The War of Resistance

Chapter 1528: 2difficult

Latest website: Listening to the gunshots in the distance, Ma Weicai was distracted. He looked back for a while, then looked at the road ahead, and then looked at the motionless soldier next to him.

Those who are so restless are often recruits, and those who can remain motionless in battle can only be veterans, and the veteran who leads the team is Yu Zuolong.

How could Shang Zhen not have thought that they were likely to fight the Japanese army in the process of searching for Bian Xiaolong and Wang Xiaodan.

If it was a small group of enemies, he would naturally not be afraid. What he was worried about was the large group of Japanese troops coming over after hearing the news.

Once a large group of Japanese troops arrived, Shang Zhen would no longer be able to look for Bian Xiaolong and Wang Xiaodan. He could only lead his team to retreat. No commander would lose a big deal for a small sum.

Then it became necessary to be vigilant about the road where the Japanese army came.

Yu Zuolong brought a class of people here to carry out this task.

In fact, Yu Zuolong at this time was not as calm as Ma Weicai looked in his eyes.

What he was thinking was that from the first gunfire after dawn to now, the gunfire has not stopped intermittently. It seems that there are really Japanese Japs in that area, and Bian Xiaolong and Wang Xiaodan should not be there either. Find it.

Thinking of this, Yu Zuolong took out his pocket watch from his arms and checked the time. The gunfire from behind had been intermittently for more than an hour. If the Japanese troops from afar hear the news and come, it should be almost done.

And when he put away his pocket watch and looked towards the distance of the road, he narrowed his eyes.

"Squad leader, your pocket watch is pretty good!" Ma Weicai, a new soldier, came over.

"This soldier is for you, do something serious!" Yu Zuolong said angrily.

The veterans under Shang Zhen had more or less good things, which they had captured on the battlefield.

There is no way who can tell people to go through more battles and win more battles? There are naturally a lot of spoils.

"We don't have anything to do now. It's not our part to fight, hehe." Ma Weicai said with a smile on his face.

"Now that we have it, you should go back and report that the Japanese army is coming." Yu Zuolong said calmly.

"Ah?" Ma Weicai was surprised.

Only then did he remember to look to the far end of the road, and sure enough, the Japanese army had appeared in front of him.

"How many troops will the Japanese bring? What should we say when the battalion commander asks us?" Ma Weicai asked again.

"Who knows how many will come, but we can't fight anyway." Yu Zuolong replied.

It stands to reason that as a security post, they should report how many enemy troops have arrived, but Yu Zuolong did not.

What he said now was entirely based on his experience, because he knew that the ammunition they brought with them when they came out of the camp was almost exhausted now, and it was simply not enough to support another large-scale battle with the Japanese army.

The reason why he was so anxious to ask the soldiers to go back and report was because the intermittent gunshots behind him made him feel some kind of worry.

He asked someone to send Xin'er back, hoping that the battalion commander Shang Zhen could lead his people to get out of the battle quickly. Otherwise, if the Japanese army caught him and the Japanese army caught up with him, he would be in big trouble.

"You all go quickly. Where is Gaha who is sitting here stupidly? Are you going to the restaurant to wait for food?" Yu Zuolong became angry when he saw that the soldiers had not moved yet.

"Um, that squad leader, aren't you going back with us?" a soldier asked.

"You go back first, I'll take a look before talking. Let's go!" Yu Zuolong urged.

The soldiers glanced at Yu Zuolong, and finally obeyed the order and ran in the direction of the gunfire behind them.

Yu Zuolong is also a veteran who has followed Shang Zhen.

In terms of fighting ability, he is not as good as Qin Chuan, Qiu Bo Ma Er Hu Zi, and in terms of cleverness and quick melon seeds, he is not as good as Qian Chuan'er Bai Zhan.

But his advantage is that he is stable and law-abiding.

Although it is unlikely that he will suddenly come up with any wonderful operation, he will never fail to complete the task without any reason.

In the words of later generations, he is average in ability but loyal and can be trusted by his leaders.

Because there was still gunfire from Shang Zhen's end, Yu Zuolong decided to stay and take a look. Anyway, now they were closer to where Shang Zhen and the others were fighting behind them than he was to the Japanese brigade.

Soon Shang Zhen got the report from Ma Weicai and the others. By this time Shang Zhen knew that it was impossible for them to look for Bian Xiaolong and Wang Xiaodan anymore.

Then the remaining hope can only be pinned on the big old fool.

Ever since I came out to find those two people last night, I had been separated from them.

Although Shang Zhen believed that there was almost no hope of finding those two people by himself, he would not stand in the way of such a thing.

But just after Shang Zhen ordered to withdraw from the battle, the accident happened.

He was the first to use box artillery to fire short bursts. At that time, he neither found the person he was looking for nor the Japanese army.

However, Shang Zhen knew that he could not do nothing, and the result of his shooting was that Bian Xiaolong Wang Xiaodan did not show up, but instead recruited himself and a group of Japanese troops.

Fortunately, his men were well hidden. Even if they were in small groups, they could always shoot before the enemy from a hidden place. However, the Japanese army came in a "group", so they could always take advantage and not suffer any losses. of.

On the contrary, when his group of people gathered together and the enemy and we fired at each other, they did not take advantage but did not suffer any loss either.

Of course, it can be said that they barely suffered a loss. As Yu Zuolong knew, they were running out of ammunition.

Although he also mentioned it to Mr. Wang before setting off, asking Mr. Wang to find a way to send someone to deliver ammunition.

But Shang Zhen himself knew that was impossible. They were fighting guerrilla warfare and running around like bandits. Where could Mr. Wang find them?

Now that the Japanese brigade is here, they can only retreat.

But when Shang Zhen led the people to run for a few minutes and reached the bottom of a hill, he suddenly heard gunfire from the other side of the woods on the side of the mountain. Then someone in the woods suddenly shouted: "Batalion Commander, wait! Ahead!" There’s a devil!”

Shang Zhen and the others stopped. At this time, the person coming out of the woods was also Qin Ziqiang, one of Shang Zhen's veterans.

"There are not many Japs in front, just a few, but their marksmanship is very accurate. Several of our brothers on the open ground were shot!" Qin Ziqiang ran to Shang Zhen and reported.

Shang Zhen frowned when he heard this and then immediately ordered: "Liu Keqiang, take a platoon of people to occupy the hilltop behind us. Don't let the Japanese behind us catch up. The others should hide first."

Liu Keqiang is the company commander of the company he brought.

Then Shang Zhen followed Qin Ziqiang into the woods.

"You can't go any further ahead. The Japanese are very accurate with their marksmanship." Qin Ziqiang reminded him when he could see the open space in front of him through the gap between the trees.

Shang Zhen, who was hiding behind a tree, looked forward. At this time, he could see clearly that three Northeastern Army soldiers had fallen in the open space in front.

"There should be Japs sharpshooters, but we can't find where they are." Qin Ziqiang explained again.

Opposite there is a hill three to four hundred meters away, but the hill is densely covered with trees and shrubs. How difficult is it to find the Japanese gunmen on such a hill!

However, the open space in front of us is very large. If we try to go around it, I'm afraid it will take a long time.

Shang Zhen's head was pounding. He immediately figured out the Japanese army's he had used such tactics before.

That is, we don't have many troops, but our marksmanship is extremely accurate, and we use accurate marksmanship to cause damage to the enemy.

"Are you sure there is only one or a few Japs on the other side?" Shang Zhen asked.

"I don't know. Although our men were shot when they went up, there was a gap in time, but what if there are many Japanese?" Qin Ziqiang replied.

Yu Zuolong had previously sent someone back to report that the Japanese brigade had arrived.

As Yu Zuolong said, even if we don't know the exact strength of the Japanese army, it is definitely not something that one of their current companies can match.

If I lead my soldiers through this open space now, how many casualties will I suffer? Three or five? Seven or eight or twenty or thirty?

This kind of loss was something Shang Zhen didn't want to bear, and he was already deep in thought for a while.

But he knew that there was not much time left for him to make a decision!

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