The War of Resistance

Chapter 1553: Use gunfire as cover

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You have to test fire before firing.

The first Japanese artillery shell landed not far from the ridge outside the village.

Seeing the dust produced after the shell exploded, Shang Zhen became nervous again, and he thought to himself, don't move!

Because Shang Zhen knew that the security brigade had many people hiding behind that ridge.

Based on Shang Zhen's understanding of the power of the Japanese Type 92 infantry artillery shells, fragments of the shells should have hit the Chinese soldiers.

However, he nervously watched the dissipating dust and did not notice any soldiers rushing out from behind the ridge.

In such a short period of time, Shang Zhen certainly did not think that the security brigade soldiers would dig any pits or holes to make a bunker behind the ridge.

So even after the shell exploded, there were still no soldiers, which only shows that the discipline of this security brigade is pretty good.

The test firing was over and the official bombardment began.

The Japanese army's second artillery shell accurately hit a firewood pile in the village.

So in the loud explosion, I saw a flash of white light, black dust rising, and then suddenly one day a Japanese artillery arrived and rolled up my firewood and triple thatch!

The entire pile of firewood was gone, and firewood blown up by the air waves were flying all over the sky.

After that, the Japanese artillery fire started one after another. The high-walled compound would be blown down until the walls fell down, and the small thatched house was no different from the firewood pile being bombarded.

Shang Zhen saw people running out of the smoke and dust of the explosion, although there were not many people.

People are people. Although most of them ran away before, there will always be people who are lucky because they are reluctant to part with their own homes.

But at this time, Shang Zhen's thoughts were no longer on the common people but on the security brigade.

To be honest, he really couldn't compliment the security brigade's combat effectiveness.

If he was commanding this battle, he would never give up the entrance to Dushan Col easily, which is the line of Dushan Col where he is now.

Although the **** of Dushan Col is not a great natural danger, it can be regarded as a defensive position to some extent.

Now that Dushangu is lost, all the villages in the mountains will be under the gaze of the Japanese army. This strategic disadvantage is self-evident.

The only place that can be defended has been lost. Do we still expect to put the Japanese in the village to fight in the streets?

How big is the village? There are 1,500 to 600 people in the security brigade. Who has ever seen street fighting using the tactic of using a sea of ​​people?

Street fighting means that the houses are solid, not just made of stone, but they must be made of red bricks and blue bricks. In this village in a mountainous area, most of them are mud houses, so can we fight in the streets?

But having said that, Shang Zhen felt that this security guard could still save his life for a while, because he saw clearly in Dushangu that the security brigade had hidden all its troops in a few places outside the village where people could be hidden.

Therefore, from this perspective, the Japanese shelling of the village is of little significance.

But to be honest, from Shang Zhen's point of view, this kind of bombardment by the Japanese army is just fine to scare those soldiers who have never seen a big scene. If a Type 92 infantry cannon wants to scare veterans like him, it is not enough. Saw it.

Sure enough, after more than a dozen shells were fired, the artillery fire began to extend, the Japanese light and heavy machine guns rang out, and then the riflemen began to attack.

Shang Zhen, who originally planned to see how the security brigade conducted a defensive battle, suddenly felt something in his heart when he heard the sound of the artillery fire. He realized that his opportunity had come.

The opportunity came because the Japanese cannon was still firing.

It was impossible for Shang Zhen to shoot the Japanese artillery.

In fact, just now he looked at the Japanese infantry cannon, which was only four to five hundred meters away, and he could see the Japanese soldiers moving the shells.

With his marksmanship, it is unlikely that he will hit 10 out of 10 targets at this distance, but he is still sure of hitting 78 out of 10 targets.

But he can't fight, and he won't fight.

There was only one cannon on the entire battlefield that was making a "clang" sound. If the artillery operator was killed, the Japanese army would have guessed that there were gunners from the Chinese army nearby.

That way he would be exposed.

However, artillery cannot fire, but now, he can use the cover of the artillery to eliminate several Japanese troops.

The Japanese army did not arrange the light and heavy machine gun positions at the foot of Dushangu Mountain, but more than 200 meters diagonally in front of Shang Zhen.

Shang Zhen reached out and touched the rifle that had been picked up from the ground. After pushing the bolt, he aimed the rifle at the heavy machine gunner who was shooting into the village.

He breathed steadily, as if he was looking at an unrelated person.

Yes, breathe steadily, not hold your breath.

Because Shang Zhen was waiting for the opportunity that he was aware of. If he held his breath, he would never be able to wait that long.

Therefore, shooting is also a skill. Once practice makes perfect, you will have a sense of peace.

For Shang Zhen, this kind of normalcy in shooting is more important than his hatred for the Japanese army, because he will not let his shooting movements be distorted.

With a "boom" sound, the Japanese infantry cannon fired again!

And amid the sound of gunfire, Shang Zhen decisively pulled the trigger.

The Japanese army was already attacking, and the gunfire was already ringing out intensively. With the rumbling sound of artillery, who would notice his shot?

In his shot, a bullet directly penetrated the head of the Japanese heavy shooter, and the guy fell down.

Shang Zhen quickly pulled the bolt to eject the cartridge case, pushed the bolt again, and this time aimed the gun at the deputy shooter.

At this time, the Japanese deputy shooter saw the heavy machine gun parked. When he fired the main shooter, he found that the main shooter had been shot to death.

He was startled at first, and then moved closer to the main shooter to take a look.

By seeing where your comrade was shot, you can roughly guess where the bullet is coming from.

Shang Zhen was on the left front of the Japanese soldier, and the bullet naturally hit the left side of the opponent's face.

The other Japanese soldiers didn't notice, UU Reading, but the Japanese deputy shooter knew where his shooter's face was facing. The Chinese soldier who could kill their main shooter could never be directly in front of them.

The Japanese soldier turned his head and looked in Shang Zhen's direction.

At this time, Shang Zhen was still motionless.

He knew that he had camouflaged his hat and it was impossible for the Japanese army to see him clearly. He also didn't know whether the guy's eyesight was good enough to see the rifle he had stuck out.

Shang Zhen still chose to wait.

He really didn't know if the Japanese deputy shooter had seen him, but he knew that if the Japanese artillery didn't fire, then if he fired again, he would probably be discovered by the Japanese at the foot of the mountain.

Where can I be sure of anything? Now Shang Zhen is just betting on a higher chance of winning.

"Boom", the Japanese artillery fire started again.

In the sound of gunfire, Shang Zhen fired his rifle again, and another bullet hit the Japanese deputy shooter directly between the eyebrows, and then the guy also fell down.

Shang Zhen waited for a while while holding the gun. This time he found another Japanese officer, but the Japanese artillery sound never sounded again.

Correspondingly, he heard shouts from the Japanese troops below.

After putting away his gun, he waited until he changed his position and looked forward again, and found that the Japanese army had begun to attack.

This time the Japanese army's attack method was no different from before. The distance between the forty and fifty Japanese soldiers was only a tactical requirement. They walked into the village along the road into the village with their rifles in hand.

Shang Zhen was looking at the houses on the edge of the village, but they were the targets of the Japanese army's light and heavy machine guns.

At this time, Shang Zhen suddenly realized an advantageous aspect for the security brigade, that is, the Japanese army did not know that there were 1,500 to 600 Chinese officers and soldiers hiding in Dushan Col!

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