The War of Resistance

Chapter 1581: The Internationale in the Night

it's dark.

Leng Xiaozhi couldn't figure out why Liu Decai, the security guard, let her go. At that time, she already regarded herself as a dead person.

Of course Leng Xiaozhi knew that the enemy had countless ways to make her life worse than death.

What these methods include specifically is difficult for any human being with a conscience to describe.

All in all, it included physical pain and mental humiliation.

If you change it to ordinary people, it means that people are no longer human at that time, and women are also human beings. At that time, you should no longer regard yourself as a woman.

It turned out that she had also thought about how she would respond if she was caught by the enemy.

Resist? How can one resist when one is already a prisoner?

Inhuman screams and moans? But that would only further arouse the enemy's desire to abuse prisoners, especially female prisoners.

So he concluded that when he was caught by the enemy, the best way was to regard himself as a dead man and remain silent.

Although I don't know how long I will keep that silence.

It has been almost ten years since he came out of Dongsan Province, and he has transformed from a simple female student into a female warrior.

After experiencing war and seeing too many casualties, people become numb.

So he no longer thought about how to deal with the torture and humiliation from the enemy that would definitely happen next, but tried to think about some good things.

She felt that it was a pity that she could not see Shang Zhen again before she died.

She sat against the wall on the cold ground.

The ground was so cold that even after a day of marching and fighting, it was impossible for her to fall asleep without even a drop of rice or water.

In order to fight against the coldness, she tried to recall the winter night with Shang Zhen, the cold feeling when she first kissed Shang Zhen on the face, the happy night in the woodshed, and the relationship with Shang Zhen. "When will we cut the candles on the west window together and talk about the rainy night in Bashan?"

But how long can you think about someone? If I didn't seize the opportunity to meet Shang Zhen, everything about Shang Zhen would eventually become more distant, and this time it would be more like we are separated by the world forever.

The sound of the soldiers guarding her lighting cigarettes and talking to each other finally interrupted her reverie.

At this time, the cell-like coldness was cruelly reminding her that life and death were the most important thing.

But after a while, Leng Xiaozhi's singing voice, which sounded weak but was full of some kind of power, came from the room.

"Arise, hungry and cold slaves,

Arise, you wretches of the world!

The blood in my heart is already boiling,

Fight for the truth!

old world,

Fall into disarray,

Slaves, get up! stand up!

Don’t say we have nothing, UU Reading www.uukanshu. net

We want to be the masters of the world! "

The two soldiers who were talking at the door stopped talking during Leng Xiaozhi's singing. They actually listened carefully.

"There has never been a savior,

Nor does it depend on the fairy emperor.

To create human happiness,

It’s all up to us!

We want to take back the fruits of our labor,


But just when she was singing this, she was interrupted, "Shut up!" Someone yelled at him at the cell door. This was heard by Fan Chengyun who came to check the post, and then Fan Chengyun scolded the guard: "You two Deaf, how can you see?"

"I think the singing is pretty good." A soldier muttered vaguely.

"What did you say?" Fan Chengyun was angry.

But at this time, Leng Xiaozhi answered the call in the darkness.

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