The War of Resistance

Chapter 1565: There is a filial piety missing in the middle!

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Commanders in war often face choices, just like Leng Xiaozhi as Qiu Bo looked at him.

Leng Xiaozhi now faces only two choices, one is to take the big road, and the other is to take the small road.

In fact, no matter which path you take, it makes sense or it doesn't make sense.

Taking the high road, the Japanese army is currently engaged in the so-called "Operation Suppression". Who knows where the Japanese army will reach.

Take the small road, and the catfish mouth is the only way to go.

If that Ma Laoliu had placed his men there to actually ambush them, even if a platoon gun came over, it would cause casualties to Leng Xiaozhiqiubo and the others. .

But on the other hand, what if we took the main road and really didn't encounter the Japanese army and arrived smoothly?

Or if the carriage that came earlier was not the investigator sent by Ma Laoliu, it was just a false alarm.

Ma Laoliu didn't set up an ambush at Catfish Mouth, so they could reach Weishan Town by taking a small road as planned.

This selection process is definitely a torture for the commander.

And what is Leng Xiaozhi's choice?

Leng Xiaozhi's choice was to turn the single-choice question in Qiu Bo's eyes into a multiple-choice question. She actually took both choices!

Leng Xiaozhi asked Chu Tian to lead his group on the small road, while she and Qiu Bo led the others on the main road.

“I know that you are very good at fighting the Japanese with Shang Zhen.

If there is really an ambush at Catfish Mouth, you must be careful. If you can't defeat it, don't fight hard.

Chutian, you must be safe and sound, my sister-in-law is waiting for you to come home. "Leng Xiaozhi told Chu Tian when the two teams were about to separate.

"Don't worry, Xiaozhi, it will definitely fulfill its mission." Chu Tian replied.

If you want to ask who among Shang Zhen's group knew Leng Xiaozhi first, it was of course Chu Tian. Although Chu Tian and Leng Xiaozhi were both from the city, they were very young!

In the past two days, since the two people had met each other, they had naturally talked about old times. Chu Tian even told Leng Xiaozhi everything about him and the female student Su Ya.

Since they had to split up, Chu Tian finished speaking and left with his team.

But at this time Leng Xiaozhi shouted: "Chen Hanwen, who asked you to go? Come back and be with the team."

"Why don't I go? I'm still the deputy platoon leader." Chen Hanwen was surprised.

"Don't say you are the deputy platoon leader. You are not even the company commander now. Just stay here with us." Leng Xiaozhi was not polite to Chen Hanwen at all.

"You are not my battalion commander." Chen Hanwen muttered dissatisfiedly.

"Now I can speak better than your battalion commander!" Leng Xiaozhi widened her beautiful eyes, and she really had the majesty of a superior.

"We simply don't-" Chen Hanwen retorted, but he only said half a sentence, and he couldn't say the next sentence.

What Chen Hanwen wants to say is, you are from the Communist Party. Although we are the Northeast Army, we also belong to the National Army. Why do you command me?

But can he say this? He can't say it!

He said that even though he was a little pedantic, he also knew that if he dared to say that, he would not be far away from being beaten.

Who beat him? Of course the veterans.

"It's useless to mention your battalion commander!" Leng Xiaozhi knew what Chu Tian was going to say as soon as he heard what Chu Tian said before, so he dismissed Chen Hanwen's thoughts directly, "Now that your battalion commander is not here, you have to listen to me again!

Besides, your battalion commander is in charge of military affairs, while I am in charge of family affairs! "

After saying this, Leng Xiao asked the veterans who were brought out by Shang Zhen: "Do you think what I said on this matter will work?"

"Good job!" All the veterans brought out by Shang Zhen replied in unison.

The answers given by each one were really impressive, and they were really trying to be more accurate than others. Hu Zhuzhu also added, "Everything is easy to do."

Chen Hanwen had no choice but to lower his head and walk toward Leng Xiaozhi, while he muttered again in a low voice: "You and Chu Tian were like that before and now they are like that again. I'm missing something again." What?"

But who would have thought that even though his voice was low, Leng Xiaozhi could still hear him.

"What did you say was wrong?" Leng Xiaozhi asked sharply. This time Chen Hanwen really made her anxious.

Chen Hanwen mentioned himself and Chu Tian, ​​so how could Leng Xiaozhi not understand what Chen Hanwen meant?

We all have old relationships, so we naturally know each other’s ins and outs.

Leng Xiaozhi and Chu Tian were not just kidding.

I think back then Chu Tian fell in love with Leng Xiaozhi, and according to Chu Tian, ​​they were engaged.

After Chu Tian saw Leng Xiaozhi during the entry process, he once thought that he was Leng Xiaozhi's fiancé.

But the problem is that Leng Xiaozhi never liked Chu Tian at all.

After she gets along with Shang Zhen, Chu Tian will naturally have nothing to worry about.

As for what Chu Tian originally said about his parents ordering a matchmaker, that doesn't work either!

When it comes to parents' orders and matchmaker's words, the situation between Chen Hanwen and the woman named Zhang Guiying is similar.

It was the first time for Chen Hanwen to see Zhang Guiying's face. But Zhang Guiying said that he was her man. How could Chen Hanwen accept this?

He also said that now is the new era that emphasizes free love!

But whether his argument is effective or not will be proven immediately.

Now when Chen Hanwen saw Leng Xiaozhi's voice rising, he was really angry. He was so frightened that he quickly said: "Yes, yes, there are many things wrong. Is it okay if I am wrong?"

Leng Xiaozhi laughed angrily when he saw Chen Hanwen's bearish look, then ignored Chen Hanwen and led the team towards the main road.

Chen Hanwen could only follow behind obediently.

Although Chu Tian and his team were going to the Catfish Mouth to see if there was any ambush there.

But this is not a burning emergency and does not delay everyone from watching the fun.

The soldiers' eyes wandered back and forth on the backs of those involved.

Who are the parties involved? Chen Hanwen, Zhang Guiying, Sun Baoer. There was even Leng Xiaozhi, the wife of their battalion commander.

"Let's go! What are you looking at? It's time to go on a mission!" Chu Tian called his soldiers to walk along the path.

The soldiers naturally had to follow the platoon leader, but the problem was that they kept talking as they walked, and started talking in low voices.

"It's true, the deputy platoon leader. Thousands of miles away, I have a daughter-in-law who comes to my door. Why don't you want her?" Soldier A said.

"Didn't you see the way Sun Dabaozi looked at the deputy platoon leader? I guess our deputy platoon leader also fell in love with Sun Dabaozi." Soldier B gave the answer.

"Come on, pull it off. In the first two days, I saw Sun Dabaozi looking at our deputy squad leader with affection. Today, he is as cold as ice. Obviously the two of them can't make it!" Soldier C expressed his objection.

To say that Soldier C is really literate, he actually knows Hanqingmaimai and Lengruoshuang, but unfortunately he pronounces two white characters and calls Hanqingmaimai Hanqingmaimai.

Chu Tian, ​​who was walking in front, naturally heard what the soldiers were saying. He was amused but didn't stop him.

Being a soldier is already very hard for everyone, and you may die for your country at some point.

Normally I don't have much fun, but now that something like Chen Hanwen has happened, what's the use of everyone talking about it?

What did you say? It is also a kind of kindness to eat without complaining when you see others are hungry.

The same principle applies to this matter: if you see others being single and you have a wife, then don't brag or show off, that is also a kind of kindness.

It's just that Chu Tian thought that his soldiers were too "kind" after all. Then he heard another soldier muttering in a lower voice: "What does our deputy platoon leader mean by that? Why do you treat us so badly?" Is the platoon leader involved?" Another soldier asked.

"Yes, listen to the meaning behind his words. He is not only talking about our platoon leader, but also our platoon leader and battalion commander's wife - right?" Soldier B agreed. UU reading

"You know nothing. You don't know anything. Don't talk to me about my wife here!" When Chu Tian saw that the soldiers were bringing the topic to him, of course he had to stop him. The frightened soldiers quickly shut up.

There was something that the soldiers didn't know, but Chu Tian knew it.

That's because after Zhang Guiying came over, he was listening to the conversation between Leng Xiaozhi and Zhang Guiying.

This brings up what Chen Hanwen said just now.

The soldiers couldn't figure out what Chen Hanwen meant. As one of the parties involved, Chu Tian knew it very well.

Chen Hanwen compared what happened between Chu Tian and Leng Xiaozhi with what happened between Chen Hanwen and Zhang Guiying.

Chen Hanwen said what's wrong with me? Leng Xiaozhi asked what did you mean? Chen Hanwen didn't dare to take it anymore.

The thing is very confusing to say, like a tongue twister, so what is the difference?

The bad thing is that, according to Zhang Guiying, Chen Hanwen's father has passed away. It was Zhang Guiying's then-unmarried daughter-in-law who started peeing and waiting on him to send the old man away!

In other words, Zhang Guiying, the unmarried daughter-in-law of the old Chen family, fulfilled her filial piety for the son of the old Chen family, Chen Hanwen, who was fighting outside and never returned home!

So if you, Chen Hanwen, want to practice free love, is it possible for you to have a wife who can live with you?


It is said that loyalty and filial piety cannot have both ends. If you go out to fight the Japanese, you are being loyal to the country, but if your unmarried daughter-in-law serves you as your father, that is called being filial.

You, Chen Hanwen, still have the nerve to ask what’s wrong? What do you mean? There is a "filial piety" missing in the middle!

The last chapter is under review again. The War of Resistance is difficult to write because there are too many taboo words. It's best if you pass it. If you don't pass it, you have to revise it again until it meets the requirements.

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