The War of Resistance

Chapter 1545: abandon horse strategy

Latest website: A ragged old man was hiding in the woods in the mountains, looking forward secretly.

Just over 300 meters away from him, several Japanese cavalrymen were standing on a high hill, reining in their horses.

The hills are already high, and the Japanese horses are tall and majestic, so even though the Japanese are very short, with the contrast of the terrain and the Japanese horses, the Japanese soldiers feel like they are looking down on the world.

The old man is just a civilian. Logically speaking, he shouldn't be here. He heard the gunfire just now.

But what can he do? He was too old. He could no longer run when he came out to seek refuge, let alone run away.

So he could only hide here and watch secretly.

At this time, in his eyes, the Japanese invaders were short but fierce. Of course, he was afraid that he would be discovered.

But because he was still far away at this time, he didn't know that the men on the horse were the ferocious Japanese invaders. However, he looked at the winding road ahead with a fearful look.

More than 300 meters in front of these Japanese soldiers, one man and two horses had fallen on the road.

Both horses are maroon horses, and the man is wearing the khaki uniform of the Japanese Imperial Army. Of course he is their companion.

And just six or seven hundred meters in front of their shattered companion, there were also several cavalrymen walking slowly forward.

Those people were wearing earth-gray Chinese military uniforms. As far as the Japanese army knew, they were a Chinese army called the Northeast Army.

These Japanese cavalrymen also knew that there were infantrymen of the Chinese army just in front of the Chinese cavalrymen. As for how many infantrymen there were, they did not know.

The reason was that they could not get past the Chinese cavalry just in front of them.

Just now they rode their horses forward with great enthusiasm, but unexpectedly, the gunshots of the Chinese army on the opposite side rang out.

With just one shot, their leading companion was knocked off his horse.

Originally, this was a mountainous area, so there was no cavalry. The few cavalry they had were said to be drawn from the mounts of officers or communications troops in order to track the Chinese army.

The same thing happened to the more than 20 cavalrymen earlier, but the result was that they and their horses were beaten into pieces.

Since they didn't have many war horses, and they still had the ability to kill with one shot from six to seven hundred meters away, they had no choice but to rein in the reins.

Yes, it was a one-shot kill! They fired two shots one after another, and two of their companions fell off their horses one after another!

The reason why they only have one person and two horses in their sights now is because their second companion who was killed fell into the ditch beside the road and they can't see it now.

I said that it was good luck to kill one of their soldiers with one shot from six to seven hundred meters away, but it was not bad luck to kill another soldier with the second shot. The other side must have a sharpshooter!

How dare the few remaining cavalrymen dare to charge forward?

It is estimated that we will have everyone wiped out before we even get to the place!

At this point, they have no doubt that the commander said that the large Chinese army in front has fierce firepower, is well-trained, and is good at marching. They must annihilate this Chinese army!

But how to annihilate it?

They are advancing to the west. There is a large force of the Chinese army in the distance. In front of them is the cavalry squad of the Chinese army. Then there are these temporary cavalry of the Imperial Japanese Army. Behind them are them again. The large Japanese army.

In terms of the infantry's marching ability, at least now their infantry has not caught up with the Chinese infantry in front.

And these cavalry were blocked by the Chinese cavalry in front.

If we want the two sides to engage in a firefight as soon as possible, they can only kill the Chinese cavalry in front first.

Now they have sent soldiers with good marksmanship from behind, and they can only follow the Chinese cavalry from a distance. This is really a rare shame for their Imperial Japanese Army!

At this time, in front of the Japanese army, those who blocked the Japanese cavalry from charging over were naturally the soldiers from that squad led by Shang Zhen.

Since the Japanese infantry could not catch up with their infantry, how could Shang Zhen allow the Japanese cavalry to catch up from behind?

So after the Japanese cavalry appeared, Shang Zhen was waiting with a rifle.

As a result, he knocked down two Japanese cavalry with two shots, and directly scared the rest of the Japanese cavalry out of the effective range of the rifle.

However, the behavior of Shang Zhen's soldiers at this time was a bit old-fashioned.

Although their horses were said to be moving forward, there were two horses with no one on them.

But a face appeared under the armpit of the old man who was sitting on the horse. It was Bian Xiaolong.

"Oh, this horse is so rocking that it hurts my head!" Bian Xiaolong complained on the horse.

At this time, her left hand was holding the old man's right rib, and her right hand was holding a pair of binoculars.

"Who asked you to stay?" Shang Zhen's voice came from the front. This was Shang Zhen's response to her shaking head and headache.

Bian Xiaolong is a thorn in the side because he is the only female soldier in the whole battalion and has the protection of Big Boss! He wasn't used to ordinary soldiers, not even veterans.

But now that Shang Zhen is talking, she has no choice.

Every time he stayed in the battle to fight like the male soldiers, this was Bian Xiaolong's initiative.

If not, how could Shang Zhen always let a female soldier perform these dangerous tasks?

When Bian Xiaolong saw the battalion commander training her, she stuck out her tongue, then put the telescope in front of her eyes and looked into the distance.

At this time, Hou Kanshan was riding alongside Big Lao Ben.

Immediately there was one more person who was watching the mountain, and that was Qian Chuan'er.

Qian Chuan'er and Hou Wangshan were also sitting across from each other, but since they were similar in stature, Qian Chuan'er simply lay on Hou Wangshan's shoulder and looked behind him through the binoculars.

Originally, Hou Kanshan got on Qian Chuan'er's horse at the beginning, but it was Hou Kanshan who was lying on Qian Chuan'er's shoulder and looking back.

But Qian Chuan'er quit, so Qian Chuan'er said, "Pull him down. You should ride the horse while I lie down and watch. You keep putting your big face on other people's faces. Can I sleep at night?"

Although the battle was tense, the people present were all veterans, but they did not hesitate to have fun, and the others laughed.

Hou Kanshan also smiled.

Qian Chuan'er then said, "What qualifications do you have to laugh?" Your smile is really enough for ten people to look at each other for half a month. It is better not to smile, so the others laughed even more.

Whether Hou Kanshan or Bian Xiaolong, why do they pose in such a pose, with a horse but no riding, but they have to ride together?

Of course, he was looking at the Japanese troops behind him.

Shang Zhen can kill two Japanese soldiers one by one, so don't the Japanese soldiers have sharpshooters? There must be some, and there will be many more!

They just need to call in dozens of infantrymen to shoot at them from behind, which is not very possible. It will definitely knock them off their horses.

And if they set up dozens of crooked machine guns, they can be beaten into pieces, including men and horses, just like they used a company of troops to shoot down twenty Japanese cavalry.

How could Shang Zhen not guard against this?

Now Hou Kanshan and Bian Xiaolong are looking back with binoculars. They are the ones responsible for looking out.

Once they see other Japanese troops coming from behind, regardless of whether they are machine guns or rifles, as long as they have their guns set up, they are definitely shooting masters, so why don't they run away quickly?

It's just that things like telescopes are used for observation when they are stationary, but now they are used to look at them on a horse that is one length at a time. You can definitely see it, but it is really tiring for your eyes!

But how long can tired eyes last? It only took a while before Bian Xiaolong suddenly shouted: "Batalion Commander, Battalion Commander, I saw a kid coming to the cavalry from behind!"

"I saw it too!" Qian Chuan'er also shouted.

"Quickly, get off your horse!" Shang Zhen heard the two men shouting, and he knew that it was the Japanese gunmen who had caught up.

As for how the Japanese gunmen caught up, the Japanese army must have their own methods, and Shang Zhen didn't care about it.

But when he said "run quickly", he changed the "run quickly" to "get off the horse quickly".

The soldiers had expectations for their commander's orders. They had promised to rush their horses to run as soon as the Japanese gunmen came up, but why did Shang Zhen change his horse to dismount?

However, after hearing Shang Zhen's order, a few soldiers were stunned and turned over and dismounted, but in the end two horses rushed out.

However, the people on the horse soon woke up, and the battalion commander did not give an order to run!

The two soldiers also quickly reined in their horses and jumped off.

But before the soldiers could ask why, Shang Zhenxin's order came again: "Find the terrain to hide, let's run back!"

The soldiers couldn't understand why the battalion commander gave good horses to the Japanese, but they had to obey this order.

Just when they abandoned their horses and took advantage of the roadside terrain to hide in the woods on the roadside, gunfire rang out from behind.

If the bullets they fired when they ambushed the twenty Japanese cavalry were like rain, then the bullets fired by the Japanese from behind this time were like a storm.

In a moment, the horses abandoned by Shang Zhen and the others were also beaten into sieves!


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