The War of Resistance

Chapter 1563: suspicious carriage

Qinchuan and Ma Tianfang started chewing Chen Hanwen's tongue again, and it was several hours since their team left the village.

This time Qin Chuan came to the front as the leader of the vanguard. Originally, being a vanguard had nothing to do, but now that he was resting, he came to find his old partner.

"Look, this is the woman from the Northeast!" When Qin Chuan glanced back, he started to bluff again.

"What's going on?" Ma Tianfang asked. He noticed that Qin Chuan was looking at the woman named Zhang Guiying.

Zhang Guiying came all the way to find Chen Hanwen, saying that Chen Hanwen was the gentleman in his family.

But what is Zhang Guiying’s identity? Chen Hanwen’s wife? It seems that Chen Hanwen hasn't recognized it yet.

Big girl? Where did the old lady come from? Forget it, just that woman.

"Have you ever heard of that legend? It's that kind of story where a man is taken away by the government and a woman stands in front of the door, missing her husband every day. If she stands there for a long time, she turns into a big stone. It’s called Wang Fu Stone.” Qin Chuan said

"What happened?" Ma Tianfang asked next.

"Just throwing it away for fun?" Qin Chuan said with a smile, "What I mean is that the woman who became Wangfushi cannot be a woman from the Northeast.

We Northeastern women, you miss the old man, who will look at the husband's stone at the door of the house every day? He would come all the way to look for her, like—" Qin Chuan clicked his lips, and there was no doubt that he was referring to Zhang Guiying.

"It's not certain whether the scholar recognizes it or not," Ma Tianfang said.

"It's impossible not to admit it. If he dares to deny it, Zhang Guiying can kill him!" Qin Chuan laughed.

"Why?" Ma Tianfang still didn't understand.

"Think about it, I'm actually just a big girl. If a big girl can find her way here all the way, how can she be an ordinary master? How can a scholar and a bear withstand such fierceness?

Haven't you heard that she was the only one who dared to resist those older girls and younger wives who were arrested by that family, and as a result, their clothes were torn off?

Of course, what can a big girl do if she is strong? But we happened to save him. Don’t you think this was fate? "Qin Chuan analyzed.

"If you say that, it's really the case." Ma Tianfang agreed.

"Besides, I heard from the scholar that it was the matchmaker's Xian'er who was chosen by his parents for his family. That was the parents' order and the matchmaker's words." Qin Chuan continued.

But then he was interrupted by someone else's words, it was Hu Zhuzhu.

"Are you two done? Are you talking like a man to your wife every day?" Hu Zhuzhu said dissatisfied.

Hu Zhuzi's words made the other top soldiers next to him smile.

Talking about your wife is a Northeastern saying, and according to later generations, it is gossip.

The reason why the soldiers next to them laughed was because Hu Zhuzhu dared to point out that Qin Chuan and Ma Tianfang were talking about their wives. After all, this sounded ugly.

Of course Qin Chuan knew what Hu Zhuzi was talking about, so he didn't share his common sense and glanced at him and said, "What do you care?"

"Fuck, the control is quite broad. Why don't you talk to your wife?" Ma Tianfang also didn't like it.

"What are you talking about? For example, among the people we are escorting this time, what kind of senior cadres from the Eighth Route Army are there?" Huzhuzi said.

"What's the point? We haven't seen any of our big cadres before?" Ma Tianfang seemed to answer casually, but his eyes revealed a certain psychology.

Because he glanced at the two people who were with them. Those two people were Lunan guerrillas.

For people like them, the Lunan guerrillas were just locals. How could they, as vanguard soldiers, not have a guide who knew the way?

It's not good to talk about senior officials of the Eighth Route Army in front of the guerrillas!

"I don't believe you when you say this. What senior cadres and officials of the Eighth Route Army have we seen?" Hu Zhuzi really retorted. His mind is simpler, but his memory is not bad.

"We have seen -" Qin Chuan, who was always sharp-tongued, was out of battery. He just said it casually, but he didn't expect Hu Zhuzi to be more serious?

"The greatest official we have ever seen!" But Qin Chuan was Qin Chuan and he immediately picked him up.

"Who is the biggest official?" Hu Zhuzhu really didn't believe it.

"In Shaanxi, that old man." Qin Chuan said with a smile.

"That old man, which old man? Ah - I remember it." Hu Zhuzhu was stunned for a moment and then he understood. After all, there is only one person in China who can be called an old man by everyone behind his back.

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