The War of Resistance

Chapter 1580: 1The plan has been completed, and another poisonous plan is coming

The crowd dispersed, and some elderly people could not help but sigh:

"Oh, that Ni'er, really, how could you be fooled?"

"That's right, that poor guy is dead, so why did he kidnap such a pretty girl?" Some people said, and others agreed.

We are in the same town and there are many residents. After all, some people who don't understand the situation ask: "Isn't that girl trying to save us people?"

"What kind of commoner is that poor man? He's a bachelor with no parents and no children. If he dies, he'll die!" the elder said angrily.

It turned out that the common man captured by the spy company commander Fan Chengyun was someone he had secretly investigated beforehand. The guy he shot to death was certainly a common man, but he was a bachelor among the common people.

There are no parents above, no women in the middle, and no children below, which is what the elder said: no old above and no young below.

Fan Chengyun is also very cunning as a spy company commander.

He was also afraid that killing too many people would arouse public outrage. In other words, if they really killed too many people, it would definitely damage the reputation of their security guards if word spread.

That's why he shot the bachelor who was called the old bad guy, thus attracting the female Eighth Route Army.

To put it in the most straightforward terms, he used a very unpopular person in the eyes of the common people as bait to fish out Leng Xiaozhi.

Since Fan Chengyun had come up with such a vicious plan, how could he not have some plan when driving the people out of their homes?

But Leng Xiaozhi didn't know what was going on. After all, she was not a local, and she didn't know the situation of the old man.

But just imagine, even if she knew, could she not come out?

Yes, the old man who was killed was not popular among the common people, but in the eyes of the Eighth Route Army, he was also a member of the common people and an innocent person.

Leng Xiaozhi was caught by the security guard like this.

On the battlefield, there are no distinctions between men and women.

But when a female soldier is captured, especially by a team like the security division whose military discipline is corrupt, who knows what will be waiting for Leng Xiaozhi?

As for the security guard, successfully capturing a female eight-year-old like Leng Xiaozhi can be regarded as achieving a certain psychological balance.

Yes, when Fan Chengyun caught Leng Xiaozhi, he still thought she was a female eighth, but soon after, the situation changed again.

"What? She didn't admit that she was a female Eighth Route Army soldier, but he said that she was from the Northeast Army?" In a room, Fan Chengyun, who had just been complacent just now, asked his men with wide eyes.

"Yes, company commander, she said she is from the Northeast Army." Fan Chengyun's men reported.

"From the Northeast Army? Nonsense!" Fan Chengyun got angry. UU read

The information they got was that the Eighth Route Army was going to transport a group of important personnel, and the sentry they killed when they visited the sentry, looking at his clothes and weapons, he was a member of the Eighth Route Army guerrillas, so why did he become the Northeast Army? What about? impossible!

When Fan Chengyun said this, his men were naturally speechless. He was just copying the situation at the interrogation scene.

Fan Chengyun had already stood up from his chair at this time and started walking around the room.

But he only walked a few steps before suddenly turning back and asking again: "He said he was from the Northeast Army, which division and regiment?"

"Report to the company commander, she said she is from the 586th Regiment of the 113th Division." The soldier replied again.

"The 586th Regiment of the 113th Division?" Fan Chengyun was stunned. How familiar was this number to him? He has already remembered this turn of numbers in his mind.

Isn't this the 586th Regiment of the 113th Division the same Northeastern Army unit they encountered last time?

Friendly armies do not like each other.

At that time they met a company of that army at a bridge over the river.

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