The War of Resistance

Chapter 1526: clever kill

Latest website: "Just one for each person! Let's shoot when they come over!" Duan Guizhu said happily

I saw four Japanese soldiers coming over, and there were exactly four of them on the mountain. Wasn't it just that one of them happened to be responsible for one?

"Don't shoot yet, everyone lies down." Yang Guanyin suddenly said, and after he finished speaking, he actually shrank back.

Yang Chuanyin shrank and moved, and the three people had no choice but to listen to him.

The reason is that Yang Chuanyin is now their platoon leader.

Who wouldn't want to be with veterans during a war? What's more, it turns out that all the veterans under Shang Zhen were famous not only in their battalion, but also in the 113th Division.

Not only is he good at fighting, but he is also good at escaping!

Anyway, he was a Japs and even though he was beaten to death, he is still here!

It turns out that the Northeast Army said, "Be ashamed of life and be proud of death." But what is the premise? Of course, the premise is to be able to fight the Japanese.

Wouldn't it be better if you could kill the little devil and still survive?

The three men also lowered their heads and listened to Yang Guanyin.

They really didn't worry about being discovered by the Japanese army.

We are all veterans. Although it is already winter and the grass and trees are withered, after all, this is Shandong and not the Northeast. The grass and trees will eventually be lusher. They have also made some simple disguises for themselves.

"If you ask me to say that these four little devils came to the mountains to ambush or provide cover for their people, what do you think if we did it quietly to these four little devils?" Yang Guanyin stared at the people running towards here. The Japanese army said.

"Okay!" The three people said in unison.

At this time, they all saw clearly that one of the four Japanese soldiers who came over was holding a command knife, one was holding a rifle, and one was holding a light machine gun. As for the fourth one, he was naturally the deputy shooter of the light machine gun. .

The Japanese troops were also well-trained. The Japanese troops in front were sneak attacks on the Northeastern Army in front, and the four Japanese troops behind them who came to them were undoubtedly saved by the Japanese troops.

"Then those Japanese Japs going over there won't shoot at our people, right?" Guizhu asked worriedly at this time.

"What I can think of can't be thought of by others? Do you think our people won't let people go if they are in the back?" Yang Guanyin said.

"That's true." Duan Guizhu said, he chose to believe Yang Guanyin.

But he didn't know that Yang Guanyin was actually not sure.

But at this moment, gunshots from ahead suddenly rang out.

As soon as he heard the gunshot, Duan Guizhu admired Yang Guanyin's foresight, and Yang Guanyin also secretly exclaimed "lucky", because the gunshot was the sound of the box cannon firing continuously.

Obviously, the Japanese troops who sneaked past were discovered by the Northeastern Army.

"The little devils are here. What are you looking for? Find a place to hide!" Solo Fei expressed his dissatisfaction.

Yes, those four Japanese soldiers have already arrived.

"Don't move yet. If you move now, the little devils might be able to watch us, and they will be blocked when they climb the mountain." Yang Guanyin reminded.

After a while, the Japanese troops who reached the foot of the mountain began to climb the mountain.

The hillside is not that flat, not to mention there are some trees and shrubs on the hillside. The four Japanese soldiers did not expect that there would be people from the Northeast Army on the mountain.

This time, it’s no wonder the Japanese army’s tactical prowess was at stake.

It is a basic principle for one's own people to seize the commanding heights and provide cover when fighting. The Japanese army has always been very rigid in executing its own tactics.

What's more, how could those Japanese soldiers have thought that in order to find people, Shang Zhen divided a company's troops into many groups and scattered them among the mountains and fields.

If these Japanese soldiers knew how Shang Zhen deployed his troops, they would not have come up the mountain anyway.

So, when the four Japanese soldiers climbed up the mountain panting, they just briefly looked at the terrain on the top of the mountain. It was nothing more than trees, rocks, and then they turned around.

They didn't know that four soldiers from the Northeast Army were hiding behind them.

Yang Guanyin and the four of them did not retreat at all. They had already calculated that the Japanese army would definitely choose the current position, which was the position they just left.

The reason is that if you go further into the top of the mountain, you won't be able to see the bottom of the mountain. So how can the four Japanese soldiers provide cover?

Four Japanese soldiers, one of whom was an officer, held a command knife.

I don’t know what’s wrong with the Japanese army. There will always be an officer next to the machine gunner to point out. For example, if he finds something is wrong, he will tell the machine gunner where to shoot. The command knife indicates the shooting target.

In this case, the Japanese officer looked a bit like an artillery observer.

Not to mention the Japanese machine gunner and assistant shooter, the other one holding a rifle is the best marksman among the Japanese army.

Naturally, the purpose of occupying the commanding heights is to provide cover, so of course you should choose the one with the best marksmanship.

But what these four Japanese soldiers didn't know was that when they turned around, four Chinese soldiers behind them were already nodding to each other.

Yang Guanyin waved his hand and the four of them appeared from behind quietly.

Shan Fei, Duan Guizhu and Jiang Tingshu all used rifles.

Sunshine Seal had said before that they would kill these four Japanese soldiers quietly. Since they did it quietly, they would not shoot.

It is naturally more convenient to use a rifle. The three of them have already installed the bayonet on the rifle. In fact, they do not install the bayonet. They just use the rifle butt. As long as the sneak attack is successful, they can still smash the head of their target. .

Yang Guanyin, who was now the platoon leader, used a box cannon. If he wanted to use a bayonet, he also had one on him, but by chance he saw a stone the size of a human head next to him.

Dele! Let’s make it happen!

So Yang Guanyin came out from behind carrying the stone with both hands.

Lying on the top of the mountain, they stared intently at the Japanese troops in front. How could they have imagined that danger was coming from behind?

So the next moment, when the four Japanese soldiers noticed movement behind them, it was already too late.

The bayonet, which was filled with all the strength of the Chinese soldiers, had already stabbed the three Japanese soldiers in the back.

As for the Japanese soldier with the command knife in his hand, he died even more happily!

When he heard movement behind him, UU read www. Before he started to turn his head, the big stone Yang Guanyin raised fell down.

The stone Yang Guanyin held up was actually about the same size as the Japanese soldier's head.

However, the sizes were similar, but the densities were different. When the big stone hit the Japanese soldier's head, there was a "snap" sound, and blood and brain matter spattered!

"Enjoyed!" Jiang Tingshu shouted as he withdrew the rifle that had been pierced into the back of the Japanese soldier.

At this time, Shan Fei warned: "Get down quickly, the little devil in front of you has retreated!"

So the four of them hurriedly got down and looked forward again. Sure enough, the Japanese soldiers in front had already dropped their butts and ran back.

Obviously, this group of Japanese soldiers did not take advantage of the front, and they must have been ambushed by other people in their battalion.

(End of chapter)


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