The War of Resistance

Chapter 1566: A small person with high ambitions

Qiu Bo walked among the mountains and fields with his group, but the conversation about Chen Hanwen and Zhang Guiying was still unfinished.

As long as it doesn't involve him, Qiu Bo doesn't prohibit it.

Some soldiers envied Chen Hanwen for his good life. He even had an unmarried daughter-in-law to fulfill his filial piety, but he didn't know whether his father or mother was alive or dead.

When this topic came up, the atmosphere naturally became heavy, and some soldiers who were usually naughty and mischievous began to speak out against it.

"You don't have a brother in your family? Then there are brothers and sisters! Look at me, I won't be sad about this." The soldier named Liu Guo said seriously.

"What the hell, you want to fulfill your filial piety. Will your father give you a chance?" There was a sad soldier nearby scolding him when he heard this interruption.

But the soldier's curse actually made several soldiers in his platoon laugh.

It turns out that Liu Guo is an orphan. He doesn't even know who his biological father and mother are, so how can he fulfill his filial piety?

Liu Guo didn't care that the soldiers beat him, but he continued to smile. He was not only in their platoon, but also in the company, he was famous for his ability to bluff.

"What if I don't have a father? I don't have a father, and I didn't jump out of a rock." Liu Guo continued, "Then what if my father gives birth to me, and you and I die without a wife, then we, Old Liu, Isn’t the family going to be extinct?

There are several of you who are not brothers. It would be an honor to die fighting the Japanese. What do you have to get angry about?

Okay, something interesting, who do you think is more beautiful, Zhang Guiying or Sun Baoer? "

Liu Guo brought up a topic about women that all men like.

How could no one pick up the conversation on a topic like this?

"Sun Baoer is more beautiful, but beauty is beautiful, and it has nothing to do with our Northeast Army.

Zhang Guiying was given as a gift to our deputy platoon leader’s father. Look at Zhang Guiying’s physique and she’s quite muscular!

If someone like Zhang Guiying can work in the fields, she will definitely be able to give birth to a son for our deputy platoon chief. The most important thing is that she will be our Northeast Rao daughter.

If I were the deputy platoon leader, I would definitely choose Zhang Guiying! "A soldier said.

When this soldier said this, other soldiers agreed: "I think Lao Li is right. Zhang Guiying is affectionate and righteous. We must have such a daughter-in-law! Zhang Guiying is fatter, and our deputy platoon leader is thinner. We complement each other perfectly!"

"Pull you down!" Liu Guo said with a smile, "I don't agree with your method.

For example, if we get tired of fighting the Japanese and go home, then if we marry Sun Bao'er as our wife, then Jiang Bao'er, come here and boil the wine for me.' Do you think what this feels like?

So if you shout, "Gui Ying, come over here and let your gentlemen boil the wine for me," do you think it's a bit unreasonable? "

Liu Guo learned this process very well, which made the soldiers laugh again.

But then Chu intervened: "We must respect the guerrillas and don't bluff!"

When the soldiers looked at Chu, they saw that Chu was looking at their guide.

This time they came out with the mission given to them by Leng Zhi. They were not familiar with the terrain, so the guerrillas sent them a guide, and that guide was the guerrilla Axe.

Ax saw the people of the Northeast Army commenting unabashedly that Sun Baoer's face had dropped!

Chu hurriedly said: "Brother, you guys are just joking and don't mean any harm."

Ax made no sound.

Everyone knew that not saying anything meant that they were unhappy. They just didn't fall out because of feelings or the relationship between the guerrillas and the third battalion.

"You don't know what to say, Liu Guo, if you don't make this brother happy, don't blame me for whipping you!" Chu glared at Liu Guo and said.

When Liu Guo saw Chu in a hurry, he knew that he was in trouble this time.

Of course he knew about the current relationship between their battalion and the guerrillas. If the news about Sun Baoer, who was particular about the guerrillas, was spread, who could let him go, no matter whether it was the battalion commander's wife or the veterans of their battalion?

He could only move closer to the axe and get together with the axe.

"Brother, I'm sorry, I really didn't mean it." He apologized to others.

But Axe's face was gloomy and he remained silent.

But there are some changes, that is, when Chu apologized to him just now, his nostrils were facing the ground. Now Liu Guo says, yes! Changed direction!

Liu Guo looked at Chu again when he saw that he couldn't be coaxed, but Chu was still staring at him.

Liu Guo scratched his head and his eyes started to roll.

He was a smart man and began to figure out the idea of ​​​​axe.

After a while, he followed the axe again with saliva on his face and said, "My brother, why doesn't your Sun Bao'er find a husband in your guerrilla group?"

You didn't want him to ask such a question. Although the ax didn't say anything, he snorted.

No one else could figure out what the axe’s grunt meant, but Liu Guo felt that he had a clue.

"Brother, I think you are good. You are old and talented, so you are completely worthy of Sun Baoer!" Liu Guo started to give strong medicine.

As soon as he said this, Ax, who was walking forward, suddenly turned his face to look at him.

But before he could use the axe, Liu Guo said again: "What your Sun Baoer and our deputy platoon leader said just now is nonsense!

How can our platoon leader's sour spirit be worthy of your Sun Bao'er?

After all, there are still people in our camp who don’t think it’s cowardly!

What are we, the deputy platoon leader, talking about? Let me think about it, what are we talking about? Our deputy platoon leader, Najiang, is a humble gentleman and as gentle as jade!

Mr. Pei Qianqian is as gentle as jade. I think his mouth smells like pickled vegetables from the Northeast! "

After Liu Guo's explanation, the ax was immediately made to laugh. As for the other soldiers' faces, they were also smiling. However, Liu Guo's humiliation of Chen Hanwen behind his back was probably going to be a problem in the future.

But as long as the sores in front of the eyes can be cured, who cares about the heartache? Liu Guo continued: "It's just that Sun Baoer of your family is not easy to marry!"

"How did you know?" Liu Guo couldn't help but ask after the ax was finally hit.

"Then there's no need to guess? Think about it, she is your political commissar's Your political commissar is a student, so no matter how much you practice, your marksmanship can't compare to someone who has just played with a gun.

Also, Sun Baoer used a twenty-ring box cannon.

Is the twenty-ring box cannon suitable for ordinary people to use? The weapons of your guerrillas are so valuable. Those who can use twenty-ring box guns must have the best marksmanship! This has nothing to do with whether she is a female soldier or not! Liu said decisively.

Ax nodded. In his eyes, Sun Baoer was a goddess-level figure, not only for her appearance but also for her shooting skills.

"You also want to marry her? How older are you than her, right?" Liu Guo was there to persuade.

Ouch, as soon as Liu Guo said these words, the soldiers who were listening to them were so shocked that their jaws dropped to the floor!

How big is this ax? Seventeen or eighteen? Eighteen or nineteen? , but Sun Baoer is still twenty-three-four, this boy, this boy has urine, this is not a stupid dog, this is clearly a wolf cub!

"What's wrong with her being five years old? I just want to marry her, but I'm not good at shooting." Axe expressed his stance.

"Okay, he is a capable man!" Liu Guo praised loudly. At first, everyone knew that Liu Guo was bluffing, but now others can't figure out whether Liu Guo's words were meant by others or sincerely. Sent.

"It's like this, brother, help you.

Aren't you a bad shooter? This time, everyone in our platoon will help you beat the catfish, and at least we will get you a twenty-gun box cannon.

If you don’t have enough bullets to practice your marksmanship, our platoon will give you some more ammunition, and we will let you master your marksmanship and marry Sun Baoer! "Liu Guo patted his chest.

"Really?" Axe was overjoyed.

"Really! Just because you dare to come out and marry her, you have the guts to do it. We have all the big brothers like you in the queue to help you!"

Brothers, can you help? "Liu Guo asked who was in line.

"Help!" And this time he got a unanimous answer.

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