It's dusk, and Shang Zhen and the others will stay in this village tonight.

Because Shang Zhen and the others distributed horse meat to the people in the village, the people were really kind to them. Many people took the initiative to vacate their houses to let the soldiers rest in their homes.

Shang Zhen and the others happily accepted this.

The idea of ​​starving to death without robbing, freezing to death without demolishing houses, at least does not hold true here at least for Shang Zhen and others.

In fact, this is also a simple characteristic of Northeastern people. That means I helped you sincerely, and you have to help me sincerely. It will definitely not work if you shave your head and pick a hot head.

Originally, the soldiers were very tired after marching and fighting for days, but just when the soldiers had just started to rest, another sensational news came.

That is, Yu Zuolong is back, with complete arms and legs!

"Okay, Lao Yu, you can face the enemy's thousands of troops by yourself, and you can still retire after becoming famous. You are really not an ordinary person." If you can say that you are not an ordinary person, at least in the heart The one with some ink said this was Gu Bing.

Yu Zuo smiled honestly. He had already finished his meal and was drinking hot soup. He answered modestly: "No way, I just have a good life."

It turned out that Yu Long was really lucky. He was chased by the Japanese army and had no choice but to jump off a cliff.

Who would have thought that after jumping down, his crotch would be hung on a tree branch on the cliff. As a result, his crotch was pierced by a tree branch, but nothing happened to him.

"Lao Yu, did you really not hurt the lifeblood? Stand up and let me take a look." Bai Zhan smiled and looked at Yu Zuolong's crotch.

"Fuck, give me another bowl of hot soup, and I'll pee for you later!" Yu Zuolong laughed and scolded.

"What you said reminds me of one thing." Bai Zhan started to bluff, "Back then, one of my brothers was chased by soldiers in a hurry, so he ran into someone's house. As a result, there was someone in that house. This **** is taking a shower, where do you think he is hiding?"

"Where are you hiding?" someone asked.

"He hid in the bathtub where the girl was taking a bath! As soon as the officers and soldiers came, the girl shouted, 'What's going on? Do you still want to see your second wife naked?" Bai Zhan continued.

"Fuck, what's going on? You said this girl is either a Shandong girl or a Northeast girl." Gu Bing suddenly complained, and the soldiers started laughing.

"Pull it down, you're just making it up!" Some people didn't believe it.

"I haven't finished speaking yet. That woman is a widow. Although she is not very young, she is senior. That makes sense." Bai Zhan said with a smile.

"The brother you're talking about isn't you, is he?" Ma Tian put one arm aside and said.

"What nonsense? I, Bai, am not the kind of person who hides in an old woman's bathtub. If I want to hide, at least it must be a little girl taking a bath." Bai Zhan said pretentiously.

"Pull her down quickly. Which girl from a good family caused you such trouble? I guess that person must be you. You must have been hiding in the bathtub of your old mother-in-law. By the way, you also married a girl from that family, and that family turned out to be a brothel. "." Ma Tianfang began to use his imagination, but his statement was a bit confusing, and the soldiers were already laughing.

But before Bai Zhan could say anything, the door suddenly opened and Qin Chuan walked quickly.

"Where's the battalion commander?" Qin Chuan asked.

"Where's the back room?" everyone answered.

Qin Chuan glanced at the "resurrected" Yu Zuolong and just nodded, and then quickly entered the house.

At this time, I heard that those who could be with Yu Zuolong when he returned were Shang Zhen's group of veterans and a few people from his class.

They knew something was wrong as soon as they saw Qin Chuan's appearance, so no one stopped discussing whether Bai Zhan was hiding in the bathtub of an old woman or a young girl. They all became quiet and began to listen. .

It's just that Qin Chuan's voice was not high when he spoke to Shang Zhen, and they didn't hear anything clearly. But then Shang Zhen and Qin Chuan walked out quickly, and Shang Zhen was carrying a gun.

"Cao Delong goes and calls Bian Xiaolong, and the others will follow me." Shang Zhen explained, and he and Qin Chuan hurried outside the house.

"Old Qin, why don't we go to Gaha?" Ma Tianfang asked Qin Chuan in a low voice.

"Going to see a widow." Qin Chuan replied casually.

Ma Tianfang said "Oh", but deliberately slowed down his pace. When he and Bai Zhan were next to each other, he whispered: "It's all your fault. Your mother-in-law is here."

As a result, Bai Zhan was told to "get out".

The soldiers who heard this came out and Shang Zhen turned around.

Everyone shut their mouths when they saw Shang Zhen's expression turned off.

A few minutes later, Shang Zhen and more than 20 soldiers were standing in the yard of a house, and some people outside the yard were looking around.

But right in front of the door of the house in the yard, there were five soldiers standing there. Each of them had red faces and obviously smelled of alcohol. Their rifles were leaning against the outside of the house.

Just drinking is a violation of discipline. If it was just drinking, why would Shang Zhen be so angry?

It just so happened that among these five soldiers, there were still two with their trousers hanging down!

"People inside, come out quickly!" Qin Chuan shouted to the room.

"Why are you so anxious? I'm not done yet!" A voice came out.

"Get the **** out of here, or I'll kill you if you don't come out!" At this time, Cheng Peng rushed in from behind and shouted into the room.

Cheng Peng came over after hearing that something had happened.

Cheng Peng's words worked well because there were originally his soldiers in that room.

After a while, the door creaked, yes! Another guy showing off his pants comes out!

The soldier was dumbfounded when he saw Cheng Peng: "Company, company commander." But when he saw the livid-faced Shang Zhen again, he was so frightened that he couldn't say anything.

"Is there anyone else inside?" Shang Zhen asked.

"No, no one, no, there is that woman." The soldier stammered in fright.

"Bian Xiaolong, go in and take a look." Shang Zhen ordered, and then he glanced at the soldiers whose faces were red and smelling of alcohol and said: "Tie up your pants, aren't you embarrassed enough?"

"Batalion, battalion commander, the woman is a widow. She agreed, and we also paid her." At this time, a soldier bravely said.

This soldier said everything for this reason, so you can imagine what these soldiers are doing.

"Here's the money for you!" Cheng Peng stepped forward and gave the soldier a big mouth before he could answer the question.

Cheng Peng struck hard, and with a "pop" sound, the soldier was beaten to a pulp!

At this time, Bian Xiaolong came out of the room, and she leaned in front of Shang Zhen and whispered a few words.

Shang Zhen had a livid face and remained silent.

The battalion commander was silent. No one present could say a word. The people watching around, including those who were timid and frightened to death, felt their hearts pounding. The silence at this moment was like the silence before the thunder came.

After a while, Shang Zhen asked again: "How did you find this place?"

"I was introduced by an old man." Another soldier answered.

But after the soldier finished speaking, he was slapped by Cheng Peng: "Tell me to report to the battalion commander!"

"Report, report to the battalion commander, an old man introduced me." The soldier endured the pain in his face and stood at attention to report.

"Where's that old man?" Shang Zhen asked.

This time, before the soldiers could answer, some people outside the courtyard shouted, "Here he is!" From just this sentence, you could tell that the old guy was not very popular.

"Catch him back!" Shang Zhen shouted.

"If I kill you all, it will be too heavy.

If I beat you all up, you won't be able to escape when the Japanese are beaten.

But if I let you go, what will your military discipline be? "When the old man was brought into the yard, Shang Zhen began to talk to the soldiers.

"Let's do this. I'll tie you guys up outside and freeze for a night, and then we'll talk about it later." Shang Zhen came up with the results.

No one expected that Shang Zhen's treatment was not very strict. As a result, the soldiers breathed a sigh of relief.

Cheng Peng waved his hand to order his soldiers to tie up these criminals.

But at this time, Shang Zhen said: "Wait a minute, before we tie them up, they have to do some work."

After finishing speaking, Shang Zhen looked at the old man who acted as a pimp.

"Oh, sir, your brother asked me to find him." The old man looked timid, but his eyes were squinting, and he was not a good person at first glance.

"If you dare to find a **** for my brother, I have to let you have a longer memory. Otherwise, there will be people looking for **** for my brother wherever we go. How do you think we can fight the Japanese?" Shang Zhen said angrily. , "Tie this old **** Deng up and gag him."

What kind of resistance does an old man talk about? He was quickly **** tightly by the soldiers and even his mouth was gagged.

Then Shang Zhen said to the soldiers: "Take a knife and carve a picture on his forehead for me. What kind of picture? Just carve a big teapot!"

This time it's a light one. If you are punished as a traitor next time, I will kill you directly! "

More than half an hour later, Shang Zhen led his troops back, and the few soldiers who came out to find prostitutes were **** outside the barracks.

"You are all from the Northeast, and because of this trivial matter, I would not be able to bear it if I killed you.

But think about your ugly state at that time. What did it look like? Waiting outside with my pants in hand.

Why does this remind me of the time when the little devils harmed us Chinese women?

If the common people spread this kind of thing from ten to ten, what do they think of our Northeastern Army? "Now it's Shang Zhen's time to talk to his family behind closed doors.

The soldiers looked ashamed, and the company commander Cheng Peng also had a dull look on his face.

No one thought that eating horse meat could create such a "show". The reason why Shang Zhen's face was livid at that time was precisely because he thought about the Japanese army harming Chinese women. But after finally calming down, he could only deal with it this way. He needed to Soldiers fight.

In fact, the same was true for leading troops in ancient China.

Why some generals indulged their soldiers in raping, raping, and plundering after leading their troops to capture a city? In fact, the emperor meant that his troops would not be hungry.

At this time, in another mountain village, Hao Dali was leading his people to eat and drink.

It's just that their food and drink were not stolen from the Japanese and puppet troops. Not far from them were the people who dared to be angry but dare not speak out.

"Then the pig was killed when it had only grown less than 100 kilograms. Isn't this harmful to people?" Some people were indignant.

Although everyone is from the Northeast Army, the styles of each unit are really different. Even in the 113th Division, Shang Zhen's pro-people style is different.

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