The War of Resistance

Chapter 1546: The story of Zhang Guan and Li Dai

Latest website: "I'd better go, Cao Delonghou Kanshan, you two follow me." Shang Zhen said.

Then he walked out of the woods with a Type 38 rifle on his back and his twenty-gun box gun slung across his body. Cao Delong and Hou Kanshan, who received the order, followed closely.

The soldiers looked at Shang Zhen's back in silence. After a while, until Shang Zhen's back disappeared, Bian Xiaolong said: "If I were his wife, I would wait for her too."

It's a pity that Bian Xiaolong is the woman of the times after all. If he were a future generation, he would definitely add "This guy is so handsome!" before his words.

At this time, no one laughed at Bian Xiaolong, because other soldiers also started talking, and the content of their words was still the same, which was to praise Shang Zhen.

"Do you know how the battalion commander lured the little Japanese army over?" Qian Chuan'er asked.

"Isn't that just shooting at the kid? Didn't we also shoot him at the beginning?" a soldier said matter-of-factly.

What this soldier said was that Shang Zhen led all of them to kill the twenty Japanese cavalry.

"It's not as simple as you said! You are talking about what happened at the beginning.

If you go ahead, you won’t know what happens next. "Qian Chuan'er retorted dissatisfiedly.

"Then tell me quickly!" the soldiers urged in unison.

"I walked in front, and the kid's cavalry caught up with me again, but this time there were not as many as last time, there were only a few, but that didn't allow them to catch up!" Qian Chuan'er began to tell, "The result Our battalion commander was still five or six hundred meters away from the little Japs. He fired two shots and killed two of the Japs. As a result, the remaining Japs no longer dared to move forward."

"That's right, our battalion commander's marksmanship is really incredible!" Some soldiers admired, but they spoke out what everyone else was feeling.

Shang Zhen's marksmanship has become a common legend among the soldiers in the whole battalion, including the fact that when their division commander Liu Chengyi was still the regiment commander, Shang Zhen shattered a wood chip windmill in a common man's house with one shot. The whole battalion officers and soldiers now know about it.

"The key lies behind. Even if our battalion commander is accurate, the little devil will send someone with particularly accurate marksmanship to hit us.

Originally we planned to run away on horseback as soon as the little devil came over later.

But when the little devil came over, the battalion commander said he didn’t want the horse anymore and we should run back. "Qian Chuan'er preached again.

"Why? You can run back without riding even if you have a horse?" Sure enough, some soldiers didn't understand.

No matter how slow the horse runs, it can still run faster than a person, not to mention there are eleven horses.

That horse was a work horse snatched from an old farmer's house. It could not be used as a cavalry mount in the future, but even if it was killed for meat, it would still be enough to feed the whole camp for a few days.

What a pity that eleven horses were beaten to death by the Japanese!

"Yeah, we didn't understand it at the time. But then the kid opened fire, and we ran back without having time to ask.

When the little Japs couldn't catch up with us, the battalion commander explained to us that we had to give the little Japs something sweet to make them believe that they had bumped into our main force.

Then we saw that we didn’t have any horses yet. With only infantry, the Japanese would be more energetic in chasing us!

The battalion commander was afraid that we wouldn't understand, so he told us a story about Huarong Tao. "Qian Chuan'er briefly told the story of how they abandoned their horse, but when he reached this point, although the others were listening with interest, Chu Tian and Chen Hanwen couldn't help but look at each other.

How did their battalion commander Shang Zhen get the Japanese army to take the bait? It was all a clever plan, but how did it get involved with Huarong Dao?

Doesn't Huarong Road tell the story of Cao Cao being defeated by the coalition forces of Sun Quan and Liu Bei in the Battle of Chibi and escaping from Huarong Road? What does this have to do with Shang Zhen?

"The battalion commander said that at that time, Sun Bin deliberately asked the soldiers to reduce the number of firewood stoves for cooking, and also discarded some war horses and weapons, so as to lure the pursuers behind to continue the pursuit." Qian Chuan'er spoke with gusto. of.

But at this time, Chu Tian and Chen Hanwen, who were listening on the sidelines, looked at each other again and felt a sudden realization.

Qian Chuan'er said, what kind of Huarong Tao is this? This is clearly about Maling Road!

Qian Chuan'er still didn't know that he had confused Huarong Road and Maling Road. Of course, it was also possible that Shang Zhen had confused those two roads!

Sure enough, Qian Chuaner soon told the story of Sun Bin who had his kneecap dug out, Pang Juan who was jealous of talents, and finally Pang Juan was shot to death by Sun Bin's plan.

"Don't squeak. The squeaking is disturbing the scenery now, and it will also affect the prestige of our battalion commander!" Seeing that Chen Hanwen couldn't help but point out the errors in the allusion told by Qian Chuan'er, Chu Tian quickly reminded him.

"But - but -" Chen Hanwen is Chen Hanwen after all, and his pedantic attitude is really a headache.

"No but! It's about the dignity of the officer! Even if you have to point out what Qian Chuan'er said is wrong, you'll have to wait until there is no one else.

If you point this matter out this time and let Uncle Wang know about it, you will see how he will scold you. Chu Tian said seriously.

Chu Tian knew that even Shang Zhen might not be able to handle Chen Hanwen's sour and rotten attitude, so he would have no choice but to resort to Wang Lao's hat.

"Okay." Chen Hanwen had no choice but to agree when he thought of how Wang Laomao had scolded him.

He is really afraid of those veterans who are illiterate but are very good at telling fallacies.

But when Chen Hanwen saw what Qian Chuan'er said, he was very happy, but he didn't let him say anything he had to say. It was really uncomfortable to hold it in!

So he stood up.

"Are you going to Gaha?" Chu Tian asked hurriedly.

"I'll be on guard duty, but I won't listen if I don't listen!" Chen Hanwen replied.

Chen Hanwen wanted to leave, but someone refused to let him go!

Qian Chuan'er, who was telling a story at this time, saw Chen Hanwen standing up and walking away, so he asked: "Xiucai, go ahead and see what I said is wonderful?"


"Chen Hanwen!"

Originally, Chen Hanwen wanted to say, "What a wonderful fart", but Chu Tian interrupted him in time, so that he could only forcefully hold that "fart" back into his stomach.

Oh my god, Chen Hanwen ran away, and this time he was even more uncomfortable!

In fact, this story was actually told by Shang Zhen to Qian Chuan'er and the others. UU Reading It was Shang Zhen who first confused the two stories of Huarong Road and Maling Road.

Shang Zhen originally had limited literacy, but later he read an idiom dictionary, which improved his cultural level a lot.

China has a long history, and many of its idioms have historical allusions behind them.

Shang Zhen only remembered the idiom "Besiege Wei to save Zhao", and then in the detailed explanation of the entry "Besiege Wei to save Zhao", he saw the story between Sun Bin and Pang Juan.

But since the time he was looking at was too far away, it was not surprising that Shang Zhen confused Huarong Road and Maling Road.

But then again, what's the point of Shang Zhen combining the two stories?

Apply what you have learned, as long as you do not delay in using it.

The Chinese nation has a long history of culture. If we can learn and apply it, sometimes it will be better than learning a lot!


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