The War of Resistance

Chapter 1534: Robbery from the rich and giving to the poor

Latest website: The mountain village is not small, with more than 200 households, which means there are nearly a thousand people.

At this time, the smoke was curling up in the village, and the whole village was filled with the aroma of meat, and the aroma also made the men, women, and children in the village salivate.

When used to describe beauty, it is a derogatory term, but if it is applied to people's appetite, it is a neutral term.

People do what they want, that is a social attribute. When people are hungry and want to eat meat, that is their physiological attribute, and physiological attributes do not differentiate between good and bad people.

Shang Zhen and the others finally got rid of the Japanese army's pursuit, went into battle in this village, and directly ordered the killing of three horses. He used the horse meat to reward his soldiers who had been fighting for days.

Of course, it was only soldiers from Cheng Peng's company who were with Shang Zhen now.

But what does it matter?

Shang Zhen and they captured more than thirty horses this time! They could have driven the remaining horses back and let the two companies eat the cooked horse meat.

Shang Zhen didn't think it was a pity to kill these horses. Originally, these horses were not trained military horses, let alone the tall horses of the Japanese devils.

Those horses were snatched by the puppet army from the hands of the people. The Japanese army saw that Shang Zhen's team was as difficult to catch as loaches, so they sent this puppet army. Who would have thought that it would help Shang Zhen and the others? .

"Brother, I want to eat meat too." At the door of a farmhouse, a dirty little girl opened the door and looked into the yard and said to her brother.

"I want to eat too, but I won't let you eat." His little brother, who was not much older than him, replied.

But who would have thought that the conversation between the two little brothers would be overheard by a Northeastern Army soldier in the yard.

"Want to eat meat?" the Northeast Army soldier who was sitting on a stone pier asked loudly.

"I want to." The little boy replied in a low voice as his desire for meat finally defeated his fear of soldiers.

"If you want to, say it louder. If you say I want to eat meat, I will give you meat!" The soldier laughed, and after speaking, he showed the child a piece of meat he picked up with his bayonet.

"Put down the bayonet before you scare the children again!" At this time, a soldier nearby reminded him dissatisfiedly.

The soldier quickly pulled the meat off the bayonet and put it on the table.

"Do you keep your word?" the little boy who saw all this asked innocently. He felt the kindness of these soldiers whose accent was different from his own.

"They are all smart men. They hit a hole with their spit, and there is nothing fake!" the soldier replied loudly.

Although the little boy was warned by his parents not to approach these soldiers, he wanted to eat meat so much that a moment later the child's childish but loud voice came from the gate of the courtyard: "I want to eat meat!"

His words naturally attracted the attention of all the soldiers in the yard.

At this time, the Northeastern sergeant who said he wanted to give him meat said loudly again: "Young man, you are a man, so you have to be a tiger. If you want to eat meat, just speak louder!"

"I want to eat meat!" So the child shouted out directly. You just threw your parents' instructions out of the window.

"Good boy! Come here!" the soldier laughed.

When the child saw that the soldier really wanted to give him meat, he was so happy that he ran to the soldier.

Who would have thought that as soon as he reached the soldier's side, the soldier stretched out two oily big hands and pinched him under his armpits, then hugged him and sat him on his lap.

When the little boy screamed, the soldier had already stuffed his meat on the stone table into the child's hand.

The child was holding the meat in his hand and was just about to eat it but was struggling to get off his lap.

"Gaha? We've become a family after eating my meat, and you still want to run away?" the soldier laughed.

"My sister." The little boy just said one sentence and the soldier understood.

"Little sister, come here. Big sister is still here." At this time, a crisp voice rang.

Only then did the little girl see that there was a female soldier among these soldiers.

Although she is small, she can still tell the difference between male and female.

Women's affinity is always incomparable to those rough-handed male soldiers.

The female soldier stood up and walked forward, holding a piece of horse meat in her hand and hooking it back. The little girl followed suit, and eventually she leaned into the female soldier's arms and ate the meat.

At this moment, the painting style becomes harmonious.

The soldiers in military uniforms, who still smelled like gunpowder smoke, and the little boys and girls all ate meat and enjoyed themselves.

Even the soldier holding the little boy taught the little boy: "Dip it in garlic sauce! It tastes better when dipped in garlic sauce!"

The little boy really dipped his mouth into the garlic sauce, and grinned after eating, so the soldiers who saw this scene laughed.

But at this moment, the little girl sitting in the woman's arms suddenly stopped moving, and her eyes were looking straight at the soldier in front of him.

That soldier was very ugly, or not ugly, but his face had been disfigured, and he looked so hideous and terrifying!

"Damn monkey, you turned around, you scared the child!" the female soldier said unceremoniously.

So the ugly soldier really turned around and no longer faced the little girl.

No one knew that at this time, the ugly taxi couldn't help but sigh in his heart, and there was sadness in his eyes. If his wife's child had not been in an accident, his own child should be this old!

At this point, you can imagine who these soldiers are. The ugly and disfigured one is Hou Kanshan, the soldier holding the little boy is Ma Erhuzi, and the female soldier is also from Shang Zhen’s camp. The only female soldier is Bian Xiaolong.

At this time, Shang Zhen, who was in the yard at the same time, naturally saw this scene in his eyes, and a softness flashed in his eyes.

He couldn't help but remember that when he was a child, his third brother Li Fushun also prepared meat for him in this way, but that time he didn't know that his third brother had stolen a rabbit from someone else's house.

But that's all in the past. The former child grew up and became a warrior.

"Is this how the Communist Party's Eighth Route Army is with the common people?" Cheng Peng said, looking at Shang Zhen's face.

Shang Zhen smiled and said nothing.

In fact, he knew that there was a difference between himself and the Eighth Route Army.

How could the Eighth Route Army kill a working horse like they did?

And if these people under me treat the common people, that would be really good.

But when they need to ask for money from the people, they won't be polite.

This is definitely different from the Eighth Route Army, UU After all, Shang Zhen himself is not from the Eighth Route Army. He thinks this is good and doesn't want to change anything.

"Battal Commander, how about we kill two more horses and deliver two pounds of meat to each house?" Cheng Peng looked at Shang Zhen's face and suggested tentatively.

One horse can still produce two to three hundred kilograms of meat. If two horses are killed, some can be shared with the people in the village.

"Then what?" Shang Zhen asked.

"Then, of course, we will report our third battalion number so that the people will remember us." Cheng Peng said

"Okay, give more to those who are in difficulty, but not to those who are particularly wealthy. Hey, forget it, just give them all." Shang Zhen laughed.

He suddenly felt like a chivalrous and righteous hero. The so-called robbing the rich and giving to the poor was nothing more than this. It seemed that he was of some use as a soldier, and he had such a sense of accomplishment.

But this is a little pride deep in Shang Zhen's heart. This is his privacy and he will never mention it to others.

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