The War of Resistance

Chapter 1550: Guilty!

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Shang Zhen was not worried that the Japanese army would climb up Dushangu.

As for the reason, it is actually because the four walls of Dushangu always have steep and vertical places, which is not something that anyone can climb up if they want to.

Shang Zhen chose this side of the mountain to climb this time. The **** below was not bad, although it was steep and people could still climb up.

However, for a few meters near the top of the mountain, the inclination of the mountain wall is already negative, although the negative degree is very small.

However, no matter how small the negative degree is, it means that the person cannot use the power of the legs at all.

Shang Zhen climbed up by relying on his good physical fitness. In other words, he used only ten fingers and arm strength to pull up the body, just as later generations said the so-called "rock climbing with bare hands."

Of course there are many mountains in nature, and those peaks in the world have indeed been conquered by humans one after another.

But on the contrary, those hills are only a few hundred meters high.

The angle is steeper and there are no rare medicinal materials such as Ganoderma lucidum, fairy grass, etc. So besides the occasional stop by birds and animals, what do humans do there?

Dushangu, where Shang Zhen is now located, belongs to such a mountain.

He felt that as long as he did not expose himself casually, no one from China and Japan would come up here.

Shang Zhen hunched over and walked cautiously on the top of the mountain, heading towards the side he climbed earlier.

The further he walked, the lower his waist became. When he almost reached the edge of the top of the mountain, he simply lay down and started crawling forward.

When he saw that he could see the situation of the Japanese troops diagonally ahead by stretching his head or raising his head, he stopped again.

But he pulled out the bayonet from his waist, chopped some thin shrubs and leaves on the top of the mountain and randomly made a grass ring. Then he grabbed some weeds and inserted them into the grass ring, and then fastened the grass ring on it. On his own head.

After finishing the preparations, he crawled forward, stretched his head and looked diagonally across.

At this time he saw the attacking Japanese troops. The pattern of the Japanese attack was no different from the previous ambush by the security brigade against the Japanese.

Under the cover of extremely powerful firepower from the rear, dozens of Japanese troops were attacking Dushangu.

But this time, these Japanese troops no longer ran wildly. Instead, they used the terrain to cover each other and moved forward in a way that was almost "jumping". .

Since Shang Zhen was at the highest point, he could clearly see the covering firepower of the Japanese army in the distance, with five light machine guns set up alone.

There were even Japanese troops busy in one position. Shang Zhen took a closer look with his binoculars and saw that the Japanese troops were setting up heavy machine guns.

Seeing this, Shang Zhen's hand holding the Type 38 rifle involuntarily tightened.

But when he came down, he suddenly lowered his head. Lying on the top of the mountain, he took a deep breath, and then spit it out.

But he took three deep breaths in succession, and then retracted his body. He never looked ahead again!


Just because as a soldier, the moment he saw the Japanese light machine guns and the Japanese setting up heavy machine guns, he suddenly had the urge to put his rifle on his shoulder and shoot at the enemy.

The impulse came so violently that he had to use his remaining rationality to suppress this emotional impulse.

He can't shoot now!

If he fired, regardless of whether the Japanese army would find him, how would he explain it to the soldiers of the Yamashita Security Brigade one day?

Will he then be able to tell the soldiers of the security brigade that the Japanese were deliberately lured here by me just to let you fight the Japanese?

If something like this happened, Shang Zhenhui would not know how to describe himself. If it were an outsider, he would definitely say, "Are you sick?" when reprimanding himself!

Yes, although the sentence "Are you sick?" is simple, Shang Zhen can no longer find how to scold himself.

So he can only hide and keep out of sight!

In fact, Shang Zhen has experienced such a scene to some extent. At that time, he always reminded himself that you are a warrior and are here to participate in the battle, not to watch.

But now after some of my coquettish operations, I have really turned myself into a bystander, unless I want to die!

If you don't have a heart of stone, you can't be a soldier!

And then, with Shang Zhen's patience, the gunfire at the foot of the mountain became more and more intense.

After about twenty minutes, Shang Zhen felt that the gunfire from his own side down the mountain, that is, the gunfire from the security guard, had weakened.

What's happening here? Can’t the security brigade handle it anymore? Shang Zhen thought to himself that he would not look at the Japanese soldiers on the opposite side, because he was afraid that he would not be able to help himself and reach out again.

So he climbed back backwards until he could bend down and stand up on the top of the mountain. He listened to the noise below and looked for an angle from which he could see the bottom of the mountain.

And when he finally reached a certain location, he quietly stuck his head out from the top of the mountain and looked down. Although he had expected it, he still felt his heart aching.

Because he saw dozens of Chinese soldiers lying there motionless at the foot of the mountain. It was obvious that those people had been killed.

Shang Zhen's eyesight has always been good, otherwise, he would not have been a good shooter.

But precisely because his eyesight has always been good, this time he even saw that the blood shed by the dozens of soldiers after they were killed in battle had dyed the ground around them dark red. UU Reading

"Brother! Brother!" Shang Zhen suddenly heard soldiers shouting amid the gunshots.

After all, the businessman couldn't hold it back. He picked up the telescope and looked down secretly.

With the telescope, he could see more clearly. He saw a soldier lying on top of another soldier doing something.

Wasn't that soldier's eldest brother killed in battle? Shang Zhen just guessed.

Seeing this scene, Shang Zhen, a veteran of many battles, suddenly felt as if some kind of bottle had been knocked over in his heart, and his emotions became mixed. He suddenly hated himself!

At this moment, he saw a third soldier appear in the telescope, and that soldier was dragging the soldier above him who was supposed to be shouting brother back.

"Your elder brother is dead, retreat quickly!" Shenzhen vaguely heard the third soldier shouting.

At this time, the lying soldier was lifted up due to being dragged up.

For some reason, Shang Zhenzhen felt that he could see people very clearly with the telescope this time.

Inside the lens was the young face of a young soldier. It didn't matter what he looked like, but Shang Zhen seemed to see that the soldier's eyes were blood red, a pair of eyes full of hatred!

Although Shang Zhen knew that the soldier was not looking at him, he still felt his heart suddenly hurt!

He just couldn't look at those eyes through the telescope anymore.

So the next moment Shang Zhen turned his body violently and retracted his head. He lay on his back on the top of the mountain and became lost in thought while looking at the sky filled with gunpowder smoke.

Somehow, at this moment, he thought of his third brother Li Fushun.

At this moment, Shang Zhen knew that he was wrong, indeed he was wrong.

If the officers do not resist the war, what do they have to do with the soldiers? On the battlefield, they are all heroes!

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