The War of Resistance

Chapter 1527: "Flower Intestines"

Latest website: "Hurry up and catch up, we can kill a few more!" Hu Zhuzhu shouted in the woods, and then he rushed forward with his rifle.

Behind him were more than a dozen soldiers from the Northeast Army who also rushed forward.

At this time, Guo Baoyou, who was also among the soldiers, saw a smile on Bai Zhan's face.

"Baizhanji, why are you laughing?" Guo Baoyou asked as he ran.

"Aren't you afraid that tiger will throw you into a ditch?" Bai Zhan said with a smile.

What Bai Zhan said about tiger-like throwing is undoubtedly referring to tiger-shaped pillars.

Guo Baoyou also laughed when he heard what Bai Zhan said. He ran forward and replied: "Now I am not afraid of people taking me into the ditch, but I am afraid of getting a plank on my butt!"

Guo Baoyou's words immediately silenced Bai Zhan, and he glared at Guo Baoyou angrily. He then ran forward with a gun, but he was the last one.

Shang Zhen was promoted to battalion commander. It turned out that the veterans who followed him, Shang Zhen, also did their best. Anyone with enough brains and a good fighting spirit could become a squad leader or something like that.

But Hu Zhuzhu didn't, he was still an ordinary soldier.

For this reason, Bai Zhan deliberately lured Hu Zhuzhu to find Shang Zhen.

Why did he persuade Hu Zhuzhu to find Shang Zhen? Of course he is looking for Shang Zhen to become an official!

When one person attains enlightenment, chickens and dogs ascend to heaven, then many of the veterans who followed Shang Zhen will become officials. What's the difference between our tiger pillars? If you can't even be a platoon leader, you can become a squad leader!

It’s fun to say it!

When Shang Zhen understood the purpose of Hu Zhuzi's visit, Kaba blinked for a moment and said, being an official is just planning all kinds of bad things, how can it be as satisfying as being a soldier and leading the charge?

Shang Zhen's words immediately made Hu Zhuzi suddenly enlightened.

yes! Who is our tiger pillar? In battles, people always charge at the front. Officials are afraid of death. How can they enjoy being in the front?

When Hu Zhuzi said that he wanted to be an official only after his head was kicked by a donkey, Shang Zhen asked, how did you think of becoming an official?

Hu Zhuzhu was very generous and confessed Bai Zhan. Shang Zhen said, I don't think you are that thoughtful!

Then Shang Zhen asked Ma Erhuzi to find some veterans and give Baizhan a slap on the butt!

I don’t know if Bai Zhan was beaten hard or not, but it definitely beat Bai Zhan till he was **** and he screamed for father and mother.

But when he shouted like this, Ma Erhu and the other veterans became even more angry.

Are they saying that you are an orphan? Do you have a father and a mother? Didn't you pop out of a crack in the stone? Beat me again!

Bai Zhan is usually a bit poor-mouthed and mean-spirited, and he has never been able to pick up the pot with these old people.

But now Guo Baoyou is treating him in his own way, what else can he say?

He could only think while following behind, you think this tiger's pillar has a good life. Eight times out of ten times in every battle, he rushes to the front, and he is fine. I wonder what will happen this time?

He thought to himself and rushed to the edge of the woods with a group of soldiers.

But at this moment, a light machine gun suddenly rang out on the mountain opposite.

When Bai Zhan realized that there was a light machine gun on the opposite side, he instinctively fell down. However, before he fell down, a few bullets flew past his head. One of the bullets even seemed to be close to his head. The top of his head was rubbed, and he felt a burning pain when he stretched out his hand to touch it!

"There is an ambush ahead, lie down!" At this time, Hu Zhuzhu, who was rushing to the front, shouted in hindsight.

Bai Zhan secretly thought that he was lucky enough to lie behind a tree and look ahead.

As a result of the observation, he did not find where the Japanese light machine gun was.

Only then did he recall that it seemed that the bullets from the light machine gun on the opposite side had hit him a few times, because he didn't hear any other gunshots at all!

Oops, Hu Zhuzhu’s life is so good! This little devil didn't even go to the front to greet him when he fired. Instead, he fired at himself.

You think it's no wonder that this idiot has been fighting for so long, and it's okay to rush to the front every time.

Could it be that, as Qin Chuan said, people in the Northeast are protected by great immortals, but his family does not offer great immortals to tiger pillars, but even great immortals are afraid of tiger people!

"The little devil is going up the mountain!" Guo Baoyou also shouted.

Didn’t the Japanese troops being chased by them go up the mountain?

Earlier, they heard the sound of box artillery and ran over there, but what happened was that they saw battalion commander Shang Zhen leading some people to fight with the Japanese army from a distance.

They originally wanted to join the war, but Bai Zhan, who had been behind them, discovered that there were Japanese troops coming up behind them.

Seeing that the number of Japanese troops was not large, they first laid an ambush and knocked down seven or eight Japanese troops with a sudden fire attack. The remaining Japanese troops retreated as soon as they saw something was wrong.

And just as Hu Zhuzi said before, they chased behind those Japanese soldiers. With both woods and hills as cover, they could definitely kill a few more Japanese soldiers!

"The **** is going up the mountain again. There are still machine guns on the mountain. Why are we going out this time?" Bai Zhan saw the situation in front of him and knew that it was impossible to pursue him any further.

Even Tiger Pillar cannot pursue him anymore. Although Tiger Pillar is called Tiger Pillar, he still has the most basic tactical qualities as a veteran.

Guo Baoyou, who was with him, had just said "yes" when gunfire rang out from the opposite side.

"Look, look." Bai Zhan said.

But then he realized something was wrong, because the gunfire was not only the sound of light machine guns, but also the sound of box cannons!

And this is when he looked closer and saw that there was indeed someone on the top of the mountain, but when he saw the color of the clothes, it was one of his own. It was obvious that he was shooting at the Japanese soldiers who had turned around and shot at his group. Woolen cloth!

In other words, the twenty or thirty Japanese soldiers they were chasing had been flanked by the two groups of them!

As if to verify Bai Zhan's judgment, they saw a black dot flying down from the top of the mountain in front of them. The black dot exploded the moment it landed on the hillside, raising a cloud of smoke and dust.

We are all veterans. Can they still not see clearly whether the thing thrown down is a grenade?

"Hit!" Hu Zhuzhu's shout was immediately followed by the sound of gunshots from their end.

"You shot the chicken in vain!" Guo Baoyou, who also started shooting at the Japanese troops on the mountain, had already finished two shots. Only then did he notice that Bai Zhan was still lying there in a daze!

"Oh." Bai Zhan responded ~ ~ and then he started shooting at the Japanese army with his box cannon.

Why do you think Bai Zhan is in a daze?

Just now Guo Baoyou looked at him in a daze, but his mind was like lightning. He suddenly figured out why he almost got shot when he ran to the end.

It must be that the people on the mountain saw the Japanese troops coming. They were afraid that the Japanese soldiers would not believe that their companions were on the mountain, so they shot them with a short shot with a crooked handle.

He was running at the back, and people didn't see him firing his gun into the air, but it was like hitting him in the head, while Hu Zhuzhu, who was running at the front, was fine!

His grandma doesn't know who did this, so I have to take a closer look! Bai Zhan thought in his heart.

What Bai Zhan is sure of is that being able to dress up as a kid and shoot someone over his head to trick the kid into going up the mountain, this style of doing things must have been done by these old guys!

The people from the original guard company or the soldiers recruited later did not have such tricks at all!

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