The War of Resistance

Chapter 1537: The battalion commander's wife arrived

Latest website: "You won't be allowed to rob, you won't be allowed to steal, and you can't buy it with money." Liu Keqiang complained in the room.

"Isn't there still something to eat now? Think about it again, how can you force it?" Qiu Bo laughed at the side.

"Then you can explain it when the battalion commander comes back!" Liu Keqiang said angrily.

"It's okay, I'll explain when the time comes." Qiu Bo continued to smile.

"The battalion commander won't train you?" Liu Keqiang asked, "Don't say when you come back that we people have guns in our hands and can't even get some food, and we will die of urination if we are still alive!"

"Look at what you said, it didn't come from the battalion commander. Only old Uncle Wang said such things!" Qiu Bo still had a good attitude, "The battalion commander has a good temper and is not impatient about trivial matters."

"The troops are so hungry that they are chewing their cheeks. Why don't you worry? If this isn't a big deal, then everything else is a big deal?" Liu Keqiang saw that Qiu Bo had accepted the words, so he was no longer anxious.

"There are only two important things in the eyes of the battalion commander. One is that we kill less or preferably no people when fighting the Japanese, and the other is not to bully the common people. When have you ever seen him get too hasty about other things?" Qiu Bo, as an old man, asked. Shang Zhen gave the most concise explanation of his style.

"It seems like this is really the case!" Liu Keqiang thought for a moment, and this is really what Shang Zhen did after he became the battalion commander.

When the two people were talking about this, a soldier came outside and reported: "Report to the company commander, people from the Lunan guerrillas are coming outside and say they are looking for you."

"Holy shit! The battalion commander's daughter-in-law's family is here. We must welcome this!" Before Qiu Bo could express his stance, Liu Keqiang, who was sitting down, jumped up first.

Last time, they both went to attack Zhumapo or to assist the Lunan guerrillas. Although they did not see Shang Zhen's daughter-in-law Leng Xiaozhi, they also had further contact with the Lunan guerrillas.

Qiu Bo was an old man who had been following Shang Zhen. He and Leng Xiaozhi also knew each other, so I won't mention it anymore.

After Liu Keqiang came into contact with the Lunan guerrillas, he evaluated the Lunan guerrillas as having poor equipment and poor military quality. However, there was one thing that he could not deny in any case, that is, the Lunan guerrillas were really good. The team has been fighting against the Japanese, and this last point is enough.

Qiu Bo and Liu Keqiang walked out, but before they could go out, someone bumped in again, and it was the scholar Chen Hanwen.

Before Qiu Bo could blame Chen Hanwen, Chen Hanwen hurriedly said: "Quick, quick, quick! Leng Xiaozhi is here! The battalion commander's wife is here!"

Of course Chen Hanwen had reason to be anxious. He remembered that when they met Leng Xiaozhi, the seven soldiers were Shang Zhen, Wang Laomao, Ma Erhuzi, Hou Kanshan, Erhanzi, Qian Chuan'er, and Chen Hanwen. .

We walked all the way from the Northeast to Shanhaiguan, and that was the earliest friendship in adversity!

At this time, Leng Xiaozhi, who was at the entrance of the village, was already a little disappointed.

The reason is that the soldier standing guard happens to be from the Northeast.

A fellow countryman meets a fellow countryman, not to mention that Leng Xiaozhi is a beautiful fellow countryman who is good at communicating with others, and has the battalion commander’s wife whom everyone has heard of. So of course the sentry at the door will send someone back to report the news, but what can they do about their camp’s affairs? What about hiding it from Leng Xiaozhi?

Leng Xiaozhi also had a mission. She heard that Shang Zhen and his three battalions had gone to the village to collect food for an hour, and then she led her people to chase them out.

Although Shang Zhenying is just a temporary base here, isn't it easy for the mass base of the Lunan guerrillas to know which village a unit is in?

But when she asked the sentry just now, she found out that Shang Zhen actually went out with a company and was not here. How could she not be disappointed?

Although this disappointment was due to the fact that she wanted to see her sweetheart, but it was also because she was worried that she did not have enough manpower to carry out the task. And when she heard that Shang Zhenying was fighting guerrillas nearby, how could she not be overjoyed.

But hope came quickly and disappointment came even faster. She never expected that Shang Zhen was not at home!

"Then who has the final say among your remaining officers?" Leng Xiaozhi asked the sentry again.

"Then it has to be-" Before the sentry finished speaking, they heard the thumping of footsteps in the village, which scared the soldier and quickly shut his mouth.

At this time, Leng Xiaozhi and the Lunan guerrillas he led looked towards the village and saw two groups of soldiers running out of the village, each of which was definitely armed with live ammunition.

What kind of show is this?

Not only was Leng Xiaozhi confused, but the sentry was also confused.

In just a moment, the soldiers stood on both sides of the main road in the village, one by one with their guns in hand. Although the uniforms of the Northeastern Army are not very neat now, the Army of Hundred Battles still has a mighty air. of.

Leng Xiaozhi was surprised when he saw two officers running over from the team.

One of them didn't know him, but the other one was Qiu Bo.

Before Leng Xiaozhi could reminisce about the past, Qiu Bo and the man (actually Liu Keqiang) ran up to Leng Xiaozhi and stood at attention in a standard way, and then the two of them gave a military salute with a bang!

"Welcome to the battalion commander's wife for guidance!" Qiu Bo suddenly shouted loudly.

Following Qiu Bo's loud shout, hundreds of soldiers lined up on both sides of the road shook their bodies at the same time. They raised their chests, raised their buttocks, and leaned forward slightly. They also shouted in unison: "Welcome the battalion commander's wife to come and give us guidance!"

Leng Xiaozhi never expected that Qiu Bo would hold such a grand welcome ceremony.

She was really confused, and her first thought was, Huh? Qiu Bo is well-educated, and he even knows that he is here!

You must know that nowadays, there will never be more than 100,000 Chinese people who know how to write and read the word "来"!

why? According to the national census just after liberation, there were about 600 million people, and there were only 38,000 college students. How many people do you think know how to write and read the word "玅"?

In fact, not only Leng Xiaozhi was confused, but the soldiers from the two companies were also confused. It was also the first time that they heard the word "come".

The soldiers shouted in unison, but they were also confused in their hearts. Why did they welcome the battalion commander's wife to come immediately? Do you mean to welcome the battalion commander’s wife standing?

Leng Xiaozhi looked at Qiu Bo's familiar face and looked into the team again, UU Reading www. Soon we saw familiar faces again, Hu Zhuzi, Chu Tian, ​​Chen Hanwen, etc.

Leng Xiaozhi smiled, and all the veterans he knew also laughed when he smiled, and Hu Zhuzi's grin was like a gourd!

The problem was that Qiu Bo and Liu Keqiang were still saluting him. After all, Leng Xiaozhi was also the political commissar of the Lunan guerrillas. She quickly stood at attention and gave the two men a military salute, but she said: "Why are you still fighting?" Where is the eldest wife? I don’t dare to be that!”

"Hehe." Qiu Bo smiled sheepishly.

He is also worried about how you call Leng Xiaozhi. Mrs. Shang Zhen, battalion commander and wife are too formal. Calling Shang Zhen wife is too casual. Calling him younger brother or sister is inconsistent with the solemn occasion. Call him sister-in-law. Shang Zhen is too old among this group of people. Small.

So he could only pick a name at random and call it that.

"Okay, let's go into your room and talk. I happen to have something to talk to you about!" Leng Xiaozhi said calmly and generously.

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