The War of Resistance

Chapter 1536: underprivileged

Latest website: It is said that there is a cause in the past and a result in the end. Shang Zhen's soldiers are pretty good to the people, so will they definitely get good rewards from the people?

"Damn you, you really think we Northeasterners are good-tempered!" A Northeastern Army soldier was angry.

As soon as he raised his hand, he raised his rifle.

He raised the rifle not to shoot, but to hit someone with the butt.

“Boss, then we really have no food, so it’s useless for you to beat us!

As you all know, the seeds have been planted in the ground, and the little left at home is sweet potatoes.

I’ve already told you, if you don’t believe me, you can go search my house! "A middle-aged man confessed hurriedly.

"I'm going to search your house! I'll set your house on fire!" The soldier was really anxious.

"Yes, why bother with your mother? Just book the room."

"Such a big house says that his family has no food. At first glance, he is a rich man from a wealthy family. I can't tolerate him."

As soon as the soldier said this, other soldiers agreed.

"Oh, bosses, you really can't burn my house. Didn't you just say that you are from the third battalion of which regiment you belong to? People in the third battalion don't burn houses!" The middle-aged man said hurriedly. Turn around and bow.

But a Northeastern man with a temperamental temper could still manage so much, and some soldiers actually took out matching matches.

"Wait, what are you making a fuss about! You can't light up people's houses!" At this time, soldiers suddenly intervened.

When the soldier said this, the middle-aged man seemed to have met his savior, and he hurriedly bowed to the soldier who spoke for him.

While he was bowing his head, he even winked back.

Others didn't understand what his wink meant, but his family understood it later. The child who was being held by his woman suddenly burst into tears with a "wow"!

What can a child know if he is ignorant?

But he was pinched secretly by the woman. If it hurts, just cry!

The child didn't know why his voice was so loud, and it made everyone around him cry so hard that their heads hurt!

To say that this middle-aged man is a figure, at least he is a figure in his village. The courtyard belonging to his family in their village has a large population. Who would believe that there is no surplus food in his courtyard?

"Other troops can burn but we can't? Other troops can kill pigs and eat meat, but we can't buy it with money, so we have to drink swill?" The soldier who was about to beat someone up spoke.

"You can't beat people if you can't buy them, let alone destroy their houses. Where can you let the old and the young sleep in this winter?" But the soldier was still blocking the way.

He thought he had to stand in front of him, because the child was still crying heart-brokenly!

"What old man and young man have nothing to do with me?

Our company commander has ordered that we must obtain food, and you are not in our company and have no control over this!

Besides, even our battalion commander’s house has been burned down, so what’s the matter if I order one?

Get out of my way! "The soldier who was about to burn the house became even more angry. After he finished speaking, he stretched out his hand and pushed the soldier in front of him.

The soldier who stopped him didn't expect that he would actually take action, so he was pushed away.

With this push, the soldier who was blocking him seemed to be a bit gentle, but the companion who was with him stopped.

"Where's Gaha? Why do you dare to take action?" The soldier who was in the crowd pushed forward and shook the people next to him with his shoulder, and stood in front of the soldier who was pushed.

Now there is one group of soldiers who are looking for food and houses, and another group of soldiers who are not allowed to order houses.

Two soldiers from this other group had already spoken.

The first one who stopped him looked polite and polite, but he was the scholar Chen Hanwen, while the second one who came up with his arms swaying and his eyes wide open was Hu Zhuzhu.

At a glance, Chen Hanwen and Hu Zhuzi have completely different temperaments, and their bodies are also different.

In fact, everyone is a bit preoccupied with what is served.

The soldier who wanted to burn the house was so aggressive with Chen Hanwen, and the middle-aged man who was about to become a man kept begging Chen Hanwen for mercy. Didn't they all see that Chen Hanwen was an easy talker?

But when Torazumi came out, he saw that he was a tiger.

At this time, the soldier who was noisy and wanted to burn down the house was secretly stabbed by his companion, and whispered in his ear: "Don't mess with him, he is an old man who follows the battalion commander!"

True to the image of a famous tree, Tiger Pillar is now somewhat famous in their camp.

"Okay, stop making trouble. I'm Chu Tian, ​​commander of the second platoon of the company. I can't shoot people with guns, and I can't burn down other people's houses." At this time, someone appeared again, and they all signed up for their numbers, and it wasn't Chu Tian. ?

Why do you still say how many houses the battalion commander burned? "Chu Tian reprimanded the soldier who wanted to burn down the house," "Is that the battalion commander who wants to burn down the common people's houses?"

Isn't that a war?

The house was burned down, but that was to kill the Japs. How many people were saved by doing that?

What was that thing you just said? If this sentence spreads among the common people, what do people think our Third Battalion is? "

Why can Chu Tian be the platoon leader, but Chen Hanwen can only be the deputy platoon leader? You can tell the level of your skills as soon as you speak.

He reported his official rank first. Although Chu Tian and the soldiers opposite him were not from the same company, they were from the same battalion.

We have already reached the battalion level, don't tell me that the platoon leader of this company can't recruit the soldiers of your company?

Moreover, Chu Tian also had sense in what he said.

How can you say that the battalion commander burned so many people's houses? The speaker has no intention, but the listener has intention. If these words spread among the people, it will have a very bad impact.

"Okay, let's leave it at that. Let's figure out a solution for the food issue. I'll talk to your company commander Liu later." Chu Tianxia concluded. This time, it doesn't matter whether he wants to burn the house or stops him from burning the house. Let’s talk, let’s go back to our homes.

But only the big eyes of Huzhuzi, who had just become angry, were still staring blankly.

Tiger Zhuzi is not a total tiger, and he wasn't that angry at first.

But when Chu Tianyi just said that the soldiers misinterpreted the battalion commander's behavior, didn't that affect the prestige of the battalion commander Shang Zhen?

Hu Zhuzhu was so angry!

Didn't he listen carefully at first? How could these people reason? If he had analyzed Chu Tian's reasoning from the beginning, he might have actually taken action. It was just a fight. Who was afraid of whom?

"Oh, my ancestor, please stop staring here. Your eyelids are pretty, okay? Are you the only one with double eyelids?" Chu Tian saw that Hu Zhuzi was still angry, and UU read a book stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder.

"I have single eyelids and the other has double eyelids. Is that okay?" Hu Zhuzhu replied seriously.

His words immediately amused Chu Tian.

Then Hu Zhuzi's anger subsided.

There are three companies under Shang Zhen, and the three company commanders are Qiu Bo, Cheng Peng and Liu Keqiang.

Shang Zhen took Cheng Peng's company to find Bian Xiaolong and Da Laobeng. The remaining two companies, considering that they were running out of food, wanted to make plans on the spot. As a result, the two companies met together. , something like this happened.

This matter itself is not a big deal, but just over an hour after Chutian and the others walked forward, another team came to the village where they came to collect food in a hurry.

There is really no comparison between this team and the Northeast Army. They are dressed in a variety of colors, and the same goes for their weapons. The team is led by a man and a woman, the man is Mo Jianchen, the woman is Leng Xiaozhi, the Northeast Army Just as they left, the Lunan guerrillas arrived!

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