The War of Resistance

Chapter 1579: Northeasterners with affection and righteousness

The chief looked at Guo Baoyou quietly, and then saluted Guo Baoyou.

As soon as the highest-ranking leader saluted, everyone else with him also saluted Guo Baoyou.

Everyone in Guo Baoyou's class guessed that among the people they were escorting, this man in his forties was the highest-ranking commander of the Eighth Route Army.

There is no way to guess how high the rank of this officer is.

However, Guo Baoyou remained silent in response to the officer's salute, and did not look flattered because the other party was an officer.

Instead, he was a little distracted and didn't know what he was thinking, until a soldier next to him poked him gently.

Guo Baoyou then stood up straight and stood at attention like a reflex in return.

"Let's go!" The commander of the Eighth Route Army waved his hand, and the twenty or thirty people being escorted turned around and left. At this time, many Eighth Route Army soldiers had already surrounded them in front of and behind them. I'm here to meet the chief.

Yes, he is a soldier of the Eighth Route Army. Although his clothes are made of homespun cloth, the color is also very earthy, a kind of gray-green, which is said to be dyed with plant ash.

But there is no doubt that they are real Eighth Route Army soldiers, because no matter how rustic the military uniforms are, they are still standard uniforms.

"Squad leader, what should we do?" A soldier asked Guo Baoyou as he saw the Eighth Route Army picking up those they were escorting.

"What should we do?" Guo Baoyou's reaction was a bit slow, just like when he returned the military salute from the head of the Eighth Route Army just now.

The soldiers looked at each other in surprise, wondering what happened to the squad leader?

But at this moment Guo Baoyou suddenly jumped up, and his face became fierce, which startled the soldiers in his squad.

"Enter Weishan Town from the south. If we can't get Leng Xiaozhi back, we won't come back!" The soldiers heard Guo Baoyou roar.

If they can't get Leng Xiaozhi back, they won't come back. What does this mean?

Monitor, are you not planning to live?

Some soldiers reacted slowly and said "Ah" because they were frightened.

Moreover, this was the first time they heard Guo Baoyou address the battalion commander's wife by her first name.

In fact, they soldiers are not used to calling Leng Xiaozhi the battalion commander's wife or madam, because who usually talks like this.

The soldiers in their class all joined later, and there were only three Northeastern soldiers in total. Little did they know that Guo Baoyou also knew Leng Xiaozhi.

When Guo Baoyou met Leng Xiaozhi, Leng Xiaozhi was called Leng Xiaozhi, not the political commissar of the Lunan guerrillas.

Shang Zhen was called Shang Zhen. At that time, Shang Zhen was not the battalion commander, and he still barely held the official title of company commander.

Guo Baoyou thinks about it, since we all have old friendships, what will happen if I call your battalion commander's wife by her first name?

"What the hell?" Guo Baoyou seemed to be stimulated by the soldier's "ah", he shouted, "Leng Xiaozhi is a good person, he even sewed clothes for me back then.

Just because of this incident, I will remember her forever!

You think I am willing to send these high-ranking officials of the Eighth Route Army away? I have no idea how to send them away. Can I not send them away if Leng Xiaozhi asks me to send them away?

Do those high officials have anything to do with me?

Leng Xiaozhi asked me to give it to him. I must listen to Leng Xiaozhi.

Now those high officials are safe, but Leng Xiaozhi didn't come out!

What should I tell the battalion commander when he comes back?

If you go back in such a dejected state, what will you do to me and the gang like Wang Laomao, Qiu Bo, Qian Chuan'er, and Ma Erhuzi? I don't deserve to be killed by them! "

The people under Guo Baoyou looked at each other in confusion, but this was the first time they saw the squad leader, who was usually smiling and cheerful, become so excited.

But then they understood, and their mood became tragic. The squad leader was taking them back to rescue the battalion chief's wife!

But can they succeed?

If it really succeeds, why should squad leader Guo Baoyou be so excited? As the saying goes, "The wind is rustling and the water is cold. A strong man will never come back once he is gone."

Just say that Jing Ke assassinated the King of Qin. At that time, China had not yet formed a unified situation, so it was tragic.

But now that a unified situation has been formed, it is the Chinese who beat the Chinese. This is undoubtedly a tragedy!

At this time in Weishan Town, Leng Xiaozhi was nowhere to be seen, but the security guards had already driven many people into the open space.

There were soldiers standing with guns all around, and two officers were standing in front of the people.

A person is a security guard

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