The War of Resistance

Chapter 1517: The key to escape

A Japanese cavalry squad was patrolling the mountains and fields, looking more towards the open and low places.

After all, the Chinese army that had coldly attacked them before had a lot of troops, and they did not believe that the Chinese army would disappear out of thin air.

The area designated by their captain was only that big, and it was impossible for the other party to escape from this area, even if they were not cavalry.

If the other party never appears, it can only mean that they are hiding on a certain mountain. Then when their large Japanese army comes from behind, the Chinese army will have no choice but to die.

Therefore, the Japanese sergeant in charge of the search and patrol felt that the Chinese army must still escape, and they would definitely be able to see it~

Sure enough, after the Japanese cavalry searched for a while, a soldier shouted. Following the soldier's cry, others saw the Chinese army appearing in the distance and fleeing in columns. .

The Japanese sergeant in charge quickly ordered a cavalryman to go back to report the news, and he and the remaining cavalrymen continued to follow the periphery of the Chinese army.

Not long after, gunfire rang out in the mountains and fields, but it was not the Japanese cavalry squad that was shot.

They are not that stupid. They have to be seven or eight hundred meters away from the Chinese army. They know that the Chinese army also has sharpshooters.

The gunfire this time was that the Japanese troops responsible for pursuing from behind were blocked by the Chinese troops from the front.

The Chinese army used several light machine guns and the rifle fire was very accurate. The Japanese army behind them was blocked for a while.

The Japanese army that chased them out was only a small part of the Japanese army. After all, the Chinese army just ran away after harassing them. The Japanese army who was on guard would of course choose soldiers with fast legs and good physical strength to pursue them.

So the Japanese soldiers dropped more than a dozen corpses in the open space, and the rest found hiding places, waiting for their large troops to catch up from behind and crush each other.

The Chinese troops who appeared twice were of course members of Shang Zhen's Third Battalion.

What the Japanese cavalry saw was the main force of Shang Zhen's battalion, and those who stayed behind to block the attack were a platoon led by Qiu Bo.

The entire battalion must retreat, but doesn’t that mean there must be cover?

However, because the Japanese army sent cavalry, they could not disappear from the sight of the Japanese army after all. Everything seemed so logical. They only needed a large group of Japanese troops to catch up and crush the Chinese army of hundreds of people. That was considered a success. These Chinese troops who specialize in stroking tiger beards have learned a lesson.

But for the Japanese army, this was destined to be a chasing process. They also knew that the Chinese army would not wait to die on the spot, so the Japanese cavalry responsible for tracking were full of energy. At the same time, they also reminded each other that they could not The target was lost because the terrain became increasingly complex.

It's just that this is a mountainous area. Is this something they can definitely target if they want to?

A long and narrow mountain ridge in front once again blocked the path of the Japanese cavalry. Now the Chinese army passed on the right side of the ridge.

And of course their Japanese squad, which only had about a dozen cavalrymen, did not dare to catch up from behind.

Although they looked down on the so-called China Army in their hearts, they also understood that if they dared to catch up from behind, the people in charge of the China Army's rearguard would be able to knock them off their horses in minutes.

Otherwise, how did their more than forty cavalry companions die earlier?

Therefore, the Japanese sergeant who led the team could only order the soldiers to urge their horses to pass quickly from the left side of the mountain. Although the Chinese army briefly disappeared from their sight due to the terrain, he felt that they should be We'll see each other soon.

The terrain on the left side of the mountain is relatively flat, and the Japanese cavalry galloped around the mountain.

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