaten people.

The eyes of all Shang Zhen and the others were red, but it was because of hatred, hatred for the enemy, and hatred for those wild dogs!

I don't know who also pulled out his box cannon and pulled the trigger towards the hot wild dog.

Then the box cannons in all of their hands rang out, and the three wild dogs were beaten into sieves under the dense bullets!

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