The War of Resistance

Chapter 1533: perfect ambush

Latest website: To untie the bell, you need someone to tie it. In this way, Da Laoben, Bian Xiaolong and Wang Xiaodan returned to the team.

However, when a group of soldiers rushed over, what they saw was Big Laoban carrying Bian Xiaolong on his back, while Wang Xiaodan was holding on to one of Big Laoban's arms.

Bian Xiaolong's ankle was sprained, and Wang Xiaodan's calf was shot, although no bones were injured.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, what do you think Wang Xiaodan is doing!" Qin Chuan muttered in a low voice when he saw this scene.

"It's a bit redundant." Ma Tianfang agreed.

"If I were an old fool, I would just slide them one by one, just like an adult would slide a child." Qin Chuan continued.

"If the man next to Big Boss were me, I would tie my left sleeve to Big Boss's belt. That would save a lot of energy in running!" Ma Tianfang also followed suit.

But then the follow-up troops came over, and not long after their company entered the woods, gunfire from the Japanese army came from behind, and the large Japanese army arrived.

Although I paid a certain price, I finally avoided the fate of being attacked by the Japanese army.

At this point, Shang Zhen no longer has the idea of ​​fighting the Japanese army anymore, so he should run away with his company first. Who knows if there are any cavalry in the Japanese army this time?

Shang Zhen's idea is also a good one, but war is always a matter between the enemy and ourselves. It's not just what you want. Not long after, during the retreat, soldiers came to report that in Japanese cavalry was found behind!

"Cavalry?" Shang Zhen frowned.

The terrain here is becoming more and more complex, and it is already a mountainous area. In this place, the Japanese army actually sent cavalry here again!

An unknown fire surged directly from Shang Zhen's heart. To borrow a word from his old uncle Wang, you are a bitch. You dare to use cavalry at this time. I have never heard of an old lady complaining like this!

Shang Zhen casually asked a few people to follow the soldiers who came to report the news, and soon they climbed to a hill. When they looked down from the top of the hill, they really saw cavalry in the distance. Running down the mountain.

It turns out that the group of cavalry that caught up with them did not retreat along the same route as Shang Zhen and others.

Shang Zhen was worried about the pursuit of the Japanese army, so of course he took the difficult road.

The group of people who caught up could only go around the flat areas in the mountains because they were riding horses.

"Isn't that right? Are these guys kiddos? The color of their clothes seems wrong, and the horse is not a pony. Bring the binoculars over." Shang Zhen looked at them for a while and said.

Cheng Peng, who was next to him, hurriedly handed over the telescope.

Now Cheng Peng was under a lot of pressure. Now that he thought about it, it was indeed reckless for him to even think about taking people to bomb mortars in the Japanese brigade.

So he paid great attention to Shang Zhen's face now, but Shang Zhen was just holding the telescope and was as normal as usual.

"The two Japs are here." Shang Zhen said after just looking at him for a moment, and his order came down immediately. "Cheng Peng, please bring over all our people who are good at marksmanship. Hou Kanshan, please lead a platoon of people who know how to ride horses to the position behind the two Japanese soldiers. As soon as the shooting starts here, gather those horses and run towards us. Quickly. !action!"

There was a kind of excitement in Shang Zhen's tone. As soon as everyone heard Shang Zhen's order, they understood that he wanted to kill these puppet troops directly and then **** the horses.

Sure enough, when the soldiers were transferred from behind, Shang Zhen said again: "Come on, come on, start lining up one by one from here!"

As soon as Shang Zhen said that the veterans who had followed him in the queue knew what he meant, and they saw that they were fighting puppet troops. Although it was hard to fight in the past few days, every one of them had a smile on their face.

Sure enough, Shang Zhen's next arrangements were in line with the veterans' predictions.

That is, according to the order in which the puppet troops came, they all arranged their numbers. They used one, two, three, and four on their side to fight against A, B, C, and D on the other side, trying to resolve the battle with one shot.

Soon they were all lined up and had their goals set.

Of course, this style of fighting is not absolute, but at least it will resolve the battle quickly, not to mention that the fighting is against discipline, and these veterans with good marksmanship know it.

But to everyone's expectation, Big Laoban and Bian Xiaolong also came.

Naturally, Bian Xiaolong was carried over by Big Boss.

But who can take care of this kind of thing? First, both Da Laobeng and Bian Zhulong have good shooting skills now. On the second side, the little dragon is small, the old is stupid, but one of them is happy to be carried, and the other is happy to carry, who cares?

What's more, Shang Zhen only glanced at the two of them and said nothing, so the others would not say anything either. Now was not the time to ask them how to escape from danger.

However, if you don't speak in front of Shang Zhen, some people's mouths are destined to be busy when you are far away from Shang Zhen.

"This time we beat the horse to death and let it go directly, but we haven't eaten meat for a while!" Ma Tianfang whispered while holding the box of cannon with his one arm.

"Idiot, if I'm beaten to death, you can carry it back!" Qin Chuan said next to him.

"I can't carry it back. You think I'm an idiot." Ma Tianfang replied calmly.

These two people have developed the ability to talk like this after many years of hard work. They are talking about funny things but they can still be serious. If you look at their expressions, you would think that these two veterans are studying some military information!

But at this time, Ma Tianfang didn't know that Bian Xiaolong was already behind him.

Bian Xiaolong's ankle is indeed sprained.

But after the old fool found him, he also reached out to help her.

What is stroke? In other words, bone setting.

Nowadays, people who practice martial arts are called those who know how to copy five weapons in Northeastern dialect. Those who know how to copy five weapons can more or less know how to set bones, let alone a master like Da Laobeng.

Let’s not talk about how magical bone setting is. It is a fact that a bone setting expert reaches out and strokes the patient’s bones and tendons along the direction, and the patient can jump around.

Only Bian Xiaolong himself knew whether the injury on Bian Xiaolong's body was healed by Big Old Ben. Anyway, he always let Big Old Ben carry him on his back when he came back.

But now that there was fighting again, Big Laoban had just carried Bian Xiaolong to the ground, and she got down on her own, even though she was limping a little.

Because of this, when the other party said this. He knew that Bian Xiaolong and Da Laobeng were far away from him, so he never expected that Bian Xiaolong had moved behind him.

How could Bian Xiaolong bear it when he heard Ma Tianfang talking about himself and Big Laoban?

"You're already a jerk, can you hit it accurately? You're still occupying the good guys' place." Bian Xiaolong sarcastically said from behind.

"Lazi" in Northeastern dialect refers to a person with a disabled arm.

Bian Xiaolong has been listening to people like the Northeast Army talking nonsense every day since she joined the Northeast Army, but she has also learned this word.

Logically speaking, it is very impolite to say "puzi" to a person with a disabled arm. It is like saying something short in front of a cripple. Isn't it just making fun of someone who has one leg that is long and the other is short?

However, Ma Tianfang was rude first, and Bian Xiaolong was still a female soldier. Who told him to chew other people's tongues behind their backs?

Ma Tianhao was naturally angry when he heard someone behind him calling him "Lazi", but then he lost his temper. Could he not recognize Bian Xiaolong's voice?

Even though he usually had a very good psychological quality, he was ridiculed by Bian Xiaolong and his face turned slightly red, so he laughed dryly and said, "I came here with a gun to find change. Girl, don't you have sprained ankles?" ?Come here Gaha?"

"You don't care, I'm here to wait for you to find change. If I miss something, I'll give you change." Bian Xiaolong said angrily.

What Ma Tianfang meant was that if a soldier missed the target when attacking the puppet cavalry, he would give the puppet cavalry a shot.

What Bian Xiaolong meant was that if Ma Tian failed to fire the finishing shot, then he would fire the finishing shot for Ma Tian.

The implication was that he continued to ridicule Ma Tian for his inability to shoot with one arm.

How could a man as big as Ma Tianfang start a quarrel with a girl like Bian Xiaolong? He remained silent.

Qin Chuan was still serious next to him, but he was actually suppressing a smile!

And just as he was talking, the puppet cavalry were approaching.

"Get ready!" Shang Zhen was already giving orders.

Now these people on the mountain are not even 100 meters away from the puppet soldiers riding horses at the foot of the mountain. So if any veteran says that they can't be killed with one shot at such a distance, it's embarrassing to mention it!

A moment later, Shang Zhen gave an order, and the gunshots rang out.

This little ambush went perfectly. When the Japanese troops caught up behind them, all the puppet troops were there, but they were all dead. The horses were all alive, but nowhere to be seen.

If you don't see any trace of the horse, how do you know the horse is still alive?

If you think about it, the Japanese army and these puppet soldiers are only able to use their front and rear legs. Even if there is only one horse, if it is dead, who can drag away the several hundred kilograms of war horses?

Of course, the Japanese army still wanted to pursue them, but at this moment, intensive gunfire suddenly rang out from behind them.

The Japanese army, which had been really troubled by Shang Zhen and the others, finally chose to pick on the weak. They turned around and headed towards the newly-appeared Chinese army.

However, they did not expect that the Chinese army that would attack them would be even more cunning. When they heard the gunshots and rushed to the top of the mountain, they discovered that there were only a few broken thin-skin barrels with firecrackers exploding in them. It's just debris. As for the people who attacked them, they have long since disappeared.

At this time, in the distance, UU Reading, an officer of the Northeast Army was snickering: "This guerrilla warfare is so **** interesting!

Originally I just heard that the Eighth Route Army of the Communist Party used firecracker iron barrels to pretend to be machine guns, but now it seems to be really useful! "

That officer was Hao Dali.

"Battal Commander, you have to repay the favor to Battalion Commander Shang this time, right?" One of his company commanders laughed beside him.

"To a certain extent, this business commander can do a lot of things. Just tell us how hard we have worked to keep up with them!" Hao Dali sighed.

"What should we do next, battalion commander?" the company commander asked again.

"Then find a place to get delicious food. It's been hard for everyone." Hao Dali replied.

"The battalion commander is wise!" the company commander said quickly.

(End of chapter)

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