The War of Resistance

Chapter 1552: Yangguan 3-fold death method

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Shang Zhen waited for a moment, and when the iron hook flew up for the third time, it hit the rock again and made a "dang" sound.

By this time, Shang Zhen, who had already made up his mind, sneered.

He leaned forward again and grasped the hook tightly in his hand. At this time, in his left hand, there was already a shrub that grew out of the cracks in the rocks.

While Shang Zhen was concentrating and holding his breath and exerting force, he felt a strong force coming from the rope on the hook.

What does that feel like? Just like a fish trying to bite the bait when fishing, open your mouth and test it a few times.

Was the Japanese army testing whether the iron hook was hanging firmly? Of course the Japanese army didn't know that the iron hook was not hanging on the top of the mountain at all, but was already in Shang Zhen's hand.

With Shang Zhen's strength, he could lift a weight of one to two hundred pounds with one hand, but he could still hold it for a while.

Sure enough, after a while, another force came from the big rope, and it became straightened. I guess it was the Japanese soldiers below who were pulling the rope and starting to climb up.

At this time, Shang Zhen was like tug-of-war with the Japanese army.

He sat on the edge of the top of the mountain, pedaling on a stone with his feet, spinning the hook with one hand, and grabbing the bush with the other.

He just stared like that until he could hear the Japanese soldiers breathing heavily as they climbed up. Then he raised and let go of the iron hook in his hand. Then he threw out the bush in his left hand.

Then Shang Zhen heard it and let out an "ah-" sound at his feet!

All this seems to be an episode in this battle.

The Japanese soldiers at the bottom of the mountain saw their companions pulling the rope and failing when they climbed up!

Isn't that because my companion missed and fell from the top of the mountain?

They even saw a bush carrying dirt flying down from the top of the mountain.

So all the Japanese soldiers who saw their companions falling imagined such a scene.

That is, the iron hook was hung on the bush. When I tried it with my hands, it was quite strong. However, when the person climbed up, he used so much force that the bush was pulled out, and the person fell down!

It is of course extremely tragic for a person to fail while climbing a steep cliff.

That kind of situation where one mistake leads to eternal regret is like the name of a song in ancient China.

What song name? The answer was: "Three layers of Yangguan."

Falling from the negative-inclined cliff is a stack.

After falling on the **** of the mountain, he rolled all the way down again, which is Erduo.

It rolled down to the foot of the mountain. Although the person was no longer moving, his head still hit the stone at the foot of the mountain with a "snap", which was Sandiao.

The world is so wonderful. If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, how could these Japanese soldiers have imagined that their extraordinary comrade would die in such a "turbulent" death?

But they didn't know that there was a Chinese soldier on the top of the mountain who was reviewing what he had learned when he was learning idioms - you will not survive if you do it yourself!

Shang Zhen resisted the urge to stretch his head and look. Although he couldn't see it with his own eyes, Shang Zhen knew that the Japanese soldier must have died miserably, so he didn't want to add insult to injury. Northeastern people are upright by nature. If he was like that It would be unkind to do so!

But is this really the end?

Shang Zhen is not sure about this either.

Perhaps this was an accident in the eyes of the Japanese army, but will the Japanese army continue to send people to climb up the mountain?

Alas, I'd better wait.

After waiting for a while and seeing no movement, Shang Zhen wanted to change direction and continue to observe the movements of the Japanese army. He moved his body back, stood up and walked elsewhere.

But he had only taken about twenty steps when he suddenly heard another "dang" sound coming from behind him.

Oh, you **** little devils, are these ungrateful people going to climb up again?

Shang Zhen, who was bending forward, suddenly turned around, but this time he didn't see the iron hook hitting the stone. What he saw was a grenade that bounced off the stone. He even saw the spray on the grenade. White smoke came out!

Fuck! At this moment, Shang Zhen felt a sense of fear that made the hairs on his body stand on end.

He instinctively turned around and threw himself down, but he didn't forget to put the rifle in his hand to the place where there was no stone.

He was afraid that the gun would make a sound when it hit the stone, and the Japanese soldiers would hear it.

But even though there was such a movement mixed in, his turning back was extremely fast.

Just when he fell to the ground, the grenade exploded with a "boom". Some of the fragments of the grenade passed through the air, and some made a "ding-dong-dang" sound when they hit the rocks. .

Seeing that he was no longer in danger, Shang Zhen secretly shouted, "Pick it up."

Thanks to myself, I have changed my place. If I hadn’t changed my place, I don’t know what would have happened!

There is no guarantee that you will be hit by this grenade, and now that you are still alive, aren't you just picking it up?

It seems that we really cannot underestimate the Japanese devils! The Japanese actually suspected that there was someone on the top of the mountain!

But what to do next?

Are you going to step forward now? So what if you don't step forward and the little devil throws that iron hook up again?

But if I step forward, what should I do if the kid throws a grenade?

For a moment, even Shang Zhen, a veteran of many battles, hesitated.

But the Japanese soldier below threw the grenade up, and the grenade also went off. The Japanese soldier thought that even if there were people above, it should have been killed.

He didn't hesitate. After a while, another iron hook was thrown up from below.

Human beings, sometimes what they do may not necessarily mean what they think.

When Shang Zhen saw the Japanese army's iron hook coming up again, he jumped forward without thinking.

Ouch, Shang Zhen ran so fast, just like a flash of lightning in the daytime. As soon as he was about to hit, Shang Zhen just jumped forward and stretched out his hand.

What does it mean to pounce forward and reach out? Isn't this contradictory? Is there anyone who doesn't reach out when he pounces forward?

It turned out that when Shang Zhen pounced forward, he did a push-up with one hand, or it could be said to be a diving movement.

He supported his fallen body with one hand, while the other hand grabbed the iron hook that had just been stuck on the stone. UU Reading

When he felt the rope move, it was the Japanese soldiers below who were trying hard to see if the hook rope was firmly attached, so he lifted the iron hook and let go.

As for the results, you can imagine.

The Japanese army just wanted to test whether the iron hook was hooked or whether it was hung firmly, and they might not use much force.

Precisely because he didn't use much force, he escaped death.

It's just that Shang Zhen has already been taken off, so what else is there to hang on? So the iron hook fell back when the Japanese soldiers pulled it.

At this time, Shang Zhen did not dare to use the previous trick to kill the Japanese soldier again.

In any case, if two people fell to death at the same place on the top of the mountain, the Japanese army would definitely become suspicious.

The Japanese soldiers below threw the iron hook up twice, but Shang Zhen carefully threw it back with the force of the Japanese soldiers pulling the rope.

Even though it only took a few seconds, it really made Shang Zhen very tired.

Because don’t underestimate this job, it is still a technical job!

Shang Zhen used the strength of the Japanese army to throw the iron hook back.

If you use too much force and you throw the hook far away with a small amount of force, that's something wrong and people will get suspicious.

The force is too weak, but the person has used a lot of force. What if the iron hook hangs somewhere else before it falls?

You can't pick off the hook in full view of the Japanese troops at the foot of the mountain!

However, Shang Zhen's efforts were not in vain.

Just as he was carefully thinking about how to deal with the next crisis, the Japanese artillery fired.

The Japanese army didn't want to waste any more, so they finally used the Type 92 infantry cannon.

The Japanese soldiers at the foot of the mountain finally gave up their attempt to climb up the mountain, and the iron hook never flew to the top of the mountain again.

Shang Zhen also escaped due to this.

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