The War of Resistance

Chapter 1525: Waiting for fighter plane

Latest website: Jiang Tingshu's suggestion made the three people's hearts skip a beat.

The one with the least experience here is Duan Guizhu. But if Duan Guizhu could understand it, how could the other two people not understand it?

Although they have not seen the Japanese army so far, this does not mean that the Japanese army will not continue to search after dawn.

Then as soon as the gunshots are fired at their end, the Japanese troops will gather here, and it is very likely that they will be surrounded inside.

And what are the benefits of Jiang Tingshu doing this?

That is, the Japanese army will rush over, and so will our own people.

That's all the people who came to see Bian Xiaolong and Wang Xiaodan last night. I'm sure Bruce Lee and Wang Xiaodan would also come listening to the sound of gunshots.

Or we do not rule out the possibility that the Japanese army and the Northeast Army soldiers looking for Bian Xiaolong will fight together again.

If both the enemy and ourselves move closer to the place where the gunshots are heard, a new battle will be formed, and the Japanese army will naturally relax in other places, then. Bian Xiaolong and Wang Xiaodan returned from somewhere else.

But there is no doubt that once they do this, it will put themselves in danger. This really needs to be carefully measured, or do they really want to sacrifice themselves for others?

"Are you sure if you do this, we can run out?" Solo said after a moment of silence.

"I didn't know. I'm not giving you suggestions. Let's discuss it!" It turns out that Jiang Tingshu is also a confused person.

"I don't agree. There are four of us, but there are only two. In order to find two, it would be wrong to throw the four of us in." Solo Fei disagreed.

"I'll leave you here alone and take a shot." Jiang Tingshu suddenly smiled evilly.

Although Shan Fei immediately realized that Jiang Tingshu was joking with him, he still glared at Jiang Tingshu fiercely. This joke was not funny at all, it was too scary!

"Old Yang, tell me, do you have any good tricks?" Jiang Tingshu asked Yang Guanyin again.

When Jiang Tingshu asked about flying solo, he felt nervous again, and he was worried that Yang Guanyin would not agree.

But Yang Guanyin's next answer really shocked him, because Yang Guangyi said: "The method is a good one."

"Ah?" Not only was Shan Fei surprised, but Duan Guizhu was also surprised. Did he expect them to be so generous? Can you throw yourself in just to save two people?

"But -" Yang Guanyin continued.

It turns out that he had another sentence: Don’t you think you’re out of breath when you speak?

"But what?" Jiang Tingshu asked.

"But why are we anxious? I guess if we can't find the two of them, someone will definitely shoot first, but it will definitely not be us." Yang Guanyin judged.

It turns out that Yang Guanyin had such an idea, which is no different from the kind of friend who is a dead Taoist but a poor Taoist.

The risk factor is different between taking the initiative to let the Japanese troops surround him and getting in behind the Japanese troops to help him with punches.

But when Yang Guangyi said this, the other three people all laughed.

"I think it will work," said Shan Fei.

After that, the four people stopped talking, and they didn't look down the mountain. They just listened with their ears straight.

Don't mention it. After it got bright, suddenly there was a "pop, pop, pop" sound from the box cannon firing in short bursts right in front of them.

This time, no one needed to speak first. The four men ran to the right from the top of the mountain with guns in hand. Until they reached a place where they could see the bottom of the mountain, they all stretched their heads and looked down.

But after watching it for a moment, Shan Fei said, "I think the gunshot is a little far away!"

The idea of ​​flying solo was immediately despised by both people.

"In hindsight!" Jiang Tingshu said.

"Hindsight makes sense!" Duan Guizhu said.

Yang Guanyin didn't say anything and just smiled, but Shan Fei's face was still neither red nor white.

It turned out that from the top of the mountain where they were now, they could not see the shooting place or a single figure at all. Two or three hundred meters in front of them, there was another hill with woods, which directly blocked it.

The gunshot must have sounded from beyond the hills and woods.

"Let's go down!" Jiang Tingshu said anxiously.

But no one responded to his suggestion. Shan Fei and Duan Guizhu looked at Yang Guanyin.

"Don't worry, wait a moment." Yang Guanyin looked at the surrounding terrain and then said, "The terrain here is so complicated, we must not be the only ones hiding."

Jiang Tingshu looked at Yang Guanyin and felt unhappy, but after all, the four of them were the ones who had the final say, so he could only endure it.

After about six or seven minutes, they suddenly heard gunshots coming again at that time, and this time the gunfire was chaotic, and there was even the "click-click" sound of the Japanese army's crooked light machine gun.

At this time, I was not surprised but overjoyed. Although no one spoke, everyone's eyes expressed the same meaning: The Japanese are coming!

The three people looked at Yang Guanyin again.

"Wait, why are you so anxious? Our people can't bear the loss." Yang Guanyin said.

Anyone with a brain can think.

Since it was their people who started the battle first, it was natural that they would not suffer any loss if they were prepared.

Moreover, the eighth person who dared to initiate a fight was their battalion commander Shang Zhen.

This time, in order to find Bian Xiaolong and Wang Xiaodan, Shang Zhen personally led the team. This shows that Shang Zhen attaches great importance to these two people.

And with Shang Zhen's fighting style, which although he said he was cautious but was actually bold, he was really capable of doing this kind of thing.

It is not wrong to say that Cheng Peng wanted to hit the Japanese mortars this time, but he was not as careful as Shang Zhen.

Victory in battle cannot be imagined out of thin air. Commanders will try to anticipate every detail.

For example, a certain commander of the Eighth Route Army was called "General" in later generations. Didn't he go to great lengths to make careful calculations before every battle?

Only talking about the results of victory without talking about the commander's efforts is nonsense!

But now Yang Guanyin and the four of them all guessed that the shooter should be Shang Zhen, but they all thought so but no one said anything.

How can you say this? The battalion commander was fighting the Japanese in front, while they were "watching the fun" from the side!

Is this easy to say or not?

The few of them waited for a while, and the gunfire from the other end became more intense.

"Let's go over and have a look!" Jiang Tingshu said again.

Yang Guanyin didn't answer, and then scanned various places under him.

After a while, he suddenly stretched out his hand and said, "Did you see that there are two groups of people there?"

Jiang Tingshu and the three of them looked at the location pointed by Yang Guanyin, and sure enough, they saw a figure running in the woods.

They couldn't see who the specific person was, but they knew he was from their third battalion by looking at the color of the clothes.

"One more of us is not too much, and one of us is too few. Maybe we won't be of use at the critical moment!" Yang Guanyin said.

Jiang Tingshu, who was already eager to try, could only endure it again.

But after a while, UU Reading Duan Guizhu suddenly shouted in a low voice: "Look, there are Japanese Japs, where are they looking? They are coming from our right!"

It turned out that this group of Japanese troops came from behind them on the right side. They had been looking ahead. Who would have thought that there were Japanese troops coming from behind?

This group of more than 40 Japanese soldiers sneaked into the village to shoot like Japanese soldiers entering the village. They did not rush to the direction of the gunshots one by one with their waists covered.

However, this group of Japanese soldiers obviously did not notice them, otherwise they would not have been able to turn their backs here.

"I just like to shoot behind others' backs!" Yang Guanyin was amused.

Upon hearing what Yang Guanyin said, the three men hurriedly pulled the bolts of their guns and were ready to fight.

But at this moment, they suddenly saw a few of the Japanese soldiers turning around and running towards their mountain!

(End of chapter)


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