The War of Resistance

Chapter 1551: The devils are going up the mountain

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Chinese soldiers retreated and Japanese troops appeared.

Shang Zhen on Dushan Gu looked at the ant-like Japanese soldiers at the foot of the mountain and suddenly felt a little regretful. Why didn't he bring more grenades when he came out?

If he had ten grenades on him now, he was sure that he could kill at least dozens or even hundreds of Japanese soldiers.

The reason here is of course because he threw the grenade from the mountain and exploded in the air, causing a huge area of ​​damage.

And due to the extremely special mountain shape of "Gu", the top of the mountain and the foot of the mountain are almost vertical, so there is no need to throw the grenade forward at all, just throw it directly down, which means that the Japanese army is indeed right in front of his nose. under.

Of course, now he can also shoot.

But Shang Zhen knew that the efficiency of shooting enemies was too slow, even though he used a twenty-ring box gun.

Even though the Japanese troops were busy right under his nose, Shang Zhen also knew that as soon as his gun fired on the mountain, the Japanese soldiers at the foot of the mountain would flee like rabbits in the mountains and find the hidden cave. Hide yourself.

Then the Japanese army would find their location based on the shot location of the shot soldier and the sound they heard. In that case, they would be dead.

So now Shang Zhen can still only watch. He doesn't know when he might be unable to resist and reach out.

However, to his surprise, the Japanese army did not immediately launch an attack on Dushan Col. Perhaps it was because the Japanese army suffered a lot along the way and they were very careful.

After a while, Shang Zhen saw a Japanese army looking towards his mountain and starting to point with his fingers, and a Japanese officer raised his binoculars towards his location.

Shang Zhen was surprised, had he been discovered?

But as a veteran, he understood that no matter whether the Japanese army discovered him or not, he must not make any big moves now.

He slowly pushed his head down until he felt that the Japanese army could not see him, and then crawled back.

He couldn't watch here, but he could change his position. After all, he had the advantage of being on the top of the mountain. As long as the rocks were slightly blocked, the Japanese army couldn't find him.

And because of the protruding mountain on the top of the mountain, the mountain with a negative angle that he had climbed before, he did not think that the Japanese army would climb up from the bottom of the mountain.

So he changed his position to see the possible attack route of the Japanese army into the village.

There were still people running out of the village, but what Shang Zhen could see were mostly ordinary people.

The security brigade actually hid all its troops in this village with more than 200 households. This was not an easy task.

Shang Zhen picked up the telescope and looked at the two wings of the village, namely the north and south directions.

As he had deduced before, the security brigade who tried to find a way out from both wings found nothing. He even saw corpses lying outside the village. It should be that the security brigade soldiers were killed by the Japanese army before them in the process of looking for a way out. Beaten to death.

Time is like a blind box. As long as we live, who knows what reality will be like in the end?

But while Shang Zhen was observing, he suddenly heard movement on the other side of the mountain wall he had left earlier!

What's happening here? Shang Zhen was shocked, but then he gave up the idea of ​​stretching his head to see.

It was only about a hundred meters above the ground. Although he made a simple disguise for his head, he felt that if he dared to show his head, well-trained Japanese soldiers would probably see him.

But no matter what, he couldn't just wait where he was, so he moved back to the position he left before, and even took out a grenade he carried and put it next to him. This was of course to be prepared.

At this time, Shang Zhen heard the Japanese soldiers' voices coming from below him.

Listening to the voice, it was not far away from him, and it was just below him.

Because Shang Zhen climbed up from the mountain himself, he knew that the Japanese army should have advanced along the not very steep hillside to the cliff below him.

Oops, what are you doing, little devil?

This question didn't even come to Shang Zhen's mind for even a tenth of a second before he understood that the little devil was really going up the mountain.

What are you doing up there on the mountain?

Of course, it occupies this commanding height. At least a lookout post can be posted on it to investigate the deployment of the security brigade in Dushan'ao Village below.

Of course, if possible, the Japanese army could drag the light machine gun up with a rope and build another firepower point on the top of the mountain.

Otherwise, there is no need for the Japanese army to come up the mountain, because due to the obstruction of Dushan Mountain, Dushan Col cannot be seen at all on the hillside where the Japanese army is now.

Shang Zhen was thinking about it when he suddenly heard a "dang" sound!

The sound made him jump to the ground like a conditioned reflex. He thought the Japanese army had thrown a grenade.

But when he looked at the place where the sound came from, he saw a clawed iron hook with a rope attached to it, and he was being pulled out of his sight!

At this point, Shang Zhen was absolutely sure that the Japanese army had not discovered him at all and was coming to this mountain.

Isn’t that what the iron hook is used for hanging the rope?

It seems that the Japanese soldiers also did not have that much strength and could not forcefully climb up the hillside at a negative angle, so they used hook ropes.

The Chinese have such tools for mountain climbing, and of course the Japanese also have them. Shang Zhen still remembers those weird ninjas who knew "five moves" that he once eliminated, and those guys also have them.

The Japanese soldiers below threw the iron hook up, but there was uncertainty in hanging the iron hook up the mountain.

Maybe the hook is successful in one go, such as the iron hook hooking onto a protruding rock or a strong tree or shrub.

It may be impossible to hook it after several attempts, and the people below can only keep throwing the hook up. If it can reach the top of the mountain, won't the hook be pulled down?

Sure enough, after another moment, Shang Zhen, who was already concentrating this time, heard a "wu" sound from below, and the iron hook with the rope returned to his sight.

But this time, it was a coincidence that the iron hook hung directly on the protruding edge of a rock on the top of the mountain, making a "dang" sound.

Eh? How about this? There is no room for two tigers in one mountain. If you Japanese devils come up, where will I stay?

Shang Zhen, who reacted very quickly, moved forward, stretched out his hand and picked off the hook from the hanging stone edge.

At this moment, a force came along the rope. Shang Zhen instinctively raised and let go of the hook, and the iron hook was pulled down again!

"***" When I entered the battle, I heard the Japanese soldiers below talking again. I don't know what the Japanese soldiers below muttered in a low voice. I guess it meant that they were talking about memorizing things like the Northeastern people!

This is somewhat funny, but Shang Zhen understands that this is a matter of life and death, so how can he be in the mood to laugh?

He knew that since the Japanese army could throw the hook to the top of the mountain, there would be another time.

How can this be done? Shang Zhen was really worried, but he knew that he really had no good solution. He could only come with troops to block the water from coming to Tutun, so he had better take it one step at a time!

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