The War of Resistance

Chapter 1538: Borrow troops

Latest website: Qiu Bo and Liu Keqiang listened quietly in the room, Leng Xiaozhi said there, and next to him was Mo Jianchen.

After Leng Xiaozhi spoke for ten full minutes, Qiu Bo and Liu Keqiang exchanged looks.

After a while, it was Liu Keqiang who spoke first: "This is the first time that the battalion commander's wife and I have met, so I want to express my opinion first.

Your orders are the orders of the battalion commander. Go when you need to. I, Liu Keqiang, will beat Ben'er without me! "

Note: Without Da Ben'er, there is no ambiguous meaning without stumbling.

When Liu Keqiang said this, Qiu Bo laughed: "Let me just say it, Lao Liu is a sensible person!" Then he said to Leng Xiaozhi and Mo Jianchen: "Although the battalion commander is not at home, we can make the decision. There is no need for both of our companies to go, I can just go with my company.

As for giving reasons, hey, do our Third Battalion need a reason to fight the Japanese? That's the reason to fight the Japanese!

Brother and sister-in-law, I pretended not to listen to the reasons you mentioned earlier. I only know three words - "Fight the Japanese". This principle can be explained anywhere in the world! "

Seeing Qiu Bo's statement, Leng Xiaozhi and Mo Jianchen looked at each other, both of them showing joy. They did not expect that Qiu Bo would agree so happily.

"Old Liu, what do you think of what I do?" Qiu Bo turned back and asked Liu Keqiang.

"Qiu Bo, what you did was not honest. The battalion commander's wife came to us to do something, and you took over the whole matter. What kind of person does that make me, Lao Liu?"

Either, let's go with both companies, or let's send half of the men from each company! "Liu Keqiang was not happy when Qiu Bo said this.

"You're talking nonsense. There are three platoons in a company, and one and a half platoons per person?" Qiu Bo said with a smile.

"It's not okay for you to monopolize this job anyway. If I, Liu Keqiang, don't go, what will you old people in our company think of me?" Liu Keqiang then retorted.

If he were not the person involved, these words of Liu Keqiang would be a bit puzzling. What do you mean by those old people in our company?

It turns out that these people Liu Keqiang was referring to were the veterans who had been following Shang Zhen.

After Shang Zhen became the battalion commander, he disrupted all the people who had followed him and assigned them to various companies.

Different people have different circles. It turns out that the people Shang Zhen brought with him were undoubtedly in the same circle.

But other soldiers are in another circle, so in order to better control the army, Shang Zhen needs to integrate his people into other circles.

Of course, there are many benefits to doing this. Shang Zhen's own people are now the backbone of the battalion, and the veterans brought by Shang Zhen can exchange combat skills and emotions with other soldiers.

In the same way, Liu Keqiang, as the company commander, is also a smart person.

This is the case in today's old-style armies. When a superior has something to do, his subordinates have to put their heads in their belts, so that they can be reused.

And if something happens to the chief's wife, then you are even more worthy. If you can't figure out the chief's intentions, who will reuse you?

It's like Zhao Zilong in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms saving Adou from a million troops. If something happens, you have to go there!

Shang Zhen allowed his people to integrate into the circle of soldiers. As the company commander, why didn't Liu Keqiang not want to integrate into Shang Zhen's circle?

What's the best way to get involved? Of course, we share the same destiny and share the same breath and shared responsibility for things.

And now the arrival of Leng Xiaozhi has given Liu Keqiang such an opportunity. How could he just let Qiu Bo lead his troops?

As for whether they violated military discipline by mobilizing troops without orders from the commander-in-chief, they didn't take it seriously!

At least the battalion commander Shang Zhen would not care about them, and now that it was a guerrilla war, the battalion also had reasons to explain.

"In that case, it's better for me to lead the troops, and Lao Liu, you can also come up with a platoon. If we make this matter a big battle, it won't be good after all." Qiu Bo was also a smart man, he put himself in the position In Liu Keqiang's position, one can easily understand Liu Keqiang's mentality.

Sure enough, when he heard what Qiu Bo said, Liu Keqiang smiled: "Okay! That's what we'll do!"

Talking about one thing and ten thousand, what is Leng Xiaozhi going to do when he finds these two company commanders under Shang Zhen? To put it bluntly, it is just two words - "borrowing troops"!

It turns out that with the development of the anti-Japanese situation in Shandong, the CCP is constantly dispatching anti-Japanese cadres to Shandong.

When it comes to the growth history of the Chinese Communist Party, in the beginning they really needed money and no guns, but they had ideas and masses.

They can build up their own team by combining their ideas with countless poor people, and those cadres who are sent to do mass work rely on their ideas.

And this is also the difference between the new army and the old army.

The old-style army talks about "soldiers are more valuable than fools, and generals are more valuable than wisdom." As a soldier at the bottom, the more obedient the better, and as an officer at the top, the smarter the better.

The consequence of this is to despise the treatment and life and death of soldiers. It cannot be denied that many generals nowadays have become high-ranking officials by eating steamed buns with human blood from soldiers.

This is also an example of "one general succeeds in destroying thousands of bones".

It cannot be denied that the Chinese army actively resisted during the War of Resistance, but there were also some that collapsed thousands of miles away.

The soldiers at the bottom know nothing. When a battle begins, as soon as the commander runs away and the people below him "swipe" them all away, isn't that a great rout?

What about the new army? The Communists imported their ideas into everyone, so that everyone could learn to think and know their own position in this war.

Specifically, in a certain battle, even the soldiers at the lowest level know what the mission of this battle is and where to fight? hit what? Even if there is only one person left, the mission must be completed.

Because of this, there are many more people's heroes in the people's army than in the old army.

There are countless heroes of the people who come as soon as they open their mouths. The five heroes of Langya Mountain, Wang Erxiao, and eight girls threw themselves into the river. There are countless people who have been honored by the government and are still remembered by future generations.

How many of the so-called Nationalist Government gave ordinary people such honors as anti-Japanese heroes?

It's basically impossible because they are taking the elite route.

When the battle is won, the elites are rewarded.

If the elites retreat, the "chaff" below who are not elites will be in chaos!

This cannot be denied!

Otherwise, in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea after the founding of the People's Republic of China, how did the Chinese People's Volunteers defeat the enemy who was armed to the teeth?

The Chinese People's Volunteers were later known as the strongest light infantry in the world at that time. In addition to their combat qualities that far exceeded those of the United Nations Army, they also had advanced combat ideas and a strong will to combat. Could they be trained in one day? The army has a legacy!

Now the Eighth Route Army continues to send party, government and military cadres to Shandong to sow the fire of revolution.

Leng Xiaozhi asked Qiu Bo and Liu Keqiang for help to protect the fire from reaching the vast soil of Shandong.

This kind of thing really can only be done but not talked about. How can your Northeast Army protect the cadres of the Eighth Route Army?

It is useless to say that it is for the overall interests of resisting Japan. The current government only talks about this to the outside world.

Because of this, Qiu Bo said, if you say anything else, just pretend that I didn't listen, we are just going to fight the Japanese!

Once here, Leng Xiaozhi asked Qiu Bo and Liu Keqiang to lead troops to help.

The military situation was urgent, Qiu Bo ordered the soldiers to take ammunition and rations and set off, but at this time Tiger Pillar Chen Hanwen and several other soldiers stopped, and their platoon leader Chu Tian was standing next to them.

It was agreed that Liu Keqiang would lead a platoon, but Chutian's platoon including Hu Zhuzi and Chen Hanwen belonged to Liu Keqiang's company, but they were not the platoon sent out.

Now when they heard that Shang Zhen's wife borrowed troops to fight the Japanese without taking them with her, how could that happen?

"Okay, UU Reading, don't chirp at me, go ahead." Liu Keqiang waved his hand, and then when Hu Zhuzi grinned, he added: "Hu Zhuzi, you guys I asked to go there, and if the battalion commander asks, I will say so."

"Just let it go!" Hu Zhuzhu said with a pinch on his neck, "Humph, you can't even tell who is older between the battalion commander and the battalion commander's wife, how can you make any progress?"

Liu Keqiang had nothing to do with the tiger pillar, so he just pretended not to hear it.

How can he take advantage of the tiger pillar? The veterans of Shang Zhen who were assigned to their company all said, "Is Deputy Battalion Commander Wang Lao Mao awesome?" There is nothing you can do with the tiger pillar!

It happened that this scene was caught by Leng Xiaozhi, so she could only smile. What could she say?

She also happened to know that Shang Zhenying was nearby, otherwise he would have nowhere to look.

But just when she was about to leave with Qiu Bo's company, she didn't see Shang Zhen feeling disappointed, so she wrote a note with a pen, folded it, and stuffed it into Liu Keqiang, asking to be handed over to him when Shang Zhen came back.


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