Chu took the telescope and began to observe the terrain. A few hundred meters ahead was the catfish mouth.

After observing for more than ten minutes, Qiu Bo put down the telescope and said: "There is indeed an ambush there. I saw people. No matter how many more people I can't see clearly, there are still dozens of people."

Their guess about that Ma Laoliu was confirmed, so it was no surprise that there was an ambush here.

The key now is how to get this catfish mouth.

Originally, in Leng Zhi's battle plan, if it was too difficult to capture this catfish mouth, then he might as well not fight.

But since she asked Chu to come, Chu really wanted to win this place.

Originally, he wanted to prove to Leng Zhi that after so many years of training, he was already a veteran.

But now, they have another reason, that is, to defeat this group of puppet soldiers and help Axe grab a twenty-ring box cannon!

Chu's decision to take down Catfish Mouth was also based on the fact that the Ma Laoliu puppet army they were facing now was actually a local armed force with more than a hundred guns.

If they were to be considered bandits in terms of combat effectiveness, that would be an exaggeration. In Chu's opinion, they were just a bunch of rabble.

The trouble here is just that the other party occupies this strategic location that is easy to defend and difficult to attack.

The terrain is arranged here. On their left is the white water and the dry reeds beside the water, while on their right is a line of high ground. The road they are traveling is between the two.

It's definitely not possible to attack hard. If it can be attacked hard, why would Leng Zhi take the main road with his team? Doesn’t that mean there are no casualties?

In fact, Chu also understood Leng Zhi's decision. After all, their company was "borrowed" by Leng Zhi without Shang Zhen's approval.

If it weren't for unavoidable circumstances, once the team, especially the team "borrowed" by Leng Zhi, suffered casualties, how would you ask Leng Zhi to face Shang Zhen in the future?

But if you go around from the right side, it will take too long, and according to the axe, it is extremely difficult to adjust there.

But on the left side, there are white flowers of water and dry and white reeds.

What season is it now? It’s almost November. Is the water still useful when it’s so cold?

"Is there any other way?" Chu asked Axe.

"No more." Ax shook his head.

He was so excited by Liu Guo before, but now that he was in front of the catfish's mouth, he didn't even move.

He is a guerrilla.

As a guerrilla, he has been in a situation where the enemy is strong and we are weak for a long time. He also knows that Catfish Mouth cannot be attacked by force, but how can he be willing to just watch him without any countermeasures?

Everyone looked at Chu, waiting for Chu's decision.

Chu lowered his head and thought for a while, but when he raised his head, he smiled.

When everyone was stunned, Chu Bian said: "Do you want to grab a twenty-ring box cannon for Axe, and grab Sun Baoer at the same time?"

No one expected that Chu would ask such a question, but one person's answer was particularly cheerful and loud, "I want to!" The voice was not loud, but it was a snap! In the "thinking" of all the soldiers, he is the brightest star!

who? Tiger pillar!

At first sight, it was Hu Zhuzhu’s answer, what can the soldiers do? If you ask him whether to attack or retreat, his answer will definitely be to attack. If you ask him how to attack, he will have to decide and I will be responsible for the charge!

Fortunately, none of the veterans under Shang Zhen do not know the character of Hu Zhuzi. Shang Zhen and Wang Laoma have actually secretly told the veterans, "Hu Zhuzihu, don't be like him. If he goes to Hu Chao If you charge forward, you have to pull him back.

In fact, this is really the case. If it weren't for the veterans' care for Tiger Pillars and his extraordinarily good luck, even ten Tiger Pillars wouldn't be enough to die!

"Why?" Chu Ye didn't expect that Hu Zhuzhu was the only one to answer so simply.

"Why?" Huzhu asked.

The soldiers were almost made happy by Tiger Pillar.

"Why do you want to give the ax twenty rings?" a soldier said angrily.

"Ah, that's why!" Hu Zhuzhu suddenly realized.

Just when everyone thought that Hu Zhuzi was just fighting for the sake of fighting, they never thought that Hu Zhuzi would go on to say: "It's unreasonable for Old Wang Tou to find such a wife!

This time, let’s find a wife who’s a few years older for Axe, and let Lao Wangtou take a look! I think he should find an old lady who is a few years older than him to be his wife! "

What is this answer? The soldiers were stunned when they heard this, but then they all laughed with a "coax".

Now they were several hundred meters away from the catfish mouth, so they weren't afraid of Ma Laoliu and his gang hearing it.

After everyone laughed for a while, Chucai said: "Okay, stop making trouble, let's get down to business!"

The soldiers immediately became serious.

"I decided to slap the catfish in the mouth like this, do you think it will work?" Chu started his own battle plan.

So, six or seven hundred meters away from Catfish Mouth, nearly forty soldiers of the Northeast Army gathered together under the cover of the terrain to listen to one person.

On the high point beside Catfish Mouth Road in the distance, hundreds of puppet soldiers who had not even caught the "skin" of the puppet soldiers were looking at the road in the middle of the open field ahead.

More than twenty minutes later, four people finally appeared on the road, wearing Northeastern Army uniforms and walking towards the catfish mouth.

The appearance of the four men immediately attracted the attention of the puppet soldiers. Under the command of Ma Laoliu, they all pointed their guns at the four black spots.

It's just that the four Northeastern Army soldiers didn't walk very fast and couldn't wait, but they still seemed to be strolling in the garden.

His eyes were sore as he kept pointing his gun at the four puppet soldiers, but they had only advanced about 200 meters.

But at this moment, Ma Laoliu and the others had not yet seen whether those four people were from the Northeast Army!

The reason here is simple, because Ma Laoliu and the others do not have telescopes!

No matter how good your eyesight is, there are scientific rules for how far away you need to be to see the color of clothes.

The four people walked forward for a while, and when Ma Laoliu and others finally saw clearly that these four people were really wearing Northeastern Army uniforms, they "disappeared" again.

Queran couldn't disappear out of thin air, but those four people were hiding.

It is true that this place is an open area, but that is generally speaking. There are always pits, bags, etc. on the ground, but the four people hid directly.

"Where are you hiding? Where are you hiding?" Ma Laoliu asked.

"There, there should be a pit there, and people are hiding there." The sharp-eyed soldiers under him stood up and pointed with their hands.

"Where? Where?" Ma Laoliu and others even stood up, they still asked.

Why didn't they shoot?

They wanted to shoot, but it didn't matter whether their marksmanship could hit a target five hundred meters away. The key was that their guns were a mess. They had all kinds of guns. Many of the guns even had their rifling worn away. The bullets could It’s not good if you can’t hit 500 meters!

But at this moment, there was suddenly a large gunshot from the opposite side. The reason why it was called a large gun was because it was the sound made by four rifles shooting together at the same time.

And in the sound of gunfire, two of Arima Laoliu's men fell down after being shot!

Ma Laoliu and the others did not fire, but the Northeast Army men did.

Ma Laoliu and the others don't have good guns, but the Northeast Army does have good guns!

Although the Japanese devils are extremely hateful, it cannot be denied that the Type 38 rifle is definitely a famous gun in this war!

Even in the subsequent war to protect the homeland and the country, the Type 38 rifle used by the Chinese People's Volunteer Army also shone brightly on the Korean battlefield.

These two shots frightened Ma Laoliu and the others and they quickly fell down. But looking at the two guys who were shot, one screamed, but the other didn't even make any movement.

They quickly turned the person over and looked again. The one who called was hit by a bullet in the right chest, and the one who didn't call had a bullet hole in his forehead, and blood was pouring out!

"Pa", "pa", someone fired in the distance out of fear. Who knows where the bullet flew.

"Don't shoot, can you shoot?" Ma Laoliu cursed angrily.

As he yelled, the gunfire from their end stopped, but the gunfire from the other side did not stop.

There were only four people on the other side. Even if they kept sneaking around and shooting, the gunshots were very sparse.

But other people's bullets are much more reliable than theirs!

The bullet either hit a few meters in front of them, or passed over their heads. After a while, another unlucky guy was hit by a bullet, but the bullet came out above his head. A ditch is coming!

By this time, Ma Laoliu was already timid. Only four of them came but they beat hundreds of them into such a bear state. How could we fight this battle?

It's just that at this time it was too late for them to withdraw.

Suddenly, intensive gunshots rang out behind them.

Ma Laoliu fell down when he saw that one of his men beside him had been shot. When he turned around, he saw several soldiers in military uniforms holding long and short rifles, but they had already appeared only fifty or sixty meters away from him. !

Ma Laoliu subconsciously turned around and raised his gun.

To be honest, he really shouldn't have raised the gun because he was using a twenty-shot box cannon!

He didn't even know that when he exposed his twenties, the eyes of the Northeast Army soldiers who saw him would light up!

There was a chaotic and intensive gunfire, and Ma Laoliu didn't know how many shots he was hit. At this moment, he was really beaten into a "sieve"!

"I surrender!" I don't know who shouted this from someone who is not even a puppet soldier now. UU Reading

Then the voices of "I surrender" and "We surrender" became a piece, and the people who raised their guns and surrender also became a piece!

A Northeastern Army soldier came forward with a twenty-ring box cannon. He glanced coldly at the prisoners in front of him.

And the prisoners couldn't help but tremble when they saw his cold eyes, because they suddenly discovered that in this man's eyes, they were already dead!

The soldier walked up to Ma Laoliu, who had been beaten to a **** pulp, bent down and picked up the twenty-gun.

"Is he Ma Laoliu?" the man asked.

"Yes, yes." A prisoner replied. Not only did he stutter, but he was so frightened that his upper teeth hit his lower teeth and made a "gurgle" sound.

There is really no need to laugh at this prisoner.

People have instinctive reactions when they are afraid. It doesn't mean that you will be fine if you don't want to be afraid.

"You're such an idiot, you dare to go against us without seeing many lives and deaths!" The soldier cursed contemptuously, and then threw the twenty-gun he picked up at a young man in plainclothes next to him: " It’s yours, practice your marksmanship and get your wife back!”

At this point, who is this person who picked up the gun? Does he still use it? He is Chu, and the person who takes the gun is an axe.

How did Chu and the others appear behind Ma Laoliu and his gang?

There is only one answer, and that is - swimming, yes, swimming in the early winter water under the cover of reeds.

The vast majority of Chu's platoon are from the Northeast.

It’s not that Northeasterners are necessarily more resistant to freezing than Southerners, but what about an ancient poem? The oar once sailed across the sea, but it was difficult to make water, except for Wushan, it was not a cloud. "

People from the Northeast have seen the ice and snow in the Northeast. Even if the water is very cold now, what will happen?

Just like Chu Mobilization Station before the war, as long as you dare to swim across, then we will definitely be able to swim over!

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