The War of Resistance

Chapter 1564: Trouble caused by fish that slipped through the net

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The veterans reacted quickly. As soon as Qin Chuan finished shouting, the soldier next to him made a move. The bolt of the gun was pulled and rattled, and then there was a gunshot. However, it was Hu Zhuzhu who fired first. .

People with tiger pillars often do tiger things, but their marksmanship is not bad.

Those people were sitting on a carriage, and they were already two hundred meters away. Others couldn't see clearly, but Qin Chuan could see clearly with a telescope.

He saw a man sitting on the carriage fall down directly amid the gunshots. He thought he must have been hit by a tiger pillar.

But what's the use of just beating someone to death? What Qin Chuan wants is to keep the carriage!

"Hurry up and hit the horse!" Qin Chuan shouted. At this time, he saw that the people on the carriage were already holding guns. His judgment was correct. Those four people were not ordinary people.

When the carriage came over earlier, it was still a hundred meters away from the nearest place.

From this distance, they couldn't confirm that there were no weapons on the carriage.

Not to mention that the short gun can be hidden in the waist or under the buttocks, even if there is a rifle in the hay bag on the carriage, they cannot see it.

"Pa", "pa", "pa", there were several more gunshots.

But this time Qin Chuan couldn't tell whether the bullet hit anyone even with a telescope.

Hu Zhuzi had already killed one with one shot, how could anyone else sit on the carriage honestly? Everyone who could lie down fell down.

But what Qin Chuan could see clearly was that he saw the horse pulling the carriage put its pout in the sound of gunshots, and then the horse started running.

I don’t know whether the horse was shot in the **** or was shocked by the bullet, but it ran forward wildly.

"Fight again!" Qin Chuan shouted again, and the soldiers fired a few more shots, but no matter whether the person pulling the carriage was a dead person or a living person, the carriage finally turned a corner and disappeared into a hill on the roadside. later.

"You guys stay here while I go back and tell the people behind me." Qin Chuan said angrily.

There is certainly a reason why Qin Chuan is upset.

He felt that he should have realized earlier that something was wrong with this carriage!

The man in the carriage got out of the carriage to pee. There was nothing wrong with that. Who hasn’t had a moment of internal distress?

But it goes against common sense to urinate on a hill on the side of the road.

Is that person’s waterway particularly large? Want to create a waterfall while standing on a high mountain?

and! That guy still peed on the carriage.

Yes, the carriages were all men, but have you ever seen a man peeing on a man? This is also counterintuitive!

And why did that person climb up the hillside? It was only then that Qin Chuan came back to his senses?

Because that hill is high!

Qin Chuan and the others followed Leng Xiaozhi to pick up people. They first went to the south to pick up the people they wanted to pick up, and then walked back. The southern part of Shandong was already a plain terrain, which was still relatively open.

So even though the hill is not very high, you can still have a clear view of the surroundings.

Qin Chuan and the others hid behind the bushes on the roadside. The person might not be able to see them, but it was entirely possible for them to see the large army behind them.

So it was a pretense that the man ran to the hill to urinate. It was a lie to turn around and urinate at other men. It was real to take the opportunity to observe the surroundings.

He didn't even react to such a simple truth. How could Qin Chuan not be upset?

It's just that it's too late to say anything now. Qin Chuan can only stride back to the rear team to report the situation to Leng Xiaozhi, Qiubo and the others, and also conduct a self-examination at the same time.

In response to Qin Chuan's self-examination, Leng Xiaozhi waved his hand.

What can be reviewed about this kind of thing? What happens happens, and no one can avoid making any mistakes.

Things have happened and must be faced.

Next, Mo Jianchen, who was familiar with the situation in Lunan, used tree branches to draw a few simple symbols on the ground and explained: "This is Weishan Town, this is Wanghu Village, originally we were going to Weishan Town.

You can also see that if we go to Weishan Town, we don't need to pass Wanghu Village, but we need to pass a dangerous place called Catfish Pass.

I suspect that the guys who came in the carriage just now came from the direction of Wanghuzhuang.

There is a Ma Laoliu Guards Army at Wanghu Village.

This guy has hundreds of guns, and the proximity to Weishan Lake is not friendly to our Lunan guerrillas. Recently there is news that they are about to surrender to the Japanese.

And now they still have a grudge against us.

What I mean by having a grudge is not only that we just killed the people on their carriage, but also because the wealthy family who robbed those women was his second uncle.

In other words, his second uncle was beaten to death while we were rescuing those women.

Qin Chuan, you don't need to make a self-examination.

If I were to reflect on it, if I could have killed Ma Laoliu and his second uncle's remaining men when I was chasing them, these things would not have happened.

Now I think Ma Laoliu knew that his second uncle was killed by us, and he couldn't figure out our reality, so he sent his people to check.

Just like you said, the man went up that hill next to the highway.

Only local people are familiar with the terrain. It is impossible for outsiders to find where our large troops are hiding on the highway, but they can be seen after going up to the hill.

Because where we are now, there are only so many people that can be hidden here.

If we continue to move along the path, we must pass the Catfish Mouth. To the left of that place is the branch of Weishan Lake and to the right is a small highland.

Not to mention that the terrain in that place is very dangerous, but if Ma Laoliu's people set up an ambush there, we would definitely suffer casualties.

Then if we want to go to Weishan Town, we have to take the main road, but can we take the main road? "After saying this, Mo Jianchen looked at Leng Xiaozhi and Qiu Bo, wanting to hear their opinions.

"I'm not familiar with the terrain, so I'll do whatever you tell me to do." Qiu Bo answered very readily. He almost said that since we are 7 Shang Zhen's soldiers, we are just the thugs you invited, and we still don't want to die. kind of.

"Then it's up to you, Political Commissar Leng, to decide." Mo Jianchen said to Leng Xiaozhi.

Mo Jianchen's words made Qiu Bo and the Northeast Army a little surprised.

Of course they knew that Mo Jianchen was the captain of the Lunan guerrillas, and Leng Xiaozhi was the political commissar of the Lunan guerrillas.

In their minds, the political commissar, UU Reading www. That's just like the logistics minister. He usually does ideological work and takes care of food, drink, and toilet. How come the final command power is in Leng Xiaozhi's hands?

In fact, this was Qiu Bo's misunderstanding. They did not understand the command mechanism of the Eighth Route Army.

Why is it said that the people's army led by the Communist Party is a new type of army?

At least nowadays, the political commissar of an Eighth Route Army unit has the final say, and military commanders must follow the leadership of the political commissar.

Because according to relevant regulations, the final military operation requires the consent of the political commissar, and the political commissar even has the right to suspend the command authority of the military chief.

In the end, this also reflects the spirit of the party commanding the gun.

Of course, there are many benefits to doing this. For example, during the Anti-Japanese War, some officers of the Eighth Route Army defected, but it was difficult for him to take away every soldier.

The reason is that he can only represent himself if he defectes, and the army will not act with him without the final order of the political commissar.

Like in later movies and TV shows, military chiefs have a paternalistic attitude and do whatever they want with just one order, like a mountain king. This kind of thing sounds legendary, but in fact it does not exist.

Of course, everything has its pros and cons, and this does not mean that there are no disadvantages at all.

However, overall, the military chiefs and political commissars of the people's army cooperated well with each other. It was not until later that it was clearly stipulated that the military chiefs were responsible for military matters, while the political commissars were responsible for all matters except military matters.

Under the gaze of everyone, Leng Xiaozhi began to think deeply.

Qiu Bo met Leng Xiaozhi later than Chen Hanwen, but he was also familiar with Leng Xiaozhi. Leng Xiaozhi was still a female student at that time.

But now Leng Xiaozhi's thoughtful look made Qiu Bo wonder, is the person in front of him still the same female student back then?

His appearance has not changed, but his face has become more mature and determined.

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