The War of Resistance

Chapter 1547: Gonghuo

In the mountains and fields, Shang Zhen led Hou Kanshan and Cao Delong forward vigilantly.

Now he needs to do one thing, that is, how to let the security brigade and the Japanese army discover each other's existence.

But will the enemy and us definitely fight after they find out?

Thinking of this, Shang Zhen couldn't help but slow down and finally stood up.

Hou Kanshan and Cao Delong are both familiar with Shang Zhen's habits. One is an old man who has been with him since September 18, and the other is his orderly and orderly.

They knew that Shang Zhen was thinking about a problem when he entered this state, so the two of them didn't say anything for fear of disturbing him, and just waited quietly aside, even taking precautions.

After a while, Shang Zhen said: "It's not enough for us to just provoke them into fighting. What if the security brigade is a coward and runs away as soon as he sees the little devil?"

Hou Kanshan knew that Shang Zhen must have an idea, so he waited quietly.

"So Brother Hou, go back immediately and take our little man dressed as a little devil and go around to the back of the security brigade.

No matter what method you use, make the people in the security brigade mistakenly think that the little devil is over there.

I guess they will run back as soon as they see the little devil on the other side. If I fire on the other side again, the two families will have to fight. "Sure enough, Shang Zhen revealed his next plan.

"Okay, I'll go back right away." Hou Kanshan agreed quickly.

But just when he was about to leave, Shang Zhen said again: "You are not allowed to take Bian Xiaolong with you, that's what I said. Also, you must move quickly!"

"Okay!" Hou Kanshan agreed again, turned and left.

"Let's go on," Shang Zhen said to Cao Delong.

More than ten minutes later, Shang Zhen and Cao Delong appeared in a small forest.

Just over two hundred meters in front of them was Dushan Gu.

Gu can be understood as a mountain, with steep sides and a flat or arc-shaped top in the middle.

According to the report given to him by Shang Zhen's subordinates, the security brigade they met on the road is now in the mountain col in front of Dushangu.

From their current position, Shang Zhen and the others couldn't see the village in the mountain col.

If Shang Zhen hadn't come to avoid the war, he wouldn't have believed this so-called security brigade.

It is estimated that this time they saw a large number of Japanese troops engaged in the so-called "Operation Serenity", so they hid here without even taking care of their own defense area.

Not even the Chinese would have thought that this security brigade could hide here, let alone the Japanese troops from outside. But this time the security brigade team encountered Shang Zhen, and it happened to not deal with the Northeast Army. That is another matter. Got it!

Shang Zhen asked Cao Delong for a telescope and looked ahead carefully.

"You should be able to see a sentry from the Security Brigade there, on the right side of the foot of Dushangu Mountain." After a while, Shang Zhen put down his telescope and pointed his finger at Cao Delong.

"Then what are we going to do? Kill that sentry?" Cao Delong asked.

"You're nonsense, those are friendly forces." Shang Zhen said angrily.

"Then what are we doing here?" Cao Delong asked naively.

"You don't need to worry about this. I'm going to climb to the top of the Dushan Mountain. You can just watch here.

Our place is likely to become a battlefield between the Japs and the Security Brigade. If gunshots are fired, just retreat quickly and tell our people that I am on top of that Dushan Gu. "Shang Zhen ordered.

Cao Delong nodded in agreement. He knew that Battalion Commander Shang Zhen was very powerful, but he couldn't understand Shang Zhen's world, and he didn't know what Shang Zhen would do next.

"By the way, do you have any food in your hand? Give me some." Shang Zhen asked again.

"There is also a piece of horsemeat." Cao Delongmeng rummaged through his backpack and found a piece of cooked meat that weighed just over a kilogram.

Shang Zhen collected the horse meat, and then Cao Delong saw that Shang Zhen was as agile as a leopard and rushed out.

He cleverly used the cover of the terrain and trees to approach the Dushan Valley step by step.

In the end, when Shang Zhen reached a gentle hill in front, he bent down and ran to the left. Finally, when he almost reached Dushan Gu, he disappeared from Cao Delong's sight.

Cao Delong looked towards the security brigade sentry's position.

Although he couldn't see clearly, he didn't see any movement on the sentry, which probably meant that Shang Zhen wasn't noticed.

Cao Delong then looked up to the Dushan Gu.

The Dushan Gu is not very high, only more than a hundred meters high. From Cao Delong's perspective, the **** on this side is still relatively steep, and it is unlikely that Shang Zhen could climb up from this side.

Since he couldn't see Shang Zhen, he focused on the sentry of the security brigade.

But in the end, Cao Delong was dazzled. There was still no movement from the sentry in the security guard. He didn't know where the battalion commander Shang Zhen crawled, let alone what happened to Hou Kanshan and the others who pretended to be Japanese soldiers.

More than half an hour later, the Japanese army arrived near Dushangu. By now, they had lost track of Shang Zhenying, so they sent out a search team.

And at this moment, gunshots suddenly came from the other side of the Dushan'ao village where the security brigade was hiding!

"Pop", "Pap", "Pap".

Although the gunfire was only a few sporadic shots, it sounded so harsh in this otherwise silent mountain wilderness!

A Chinese soldier ran out from his hiding place and ran desperately towards the mountain col.

So an imaginable scene happened. When the security brigade commander asked where to shoot, the sentry ran in and reported that Japanese soldiers were found in the east!

In order to prove the authenticity of the intelligence, the sentry also showed his hat to the brigade commander. There was a bullet hole in the hat he was wearing, as if it still exuded the burnt smell caused by the bullet passing through it.

The brigade commander's name was Shi Naiwen, who was in his early forties.

He examined the cloth hat carefully. The bullet holes seemed to be smaller than the 7.92 mm caliber bullets used by the Chinese army.

Of course Shi Naiwen didn't think his men would lie, but when he asked how many Japanese troops there were, his sentry couldn't tell clearly.

The sentry said that the Japanese army discovered their sentry's position first, and they shot him almost through the head!

Just as Shang Zhen speculated, Shi Naiwen came here with his security brigade to avoid the war.

Now that the Japanese army has been discovered in the east, run to the west!

Shi Naiwen was originally a member of the Northwest Army. During the Central Plains War, the Northwest Army was defeated by the Central Army, so his division was naturally absorbed by someone.

As a soldier, what he is most proud of is not how capable his army is, but how proud he is of his own vision.

In these troubled times, first there was a melee between warlords within China, and then there was an invasion by the Japanese and foreign enemies. Is it easy to survive? Of course it’s not easy!

But at least for now, Shi Naiwen has this ability. Not only did he survive, he also saved most of the children from the northwest he brought with him!

In Shi Naifen's view, everything else is just a false name. Only if he and his troops can survive can they be real!

It's not like the Northeast Army, whose strength was withered after fighting, but in the end it was still the target of condemnation across the country!

If Shi Naiwen did this, it would definitely be unacceptable in terms of national justice, but his soldiers were grateful to him.

What is this situation called? It's like the top leader of a certain unit violated national laws and policies, but the people below reaped benefits.

People all judge the goodness of others by whether they are beneficial to themselves. In this case, how can the officers and soldiers under Shi Naiwen not think about his goodness?

When he saw the Japanese troops coming, Shi Naiwen was secretly glad that it was not yet dinner time. When he went out to pee just now, he saw that no one in the village was lighting a fire.

He hurriedly ordered his men to light a fire and cook, and no longer needed it. The front team became the rear team, and the rear team became the front team, and quickly retreated to the west!

Shi Naiwen also fought guerrilla warfare, but his guerrilla warfare was larger than that of the 113th Division of the Northeast Bureau. He was based on regiments.

There are soldiers like generals, and no one is deaf. The soldiers under Shi Naiwen all heard the gunfire.

Especially the veterans said as soon as they heard the gunfire, something was wrong, this was the sound of the 38-year-old Gai!

So before Shi Naiwen gave the order, the veterans rolled up the bedding rolls they had laid out recently. We had to carry them on our backs and keep running!

The main theme of each era is different, and strange things will also happen in war-torn times.

Some people don't believe this.

But just imagine, in later generations, Mr. President (poke), a very unreliable boiler-burning expert from a certain country, said, what kind of diseases can be cured by drinking disinfectant? Some people really believe it and some people drink it!

So, is it any wonder that a war-torn era produced such a team that was good at escaping?

Because they often run away and are good at escaping, Shi Naiwen's group organized quickly, and after only a few minutes, they began to move west.

However, after they left Dushan Col, before they reached the bottom of Dushan Col, the special agent company, which always served as the vanguard, sent someone back to report to Shi Naiwen: "Report to the brigade commander, Japanese troops have also been found in the east!"

"What?" Shi Naiwen was really shocked when he heard the soldier say this. Could it be that his regiment was silently surrounded by the Japanese army?

But now that we have caught up, we have to find a way to rush out. Since we are already here, we should take a look at the enemy's situation first!

Shi Naiwen ran forward under the guidance of the secret service company.

When he climbed to the top of Dushan Col, he saw people from the secret service company lying there.

"This seems to be a large army of Japs, but the Japs who came over are probably searching. They probably know we are here." The special agent company commander reported to Shi Naiwen.

The spy company commander was the officer that Shang Zhen and the others met when they were crossing the river. His name was Fan Chengyun.

Shi Naiwen took the telescope and looked forward. The Japanese search team only numbered a few dozen people and was only more than 400 meters away from them.

And looking at it with a telescope at this distance, it was already very close. He could even see the faces of the Japanese officers in the Japanese search team clearly!

Shi Naiwen knew that trouble was coming. If the Japanese army was allowed to search further, their group would definitely be discovered by the Japanese army.

But before Shi Naiwen could come up with a solution, he suddenly heard a gunshot from ahead!

It was a coincidence that the Japanese officer was "trapped" in Shi Naiwen's telescope.

At the sound of the gunshot, he saw the Japanese officer fall down directly, and he even saw the blood splashing on the officer's head when the bullet hit him!

Who the **** did this? broken! Shi Naiwen yelled in his heart that it was not good.

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